

Robert Sink

  • Login: insink71
  • Registered on: 08/01/2012
  • Last connection: 01/15/2014


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11:38 PM Replicant Feature #657: Replicant Development Tools (RDT) package build and release
I'll look into this, but I'm just one person. I'd be lucky to come up with a working RDT down the road a wee bit; [i... Robert Sink
10:45 PM Replicant Issue #243: Galaxy Nexus: Minor issues with FOSS modem drivers.
honestly, I think this issue should be marked as resolved/closed. USSD codes usually only work on the [closed source... Robert Sink


11:28 PM Replicant Devices evaluations: RE: HP Touchpad
found this link/info interesting.. [[ Robert Sink


07:59 PM Replicant Devices evaluations: RE: HP Touchpad
at the least... (posting just so others can see as well):
@# Shared Object Libraries
Robert Sink
12:37 AM Replicant Devices evaluations: RE: HP Touchpad
Tell you guys what.. albeit I know I lack reverse engineering tool(s), I can start documenting this device (as an uno... Robert Sink


05:31 PM Replicant Devices evaluations: RE: HP Touchpad
I do remember this thing had wonky/no USB power feed ref: .. Sh... Robert Sink
05:07 PM Replicant Devices evaluations: RE: HP Touchpad
Agreed USB driver is major. As much or more so than the suspected novacom was. If I can't talk to my device (which ... Robert Sink
07:44 AM Replicant Devices evaluations: RE: HP Touchpad
Correct there is no modem but only WiFi connectivity. Camera "driver" though, upon closer inspection... seems to be a... Robert Sink
07:13 AM Replicant Devices evaluations: RE: HP Touchpad
Actually, Novacom installer(s) went open source. Ref:
Robert Sink


05:32 AM Replicant Devices evaluations: HP Touchpad
Granted this is an aging tablet now, but I have been quite impressed sitting back and watching development for the or... Robert Sink

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