

Sarah Scarlett


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07:23 PM Replicant Replicant build: RE: Permission denied
I haven't made much progress with eclipse :( Works been crazy and I've been getting a lot of contracts lately so I ho... Sarah Scarlett


06:26 PM Replicant Replicant build: RE: Permission denied --update
I just thought I'd update in case someone made the same dumbass mistake I did. What happened was that I bought a chea... Sarah Scarlett


11:24 AM Replicant Replicant build: Permission denied
I'm trying to get the SDK and following the directions to the best of my ability but I'm stuck here when this...
Sarah Scarlett


07:26 PM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Could someone please test if this works on Replicant?
Ah, ok, thanks for the shopping tip:)I was thinking about this at work last night and I guess it was naive of me to t... Sarah Scarlett
01:05 PM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Could someone please test if this works on Replicant?
There's a replicant emulator?!?! Is it Free software? Where? Yes please! :)
I know there's an android one in their ...
Sarah Scarlett


10:36 PM Replicant Replicant usage: RE: Could someone please test if this works on Replicant?
Ah, ok then :( I'll change the read me file and description for now but I'm not going to be happy until I can also sa... Sarah Scarlett
06:32 PM Replicant Replicant usage: Could someone please test if this works on Replicant?

Long story short, I can't afford an android device to put replicant on so I can't test the app I wrote with replica...
Sarah Scarlett

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