You may have to install replicant again at the end of this procedure. You should be in a directory containing these files: * The script * The files from your EFS partition's backup in in a directory named efs/. * A list like the one found on this Page named file-list.txt in our commands: Note that lists printed by some ls programs that use a different format for the date, are not properly parsed by and it will not change the permissions then. Do this connected to the Recovery: adb shell 'mkdir /efs' adb shell 'mkfs.ext4 /dev/block/platform/*/by-name/EFS' adb shell 'mount /dev/block/platform/*/by-name/EFS /efs' tar -cf efs.tar efs adb push efs.tar /efs adb push /efs adb push file-list.txt /efs adb shell 'cd /efs && tar -xf efs.tar' adb shell 'chmod a+x /efs/' adb shell 'cd /efs && ./ file-list.txt' If a file that is not found just has a slightly different name in your backup, try changing the mode bits, owner and group "by hand": 00002.PRV not found. The line was: -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 3 Jan 28 2014 00002.PRV $ adb shell "find /efs -name '*PRV'" /efs/efs/drm/playready/00003.PRV $adb shell 'chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw /efs/efs/drm/playready/00003.PRV' $adb shell 'chown root /efs/efs/drm/playready/00003.PRV' $adb shell 'chgrp root /efs/efs/drm/playready/00003.PRV' Continue: adb shell 'mv /efs/efs/* /efs' adb shell 'cd /efs && rm -R efs efs.tar file-list.txt' adb shell 'umount /efs' adb shell 'rm -R /efs' adb shell 'cat /dev/block/platform/*/by-name/EFS > /EFS.img' mv EFS.img EFS.backup.img adb pull /EFS.img . If the phone only boots into the Recovery anymore, install Replicant again via the Recovery's Update Button, but you need not wipe stuff, in contrast to the usual installation procedure.