02-25 18:59:31.185 1977 1977 D RILD : **RIL Daemon Started** 02-25 18:59:31.185 1977 1977 D RILD : **RILd param count=1** 02-25 18:59:31.300 1977 1977 W RILD : RIL_SAP_Init not defined or exported in /system/lib/libsamsung-ril.so: undefined symbol: RIL_SAP_Init 02-25 18:59:31.300 1977 1977 D RILD : RIL_Init argc = 5 clientId = 0 02-25 18:59:31.300 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL: Created IPC FMT client 02-25 18:59:31.300 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL: Created IPC RFS client 02-25 18:59:31.300 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL: Created SRS client 02-25 18:59:31.300 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Starting i9300 modem boot 02-25 18:59:31.300 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem image device 02-25 18:59:31.300 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Mapped modem image data to memory 02-25 18:59:31.310 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem boot device 02-25 18:59:31.310 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem link device 02-25 18:59:31.555 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Turned the modem off 02-25 18:59:32.060 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Turned the modem on 02-25 18:59:32.365 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waited for link connected 02-25 18:59:32.365 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote ATAT in ASCII 02-25 18:59:32.365 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read chip id (0x16) 02-25 18:59:32.365 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI header 02-25 18:59:32.375 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI, CRC is 0xc8 02-25 18:59:32.375 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI CRC (0xc8) 02-25 18:59:32.405 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read PSI CRC ACK 02-25 18:59:32.420 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read PSI ACK 02-25 18:59:32.420 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC PSI 02-25 18:59:32.420 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL size 02-25 18:59:32.420 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL, CRC is 0xb5 02-25 18:59:32.420 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL CRC (0xb5) 02-25 18:59:32.455 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC EBL 02-25 18:59:32.475 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read port config 02-25 18:59:32.475 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC port config 02-25 18:59:32.520 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC SEC start 02-25 18:59:32.920 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC firmware 02-25 18:59:32.920 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data path 02-25 18:59:32.920 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data md5 path 02-25 18:59:32.985 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Calculated nv_data md5: d9514b18890a83124d0b7167f6a01148 02-25 18:59:33.080 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read nv_data md5: d9514b18890a83124d0b7167f6a01148 02-25 18:59:33.080 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data backup path 02-25 18:59:33.090 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Loaded nv_data 02-25 18:59:33.320 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC nv_data 02-25 18:59:33.435 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC SEC end 02-25 18:59:33.435 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC HW reset 02-25 18:59:34.235 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waiting for host wake failed 02-25 18:59:34.810 1983 1983 D TelephonyManager: /proc/cmdline=console=ttySAC2,115200 consoleblank=0 androidboot.hardware=smdk4x12 console=ram loglevel=4 sec_debug.level=0 sec_watchdog.sec_pet=5 androidboot.debug_level=0x4f4c sec_log=0x100000@0x46000000 s3cfb.bootloaderfb=0x5ec00000 lcdtype=96 consoleblank=0 lpcharge=0 lpj=3981312 vmalloc=144m oops=panic pmic_info=65 cordon=8a6719c18eed008b68c4d83fbaaadcca connie=GT-I9300_OPEN_EUR_fb16f6927887ca5091f69a49ee5afcd8 androidboot.emmc_checksum=3 androidboot.odin_download=1 androidboot.bootloader=I9300XXUGNH4 androidboot.serialno=4df185d41f2bafcf snd_soc_core.pmdown_time=1000 02-25 18:59:34.890 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waiting for host wake failed 02-25 18:59:34.915 1977 1977 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Booting IPC FMT client failed 02-25 18:59:34.915 1977 1977 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL: Opening IPC FMT client failed 02-25 18:59:34.960 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Starting i9300 modem boot 02-25 18:59:34.960 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem image device 02-25 18:59:34.960 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Mapped modem image data to memory 02-25 18:59:34.965 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem boot device 02-25 18:59:34.965 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem link device 02-25 18:59:35.065 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Turned the modem off 02-25 18:59:35.510 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Turned the modem on 02-25 18:59:35.810 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waited for link connected 02-25 18:59:35.810 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote ATAT in ASCII 02-25 18:59:35.810 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read chip id (0x16) 02-25 18:59:35.810 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI header 02-25 18:59:35.820 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI, CRC is 0xc8 02-25 18:59:35.820 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI CRC (0xc8) 02-25 18:59:35.850 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read PSI CRC ACK 02-25 18:59:35.865 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read PSI ACK 02-25 18:59:35.865 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC PSI 02-25 18:59:35.865 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL size 02-25 18:59:35.865 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL, CRC is 0xb5 02-25 18:59:35.865 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL CRC (0xb5) 02-25 18:59:35.900 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC EBL 02-25 18:59:35.920 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read port config 02-25 18:59:35.920 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC port config 02-25 18:59:35.930 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC SEC start 02-25 18:59:36.200 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC firmware 02-25 18:59:36.200 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data path 02-25 18:59:36.200 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data md5 path 02-25 18:59:36.225 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Calculated nv_data md5: d9514b18890a83124d0b7167f6a01148 02-25 18:59:36.225 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read nv_data md5: d9514b18890a83124d0b7167f6a01148 02-25 18:59:36.225 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data backup path 02-25 18:59:36.235 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Loaded nv_data 02-25 18:59:36.645 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC nv_data 02-25 18:59:36.745 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC SEC end 02-25 18:59:36.745 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC HW reset 02-25 18:59:37.550 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waiting for host wake failed 02-25 18:59:38.235 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waiting for host wake failed 02-25 18:59:38.255 1977 1977 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Booting IPC FMT client failed 02-25 18:59:38.255 1977 1977 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL: Opening IPC FMT client failed 02-25 18:59:38.305 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Starting i9300 modem boot 02-25 18:59:38.305 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem image device 02-25 18:59:38.305 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Mapped modem image data to memory 02-25 18:59:38.310 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem boot device 02-25 18:59:38.310 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem link device 02-25 18:59:38.410 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Turned the modem off 02-25 18:59:38.860 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Turned the modem on 02-25 18:59:39.110 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waited for link connected 02-25 18:59:39.110 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote ATAT in ASCII 02-25 18:59:39.110 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read chip id (0x16) 02-25 18:59:39.110 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI header 02-25 18:59:39.120 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI, CRC is 0xc8 02-25 18:59:39.120 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI CRC (0xc8) 02-25 18:59:39.150 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read PSI CRC ACK 02-25 18:59:39.165 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read PSI ACK 02-25 18:59:39.165 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC PSI 02-25 18:59:39.165 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL size 02-25 18:59:39.165 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL, CRC is 0xb5 02-25 18:59:39.165 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL CRC (0xb5) 02-25 18:59:39.170 2585 2585 D TelephonyManager: /proc/cmdline=console=ttySAC2,115200 consoleblank=0 androidboot.hardware=smdk4x12 console=ram loglevel=4 sec_debug.level=0 sec_watchdog.sec_pet=5 androidboot.debug_level=0x4f4c sec_log=0x100000@0x46000000 s3cfb.bootloaderfb=0x5ec00000 lcdtype=96 consoleblank=0 lpcharge=0 lpj=3981312 vmalloc=144m oops=panic pmic_info=65 cordon=8a6719c18eed008b68c4d83fbaaadcca connie=GT-I9300_OPEN_EUR_fb16f6927887ca5091f69a49ee5afcd8 androidboot.emmc_checksum=3 androidboot.odin_download=1 androidboot.bootloader=I9300XXUGNH4 androidboot.serialno=4df185d41f2bafcf snd_soc_core.pmdown_time=1000 02-25 18:59:39.200 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC EBL 02-25 18:59:39.220 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read port config 02-25 18:59:39.225 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC port config 02-25 18:59:39.235 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC SEC start 02-25 18:59:39.480 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC firmware 02-25 18:59:39.480 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data path 02-25 18:59:39.480 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data md5 path 02-25 18:59:39.500 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Calculated nv_data md5: d9514b18890a83124d0b7167f6a01148 02-25 18:59:39.500 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read nv_data md5: d9514b18890a83124d0b7167f6a01148 02-25 18:59:39.500 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data backup path 02-25 18:59:39.510 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Loaded nv_data 02-25 18:59:39.930 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC nv_data 02-25 18:59:40.045 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC SEC end 02-25 18:59:40.045 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC HW reset 02-25 18:59:40.850 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waiting for host wake failed 02-25 18:59:41.535 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waiting for host wake failed 02-25 18:59:41.555 1977 1977 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Booting IPC FMT client failed 02-25 18:59:41.560 1977 1977 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL: Opening IPC FMT client failed 02-25 18:59:41.610 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Starting i9300 modem boot 02-25 18:59:41.610 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem image device 02-25 18:59:41.610 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Mapped modem image data to memory 02-25 18:59:41.610 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem boot device 02-25 18:59:41.610 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem link device 02-25 18:59:41.710 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Turned the modem off 02-25 18:59:42.150 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Turned the modem on 02-25 18:59:42.455 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waited for link connected 02-25 18:59:42.455 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote ATAT in ASCII 02-25 18:59:42.455 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read chip id (0x16) 02-25 18:59:42.455 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI header 02-25 18:59:42.465 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI, CRC is 0xc8 02-25 18:59:42.465 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI CRC (0xc8) 02-25 18:59:42.500 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read PSI CRC ACK 02-25 18:59:42.510 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read PSI ACK 02-25 18:59:42.510 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC PSI 02-25 18:59:42.510 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL size 02-25 18:59:42.515 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL, CRC is 0xb5 02-25 18:59:42.515 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL CRC (0xb5) 02-25 18:59:42.550 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC EBL 02-25 18:59:42.570 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read port config 02-25 18:59:42.570 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC port config 02-25 18:59:42.600 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC SEC start 02-25 18:59:43.250 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC firmware 02-25 18:59:43.250 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data path 02-25 18:59:43.250 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data md5 path 02-25 18:59:43.290 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Calculated nv_data md5: d9514b18890a83124d0b7167f6a01148 02-25 18:59:43.290 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read nv_data md5: d9514b18890a83124d0b7167f6a01148 02-25 18:59:43.290 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data backup path 02-25 18:59:43.300 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Loaded nv_data 02-25 18:59:43.430 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC nv_data 02-25 18:59:43.540 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC SEC end 02-25 18:59:43.540 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC HW reset 02-25 18:59:44.345 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waiting for host wake failed 02-25 18:59:45.005 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waiting for host wake failed 02-25 18:59:45.060 1977 1977 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Booting IPC FMT client failed 02-25 18:59:45.060 1977 1977 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL: Opening IPC FMT client failed 02-25 18:59:45.105 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Starting i9300 modem boot 02-25 18:59:45.105 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem image device 02-25 18:59:45.105 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Mapped modem image data to memory 02-25 18:59:45.115 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem boot device 02-25 18:59:45.115 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Opened modem link device 02-25 18:59:45.210 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Turned the modem off 02-25 18:59:45.710 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Turned the modem on 02-25 18:59:45.960 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waited for link connected 02-25 18:59:45.960 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote ATAT in ASCII 02-25 18:59:45.960 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read chip id (0x16) 02-25 18:59:45.960 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI header 02-25 18:59:46.005 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI, CRC is 0xc8 02-25 18:59:46.005 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote PSI CRC (0xc8) 02-25 18:59:46.040 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read PSI CRC ACK 02-25 18:59:46.050 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read PSI ACK 02-25 18:59:46.050 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC PSI 02-25 18:59:46.050 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL size 02-25 18:59:46.055 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL, CRC is 0xb5 02-25 18:59:46.055 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Wrote EBL CRC (0xb5) 02-25 18:59:46.085 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC EBL 02-25 18:59:46.105 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read port config 02-25 18:59:46.115 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC port config 02-25 18:59:46.150 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC SEC start 02-25 18:59:46.590 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC firmware 02-25 18:59:46.590 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data path 02-25 18:59:46.590 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data md5 path 02-25 18:59:46.620 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Calculated nv_data md5: d9514b18890a83124d0b7167f6a01148 02-25 18:59:46.620 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Read nv_data md5: d9514b18890a83124d0b7167f6a01148 02-25 18:59:46.620 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Checked nv_data backup path 02-25 18:59:46.625 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Loaded nv_data 02-25 18:59:46.860 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC nv_data 02-25 18:59:46.970 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC SEC end 02-25 18:59:46.970 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Sent XMM626 HSIC HW reset 02-25 18:59:47.770 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waiting for host wake failed 02-25 18:59:48.465 1977 1977 D use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Waiting for host wake failed 02-25 18:59:48.570 1977 1977 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-IPC: Booting IPC FMT client failed 02-25 18:59:48.570 1977 1977 E use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL: Opening IPC FMT client failed 02-25 18:59:48.620 1977 1977 D RILD : RIL_Init rilInit completed 02-25 18:59:48.620 1977 1977 I RILC : SIM_COUNT: 1 02-25 18:59:48.620 1977 1977 E RILC : RIL_register: RIL_RadioFunctions * null 02-25 18:59:48.620 1977 1977 D RILD : RIL_Init RIL_register completed 02-25 18:59:48.620 1977 1977 D RILD : RIL_register_socket completed 02-25 18:59:48.620 1977 1977 D RILD : RIL_Init starting sleep loop 02-25 18:59:51.120 2790 2803 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 02-25 18:59:52.845 2790 2790 D TelephonyRegistry: systemRunning register for intents 02-25 18:59:53.770 3441 3441 D TelephonyPluginDelegate: Extension = @/system/framework/ 02-25 18:59:53.770 3441 3441 D TelephonyPluginDelegate: classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[directory "/system/framework"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]] 02-25 18:59:53.770 3441 3441 D TelephonyPluginDelegate: No customized TelephonyPlugin available, fallback to default 02-25 18:59:53.775 3441 3441 D TelephonyPluginDelegate: cls = class com.android.internal.telephony.DefaultTelephonyPlugin 02-25 18:59:53.775 3441 3441 D TelephonyPluginDelegate: constructor method = public com.android.internal.telephony.DefaultTelephonyPlugin() 02-25 18:59:53.785 3441 3441 D TDC : updateOrInsert: inserting: Modem { uuid=modem, state=0, rilModel=0, rat={}, maxActiveVoiceCall=1, maxActiveDataCall=1, maxStandby=1 } 02-25 18:59:53.785 3441 3441 D TDC : updateOrInsert: inserting: Sim { uuid=sim, modemUuid=modem, state=0 } 02-25 18:59:53.790 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' 02-25 18:59:53.805 3441 3441 D CdmaSSM : subscriptionSource from settings: 0 02-25 18:59:53.805 3441 3441 I PhoneFactory: Cdma Subscription set to 0 02-25 18:59:53.820 3441 3441 I PhoneFactory: RILClassname is RIL 02-25 18:59:53.820 3441 3441 I PhoneFactory: Network Mode set to 0 02-25 18:59:53.830 3441 3441 D RILJ : RIL(context, preferredNetworkType=0 cdmaSubscription=0) 02-25 18:59:53.860 3441 3441 D RILJ : Starting RILReceiver0 [SUB0] 02-25 18:59:53.860 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3648]> GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG [SUB0] 02-25 18:59:53.865 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3648]< GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 18:59:53.865 3441 3441 I PhoneFactory: Creating SubscriptionController 02-25 18:59:53.865 3441 3567 I RILJ : Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout 02-25 18:59:53.870 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [SubscriptionController] init by Context 02-25 18:59:53.875 3441 3441 D UiccController: Creating UiccController 02-25 18:59:53.905 3441 3441 D TelephonyTester: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_detached 02-25 18:59:53.905 3441 3441 D TelephonyTester: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_attached 02-25 18:59:53.920 3441 3441 D PhoneBase: mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=false 02-25 18:59:53.920 3441 3441 D PhoneBase: mCallRingDelay=3000 02-25 18:59:53.935 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3649]> RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE [SUB0] 02-25 18:59:53.935 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3649]< RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 18:59:53.935 3441 3441 D PhoneBase: mOosIsDisconnect=true 02-25 18:59:53.940 3441 3441 D RILJ : setPhoneType=1 old value=0 [SUB0] 02-25 18:59:53.955 2790 3419 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 02-25 18:59:53.955 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.network.type value: Unknown propVal=Unknown 02-25 18:59:53.960 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3650]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH [SUB0] 02-25 18:59:53.965 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3650]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 18:59:53.995 3441 3441 D : [0]DCT.constructor 02-25 18:59:54.000 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.000 3441 3441 D : [0]getDataEnabled: getIntWithSubId retVal=false 02-25 18:59:54.005 2790 3480 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 02-25 18:59:54.010 3441 3441 D Dcc : E ctor 02-25 18:59:54.010 3441 3441 D Dcc : X ctor 02-25 18:59:54.025 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1 02-25 18:59:54.025 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.025 3441 3582 D DcTesterDeacativeAll: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.action_deactivate_all 02-25 18:59:54.025 3441 3582 D DcTesterDeacativeAll: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_detached 02-25 18:59:54.030 3441 3441 D DcTesterFailBrinupAll: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.action_fail_bringup 02-25 18:59:54.030 3441 3441 D DcTesterFailBrinupAll: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_detached 02-25 18:59:54.030 3441 3441 D DcTesterFailBrinupAll: register for intent action=com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.action_attached 02-25 18:59:54.035 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]GsmDCT.constructor 02-25 18:59:54.035 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0 02-25 18:59:54.035 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.network.type value: Unknown propVal=Unknown 02-25 18:59:54.040 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.040 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]update sub = -2 02-25 18:59:54.040 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]update(): Active DDS, register for all events now! 02-25 18:59:54.040 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onUpdateIcc: newIccRecords null 02-25 18:59:54.040 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataEnabled: getIntWithSubId retVal=false 02-25 18:59:54.050 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.050 3441 3441 D GSMPhone: [GSMPhone] updateCurrentCarrierInProvider: mSubId = -2 currentDds = -1 operatorNumeric = null 02-25 18:59:54.055 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]initApnContexts: E 02-25 18:59:54.055 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=1 02-25 18:59:54.055 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.055 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.055 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.055 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.055 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.055 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=7 02-25 18:59:54.055 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=13 02-25 18:59:54.055 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]initApnContexts: X mApnContexts={default={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}, mms={mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}, supl={mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}, dun={mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}, hipri={mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}} 02-25 18:59:54.125 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.current.phone-type value: 1 propVal=1 02-25 18:59:54.125 3441 3441 D GSMPhone: [GSMPhone] GSMPhone: constructor: sub = 0 02-25 18:59:54.125 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.current.phone-type value: 1 propVal=1 02-25 18:59:54.130 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.165 3441 3441 I PhoneFactory: Creating Phone with type = 1 sub = 0 02-25 18:59:54.180 3441 3441 E RIL_ImsSms: getFormat should never be called from here! 02-25 18:59:54.180 3441 3441 D SMSDispatcher: SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=unknown mSmsSendDisabled=false 02-25 18:59:54.180 3441 3441 D RIL_ImsSms: ImsSMSDispatcher created 02-25 18:59:54.185 3441 3441 D SMSDispatcher: SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp2 mSmsSendDisabled=false 02-25 18:59:54.185 3441 3441 D CdmaSMSDispatcher: CdmaSMSDispatcher created 02-25 18:59:54.275 3441 3441 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: created InboundSmsHandler 02-25 18:59:54.300 3441 3441 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: created InboundSmsHandler 02-25 18:59:54.315 3441 3441 D SMSDispatcher: SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp mSmsSendDisabled=false 02-25 18:59:54.315 3441 3441 D GsmSMSDispatcher: GsmSMSDispatcher created 02-25 18:59:54.330 3441 3633 D SmsBroadcastUndelivered: scanning raw table for undelivered messages 02-25 18:59:54.340 3441 3441 D IccCardProxy: ctor: ci=com.android.internal.telephony.RIL@7717f03 phoneId=0 02-25 18:59:54.340 3441 3441 D CdmaSSM : subscriptionSource from settings: 0 02-25 18:59:54.340 3441 3441 D CdmaSSM : cdmaSSM constructor: 0 02-25 18:59:54.345 3441 3441 D IccCardProxy: update icc_operator_numeric= 02-25 18:59:54.345 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.operator.numeric value: propVal= 02-25 18:59:54.345 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.operator.iso-country value: propVal= 02-25 18:59:54.350 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.operator.alpha value: propVal= 02-25 18:59:54.350 3441 3441 E IccCardProxy: setExternalState: set mPhoneId=0 mExternalState=NOT_READY 02-25 18:59:54.350 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.state value: NOT_READY propVal=NOT_READY 02-25 18:59:54.350 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.350 3441 3441 D IccCardProxy: broadcastIccStateChangedIntent intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED value=NOT_READY reason=null for mPhoneId=0 02-25 18:59:54.360 3441 3441 D IccCardProxy: Setting radio tech UMTS 02-25 18:59:54.360 3441 3441 D IccCardProxy: updateQuietMode: 3GPP subscription -> newQuietMode=false 02-25 18:59:54.360 3441 3441 D IccCardProxy: updateQuietMode: no changes don't setExternalState 02-25 18:59:54.360 3441 3441 D IccCardProxy: updateQuietMode: QuietMode is false (app_type=1 cdmaSource=-1) 02-25 18:59:54.365 3441 3441 D ProxyController: Constructor - Enter 02-25 18:59:54.365 3441 3441 D DctController: makeDctController: new DctController phones.length=1 02-25 18:59:54.365 3441 3441 D DctController: DctController(): phones.length=1 02-25 18:59:54.370 3441 3441 D DcSwitchSM: [DcSwitchStateMachine-0] DcSwitchState constructor E 02-25 18:59:54.370 3441 3441 D DcSwitchSM: [DcSwitchStateMachine-0] DcSwitchState constructor X 02-25 18:59:54.375 3441 3642 D DcSwitchSM: [DcSwitchStateMachine-0] IdleState: enter 02-25 18:59:54.380 3441 3441 D DctController: DctController(phones): Connect success: 0 02-25 18:59:54.380 3441 3441 D DctController: updatePhoneBaseForIndex for phone index=0 02-25 18:59:54.380 3441 3441 D DctController: unregister TelephonyNetworkFactory for phone index=0 02-25 18:59:54.385 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.385 3441 3441 D DctController: [TNF -2]NetworkCapabilities: [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: MMS&SUPL&DUN&FOTA&IMS&CBS&IA&RCS&XCAP&EIMS&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] 02-25 18:59:54.390 2790 3419 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 02-25 18:59:54.390 3441 3633 D SmsBroadcastUndelivered: finished scanning raw table in 61 ms 02-25 18:59:54.390 3441 3603 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: StartupState.processMessage:6 02-25 18:59:54.395 3441 3603 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: entering Idle state 02-25 18:59:54.395 3441 3603 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: IdleState.processMessage:5 02-25 18:59:54.395 3441 3603 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: Idle state processing message type 5 02-25 18:59:54.395 3441 3629 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: StartupState.processMessage:6 02-25 18:59:54.395 3441 3629 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: entering Idle state 02-25 18:59:54.395 3441 3629 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: IdleState.processMessage:5 02-25 18:59:54.395 3441 3629 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: Idle state processing message type 5 02-25 18:59:54.400 3441 3441 D DctController: makeDctController: X sDctController=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DctController) {9f0d42d} 02-25 18:59:54.405 3441 3441 D ProxyController: clearTransaction 02-25 18:59:54.405 3441 3441 D ProxyController: clearTransaction: phoneId=0 status=IDLE 02-25 18:59:54.405 3441 3441 D ProxyController: Constructor - Exit 02-25 18:59:54.405 3441 3629 D CdmaInboundSmsHandler: mWakeLock released wakelockcount = 0 02-25 18:59:54.410 3441 3603 D GsmInboundSmsHandler: mWakeLock released wakelockcount = 0 02-25 18:59:54.440 3441 3441 I PhoneFactory: defaultSmsApplication: com.android.messaging 02-25 18:59:54.445 3441 3441 I PhoneFactory: Creating SubInfoRecordUpdater 02-25 18:59:54.445 3441 3441 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: Constructor invoked 02-25 18:59:54.465 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.465 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+ 02-25 18:59:54.475 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: selection:sim_id>=0 null 02-25 18:59:54.505 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]- no info return 02-25 18:59:54.505 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoForSubscriber]- subId=-2 subList=null subInfo=null 02-25 18:59:54.505 3441 3441 E SubscriptionController: getUserNwMode: invalid subId = -2 02-25 18:59:54.505 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:54.505 3521 3521 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.510 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:54.510 3521 3521 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.510 3441 3441 D CallManager: registerPhone(GSM Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.PhoneProxy) {706cdae}) 02-25 18:59:54.525 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3651]> SET_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION [SUB0] 02-25 18:59:54.525 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3651]< SET_SUPP_SVC_NOTIFICATION error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 18:59:54.565 2790 3137 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 02-25 18:59:54.630 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3652]> RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE : 0 [SUB0] 02-25 18:59:54.630 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3652]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 18:59:54.645 2790 3402 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback 02-25 18:59:54.645 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1 02-25 18:59:54.645 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.645 3441 3441 D UiccController: EVENT_RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, dispose card 02-25 18:59:54.645 3441 3441 D PhoneBase: config LCE service failed: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3653]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS [SUB0] 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3653]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] mDeviceShuttingDown = false 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] mDesiredPowerState = true 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] getRadioState = RADIO_UNAVAILABLE 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] mPowerOffDelayNeed = true 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] mAlarmSwitch = false 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D PHONE : [ServiceState] setNullState=1 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[1 1 voice home data home null null null null null null Unknown Unknown CSS not supported 0 0 RoamInd=0 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false IsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false] newSS=[1 1 voice home data home null null null null null null Unknown Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false IsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D PHONE : [ServiceState] setNullState=1 02-25 18:59:54.650 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out of service, set plmn='No service.' 02-25 18:59:54.655 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.655 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=0 showPlmn='true' plmn='No service.' showSpn='false' spn='' dataSpn='' subId='-2' 02-25 18:59:54.660 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.665 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.665 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [setPlmnSpn] No valid subscription to store info 02-25 18:59:54.665 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: notifySubscriptionInfoChanged: 02-25 18:59:54.670 2790 3480 D TelephonyRegistry: notifySubscriptionInfoChanged: first invocation mRecords.size=12 02-25 18:59:54.670 2790 2790 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyCellLocationForSubscriber: subId=0 cellLocation=Bundle[{}] 02-25 18:59:54.670 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- no sims, returning default phoneId=2147483647 02-25 18:59:54.670 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.alpha value: propVal= 02-25 18:59:54.670 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.numeric value: propVal= 02-25 18:59:54.670 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] operatorNumeric is null 02-25 18:59:54.670 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.iso-country value: propVal= 02-25 18:59:54.675 3441 3441 D TelephonyManager: setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.isroaming value: false propVal=false 02-25 18:59:54.675 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] Broadcasting ServiceState : 1 1 voice home data home null null null null null null Unknown Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false IsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false 02-25 18:59:54.675 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.680 3441 3441 D DefaultPhoneNotifier: nofityServiceState: mRegistry=com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub$Proxy@eac5147 ss=1 1 voice home data home null null null null null null Unknown Unknown CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false IsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false sender=Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GSMPhone) {324c74f} phondId=0 subId=-2 02-25 18:59:54.685 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 18:59:54.685 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:54.685 2790 3419 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.685 2790 3419 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 18:59:54.705 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-704ms what=270369 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40c6d74 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker } 02-25 18:59:54.705 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onUpdateIcc: newIccRecords null 02-25 18:59:54.705 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-669ms what=270342 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@e5c229d target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker } 02-25 18:59:54.705 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onRadioOffOrNotAvailable: is off and clean up all connections 02-25 18:59:54.705 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpAllConnections: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff 02-25 18:59:54.705 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.705 3441 3441 D GSMPhone: getDataConnectionState: Data is Out of Service. ret = DISCONNECTED 02-25 18:59:54.705 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.710 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.710 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.735 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataForSinglePdn: reason = radioTurnedOff isDisconnected = true 02-25 18:59:54.735 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isOnlySingleDcAllowed(0): false 02-25 18:59:54.735 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 02-25 18:59:54.735 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.735 3441 3441 D GSMPhone: getDataConnectionState: Data is Out of Service. ret = DISCONNECTED 02-25 18:59:54.735 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.735 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.765 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.870 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataForSinglePdn: reason = radioTurnedOff isDisconnected = true 02-25 18:59:54.870 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isOnlySingleDcAllowed(0): false 02-25 18:59:54.870 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 02-25 18:59:54.870 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.870 3441 3441 D GSMPhone: getDataConnectionState: Data is Out of Service. ret = DISCONNECTED 02-25 18:59:54.870 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.870 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.870 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.875 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataForSinglePdn: reason = radioTurnedOff isDisconnected = true 02-25 18:59:54.875 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isOnlySingleDcAllowed(0): false 02-25 18:59:54.875 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 02-25 18:59:54.875 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.875 3441 3441 D GSMPhone: getDataConnectionState: Data is Out of Service. ret = DISCONNECTED 02-25 18:59:54.875 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.875 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.875 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.880 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataForSinglePdn: reason = radioTurnedOff isDisconnected = true 02-25 18:59:54.880 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isOnlySingleDcAllowed(0): false 02-25 18:59:54.880 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 02-25 18:59:54.880 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.880 3441 3441 D GSMPhone: getDataConnectionState: Data is Out of Service. ret = DISCONNECTED 02-25 18:59:54.880 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.890 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.890 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.895 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataForSinglePdn: reason = radioTurnedOff isDisconnected = true 02-25 18:59:54.895 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isOnlySingleDcAllowed(0): false 02-25 18:59:54.895 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null 02-25 18:59:54.895 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]stopNetStatPoll 02-25 18:59:54.895 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.895 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]cleanUpConnection: mDisconnectPendingCount = 0 02-25 18:59:54.895 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.895 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.905 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.905 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.910 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.910 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.915 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.920 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.920 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.925 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.925 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.930 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.935 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.935 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.935 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.940 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-905ms what=270345 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@234c312 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker } 02-25 18:59:54.940 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onDataConnectionDetached: stop polling and notify detached 02-25 18:59:54.940 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]stopNetStatPoll 02-25 18:59:54.940 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.940 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]notifyDataConnection: reason=dataDetached 02-25 18:59:54.945 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.945 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.945 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.945 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.945 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.950 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.950 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.950 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.950 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.955 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.955 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.955 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.955 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Attached= false - SIM not loaded - SIM not loaded and not NV subscription - defaultDataSelected= false 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-926ms what=270348 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@5d2bae3 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker } 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onRoamingOff 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-919ms what=270377 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@e3cece0 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker } 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onUpdateIcc: newIccRecords null 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataOnConnectableApns: nwTypeChanged 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataOnConnectableApns: apnContext {mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataOnConnectableApns: apnContext {mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataOnConnectableApns: apnContext {mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataOnConnectableApns: apnContext {mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]setupDataOnConnectableApns: apnContext {mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mWaitingApnsPermanentFailureCountDown=0 mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 E PhoneProxy: [PhoneProxy] Error! This handler was not registered for this message type. Message: 9 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D GsmSMSDispatcher: GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = -2 slotId = 0 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 E IccCardProxy: setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from NOT_READY 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 E IccCardProxy: setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from NOT_READY 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 E IccCardProxy: setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from NOT_READY 02-25 18:59:54.960 3441 3441 D DctController: EVENT_PHONE1_DATA_DETACH. 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3642 D DcSwitchSM: [DcSwitchStateMachine-0] DefaultState: shouldn't happen but ignore msg.what=0x44008 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D DctController: [TNF -2]got request NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D DctController: [TNF -2]Cellular needs Network for NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D DctController: [TNF -2]Request not useable, pending request. 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: [Receiver]+ 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: Action: android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: slotId: 0 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: simStatus: NOT_READY 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: Ignoring simStatus: NOT_READY 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: Wait for SIM1 IccId 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D SubscriptionInfoUpdater: [Receiver]- 02-25 18:59:54.965 3441 3441 D DebugService: DebugService DebugService: 02-25 18:59:54.980 3441 3441 D SipService: SipService: started! 02-25 18:59:55.005 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+ 02-25 18:59:55.010 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: selection:sim_id>=0 null 02-25 18:59:55.010 3441 3441 D SipService: start: 02-25 18:59:55.010 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3654]> RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE [SUB0] 02-25 18:59:55.010 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3654]< RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 18:59:55.010 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]handleMessage msg={ when=-363ms what=270369 obj=android.os.AsyncResult@f6c223f target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTracker } 02-25 18:59:55.010 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onUpdateIcc: newIccRecords null 02-25 18:59:55.010 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.010 3441 3441 D GsmSMSDispatcher: GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = -2 slotId = 0 02-25 18:59:55.010 3441 3441 E IccCardProxy: setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from NOT_READY 02-25 18:59:55.015 3441 3441 D GsmSST : [GsmSST] SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 02-25 18:59:55.015 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.020 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+ 02-25 18:59:55.020 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]- no info return 02-25 18:59:55.020 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: selection:sim_id>=0 null 02-25 18:59:55.025 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+ 02-25 18:59:55.025 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]- no info return 02-25 18:59:55.030 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: selection:sim_id>=0 null 02-25 18:59:55.035 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged 02-25 18:59:55.035 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.035 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.035 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.040 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:55.040 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.045 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.045 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.060 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]- no info return 02-25 18:59:55.065 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+ 02-25 18:59:55.065 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: selection:sim_id>=0 null 02-25 18:59:55.075 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]- no info return 02-25 18:59:55.170 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:55.170 3521 3521 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.170 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:55.170 3521 3521 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.170 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:55.170 3521 3521 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.195 3441 3441 E PhoneBase: Error! registerForCallWaiting() in PhoneBase should not be called, CDMAPhone inactive. 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.225 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]getDataOnRoamingEnabled: phoneSubId=-2 isDataRoamingEnabled=false 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DctController: handleMessage msg={ when=-195ms what=107 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DctController } 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DctController: onSubInfoReady mPhoneNum=1 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DctController: onSubInfoReady handle pending requests subId=-2 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DctController: onSubInfoReady: SIM card absent on phoneId = 0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DctController: [TNF -2]evalPendingRequest, pending request size is 1 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DctController: [TNF -2]evalPendingRequest: request = NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DctController: [TNF -2]Cellular needs Network for NetworkRequest [ id=1, legacyType=-1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DctController: [TNF -2]Request not useable, pending request. 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D DctController: processRequests 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:55.230 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.235 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:55.235 3441 3441 D DctController: handleMessage msg={ when=-7ms what=100 target=com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DctController } 02-25 18:59:55.235 3441 3441 D DcSwitchAsyncChannel: [DcSwitchAsyncChannel-0]: rspIsIdle=true 02-25 18:59:55.235 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 18:59:55.240 3441 3441 D DcSwitchAsyncChannel: [DcSwitchAsyncChannel-0]: rspIsIdle=true 02-25 18:59:55.240 3441 3441 D DctController: onProcessRequest requestedPhoneId=-1, activePhoneId=-1 02-25 18:59:57.195 3441 3602 D GsmCellBroadcastHandler: mWakeLock released 02-25 18:59:57.295 3441 3628 D CellBroadcastHandler: mWakeLock released 02-25 18:59:57.320 3441 3632 D CdmaServiceCategoryProgramHandler: mWakeLock released 02-25 18:59:57.865 3441 3567 I RILJ : Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout 02-25 18:59:59.035 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 18:59:59.035 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:59.035 3068 3870 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:59.035 3068 3870 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 18:59:59.040 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 18:59:59.040 3441 3691 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:59.040 3068 3870 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:59.040 3068 3870 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 18:59:59.060 3441 3475 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 18:59:59.065 3441 3647 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 18:59:59.080 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 18:59:59.085 3441 3691 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:59.085 3068 3870 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:59.085 3068 3870 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 18:59:59.095 3441 3475 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 18:59:59.390 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:59.775 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 18:59:59.775 3441 3691 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:59.775 3068 3870 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:59.775 3068 3870 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 18:59:59.780 3441 3475 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 18:59:59.785 3441 3478 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 18:59:59.785 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 18:59:59.785 3068 3870 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 18:59:59.785 3068 3870 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 18:59:59.790 3441 3691 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:00:00.595 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+ 02-25 19:00:00.595 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: selection:sim_id>=0 null 02-25 19:00:00.605 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]- no info return 02-25 19:00:00.605 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:00:00.770 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 19:00:00.770 3441 3691 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 19:00:00.770 3068 3068 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 19:00:00.770 3068 3068 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 19:00:00.810 3441 3475 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:00:00.815 3441 3647 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:00:01.865 3441 3567 I RILJ : Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout 02-25 19:00:02.095 3441 3478 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:00:02.555 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1 02-25 19:00:02.555 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:00:05.460 3441 3646 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:00:05.575 3441 3441 D CAT : com.android.stk.BootCompletedReceiver: [ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED] 02-25 19:00:05.580 3441 3441 D CAT : com.android.stk.StkAppService: onCreate()+ 02-25 19:00:05.580 3441 3441 D CAT : com.android.stk.StkAppService: simCount: 1 02-25 19:00:05.585 3441 3441 D CAT : com.android.stk.StkAppService: slotId: 0 02-25 19:00:05.585 3441 3441 D CAT : com.android.stk.StkAppService: onStart sim id: 0, op: 5, ***** 02-25 19:00:05.585 3441 3441 D CAT : com.android.stk.StkAppService: mStkService is: -1 02-25 19:00:05.585 3441 3441 D CAT : StkAppInstaller: [setAppState]+ 02-25 19:00:05.585 3441 3441 D CAT : StkAppInstaller: Change app state[false] 02-25 19:00:05.585 3441 3441 D CAT : StkAppInstaller: [setAppState]- 02-25 19:00:05.590 3441 3441 D CAT : com.android.stk.StkAppService: onDestroy() 02-25 19:00:05.865 3441 3567 I RILJ : Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout 02-25 19:00:05.960 3441 3691 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+ 02-25 19:00:05.965 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1 02-25 19:00:05.965 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:00:05.970 3441 3691 D SubscriptionController: selection:sim_id>=0 null 02-25 19:00:06.010 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+ 02-25 19:00:06.010 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: selection:sim_id>=0 null 02-25 19:00:06.015 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]- no info return 02-25 19:00:06.020 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+ 02-25 19:00:06.020 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: selection:sim_id>=0 null 02-25 19:00:06.025 3441 3691 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]- no info return 02-25 19:00:06.025 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]+ 02-25 19:00:06.025 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: selection:sim_id>=0 null 02-25 19:00:06.025 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]- no info return 02-25 19:00:06.030 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getActiveSubInfoList]- no info return 02-25 19:00:06.180 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1 02-25 19:00:06.180 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:00:09.410 3441 3691 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:00:09.425 3441 3646 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:00:09.460 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 19:00:09.460 3441 3478 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 19:00:09.460 3068 3068 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 19:00:09.460 3068 3068 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 19:00:09.870 3441 3567 I RILJ : Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout 02-25 19:00:13.870 3441 3567 I RILJ : Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout 02-25 19:00:16.540 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:00:16.545 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:00:17.875 3441 3567 I RILJ : Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout 02-25 19:00:21.875 3441 3567 I RILJ : Couldn't find 'rild' socket; retrying after timeout 02-25 19:00:25.875 3441 3567 E RILJ : Couldn't find 'rild' socket after 8 times, continuing to retry silently 02-25 19:01:07.980 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3655]> SCREEN_STATE: true [SUB0] 02-25 19:01:07.980 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3655]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 19:01:08.070 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 02-25 19:01:08.070 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]stopNetStatPoll 02-25 19:01:08.070 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:01:08.070 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]overall state is IDLE 02-25 19:01:08.070 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:01:08.080 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 02-25 19:01:08.080 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]stopNetStatPoll 02-25 19:01:08.080 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:01:08.080 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]overall state is IDLE 02-25 19:01:08.080 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:01:13.380 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 19:01:13.385 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 19:01:13.385 3068 3068 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 19:01:13.385 3068 3068 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 19:01:13.395 3441 3691 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:01:13.795 3441 3475 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:02:31.445 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3656]> SCREEN_STATE: false [SUB0] 02-25 19:02:31.445 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3656]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 19:02:31.795 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 02-25 19:02:31.795 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]stopNetStatPoll 02-25 19:02:31.795 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:02:31.795 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]overall state is IDLE 02-25 19:02:31.795 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:02:32.385 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3657]> SCREEN_STATE: true [SUB0] 02-25 19:02:32.385 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3657]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 19:02:45.920 3441 3647 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:03:20.725 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:03:20.730 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:03:25.760 3441 3691 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 19:03:25.765 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 19:03:25.765 3068 3068 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 19:03:25.765 3068 3068 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 19:03:25.770 3441 3478 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:03:25.775 3441 3646 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:03:42.455 3441 3646 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:03:42.455 3441 3691 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:03:44.540 3441 3475 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:03:44.545 3441 3478 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:03:44.545 3441 3646 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:03:44.545 3441 3647 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:03:49.505 3441 3478 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:03:49.505 3441 3647 D SubscriptionController: [getPhoneId]- invalid subId return=-1 02-25 19:04:50.890 3441 3646 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:04:53.645 3441 3647 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:05:27.295 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 02-25 19:05:27.295 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]stopNetStatPoll 02-25 19:05:27.295 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:05:27.295 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]overall state is IDLE 02-25 19:05:27.295 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:05:32.370 3441 3646 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:05:32.375 3441 3647 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:05:32.455 3441 3475 D SubscriptionController: [getSlotId]- subId invalid 02-25 19:05:32.455 3441 3478 D SubscriptionController: getSimStateForSlotIdx: simState=NOT_READY ordinal=6 02-25 19:05:32.455 3068 3068 D SubscriptionManager: getSimStateForSubscriber: simState=6 slotIdx=0 02-25 19:05:32.455 3068 3068 D TelephonyManager: getSimState: default sim:-1, sim state for slotIdx=0 is 6, return state as unknown 02-25 19:06:28.310 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3658]> SCREEN_STATE: false [SUB0] 02-25 19:06:28.310 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3658]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 19:06:28.625 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 02-25 19:06:28.625 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]stopNetStatPoll 02-25 19:06:28.630 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:06:28.630 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]overall state is IDLE 02-25 19:06:28.630 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:06:29.275 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3659]> SCREEN_STATE: true [SUB0] 02-25 19:06:29.275 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3659]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 19:06:38.710 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3660]> SCREEN_STATE: false [SUB0] 02-25 19:06:38.710 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3660]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 19:06:38.830 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF 02-25 19:06:38.830 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]stopNetStatPoll 02-25 19:06:38.830 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:06:38.830 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]overall state is IDLE 02-25 19:06:38.830 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:07:47.825 3441 3441 D RILJ : [3661]> SCREEN_STATE: true [SUB0] 02-25 19:07:47.825 3441 3441 D RilRequest: [3661]< SCREEN_STATE error: com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret= 02-25 19:07:48.350 3441 3475 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null 02-25 19:07:48.615 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]onReceive: action=android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON 02-25 19:07:48.615 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]stopNetStatPoll 02-25 19:07:48.615 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:07:48.615 3441 3441 D DCT : [0]overall state is IDLE 02-25 19:07:48.615 3441 3441 D SubscriptionController: [getSubId]- sSlotIdxToSubId.size == 0, return DummySubIds slotIdx=0 02-25 19:07:51.075 3441 3647 D DCT : [0]hasMatchedTetherApnSetting: APN=null