Creating IPC FMT client Creating RIL client inners, try #1 Creating new FMT client Setting log handler Creating data Starting bootstrap ipc: Starting aries modem bootstrap ipc: Read modem image data ipc: Opened onedram ipc: Turned modem network iface down ipc: Powered the modem off ipc: Powered the modem on ipc: Opened serial ipc: Wrote AT in ASCII ipc: Read bootcore version (0xf0) ipc: Read info size (0x16) ipc: Wrote PSI magic (0x30) ipc: Wrote PSI size (0x5000) ipc: Wrote PSI, CRC is 0x69 ipc: Wrote PSI CRC (0x69) ipc: Read PSI ACK (0x1) ipc: Sent XMM6160 PSI ipc: Read onedram init (0x12341234) ipc: Mapped onedram to memory ipc: Wrote firmware ipc: Sent XMM6160 firmware ipc: nv_data_check: enter ipc: nv_data_check: everything should be alright ipc: nv_data_check: exit ipc: Checked nv_data ipc: nv_data_md5_check: enter ipc: nv_data_md5_check: computed MD5: adc301afe7edad013444d52fcc40ef19 read MD5: adc301afe7edad013444d52fcc40ef19 ipc: nv_data_md5_check: exit ipc: Checked nv_data md5 ipc: Read nv_data ipc: Sent XMM6160 nv_data ipc: Wrote onedram magic ipc: Read onedram deinit (0xabcdabcd) Client power on... Client open... IPC FMT client done IPC FMT client ready Creating IPC RFS client Creating RIL client inners, try #1 Creating new RFS client Setting log handler Creating data Client open... IPC RFS client done IPC RFS client ready Creating SRS client Creating RIL client inners, try #1 Creating new SRS client SRS client ready RIL_register: RIL version 6 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_PWR_PHONE_PWR_UP (0x0101) type=NOTI Setting radio state to 0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 03 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 00 00 00 .... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 6E n ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_SEC_SIM_ICC_TYPE (0x0507) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_SEC_SIM_STATUS (0x0501) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 00 .. ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_SEC_SIM_STATUS (0x0501) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 82 00 .. ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_SMS_DEVICE_READY (0x0407) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_PB_ACCESS (0x0601) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 01 0A 01 00 ..... ipc: ======================= ipc_fmt_dispatch: Unhandled request: IPC_PB_ACCESS (0601) ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_SEC_SIM_STATUS (0x0501) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 83 00 .. ipc: ======================= /proc/cmdline=console=ttySAC2,115200 loglevel=4 androidboot.serialno=3631287FD15A00EC bootmode=0 getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' /proc/cmdline=console=ttySAC2,115200 loglevel=4 androidboot.serialno=3631287FD15A00EC bootmode=0 getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' Network Mode set to 0 getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' lteOnCdma is 0 use SUBSCRIPTION_FROM_NV Cdma Subscription set to 1 RILClassname is RIL RIL(context, preferredNetworkType=0 cdmaSubscription=1) Starting RILReceiver libril: new connection RIL Daemon version: Samsung RIL Connected to 'rild' socket [UNSL]< UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED {6} [0000]> RADIO_POWER off requested power_state is 0 Request power to LPM ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x01 command=IPC_PWR_PHONE_STATE (0x0107) type=EXEC ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 .. ipc: ======================= [0001]> REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE : 0 [0002]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE : 1 ril_on_request: Unhandled request: 77 [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED RADIO_OFF Notifying: radio available [0003]> SCREEN_STATE: true getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x01 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 07 01 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x1 found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x01 command=IPC_PWR_PHONE_STATE (0x0107) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 . ipc: ======================= Got power to LPM Setting radio state to 0 getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' [0001]< REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE [0002]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE error: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED [0003]< SCREEN_STATE [0000]< RADIO_POWER [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED RADIO_OFF Creating GSMPhone mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=false mCallRingDelay=3000 setPhoneType=1 old value=0 SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp mSmsReceiveDisabled=false mSmsSendDisabled=false Can't open /system/etc/voicemail-conf.xml [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type default, current state is true [ApnContext] set enabled as true, for type default, current state is false [GsmDCT] applyNewState(default, true(true), true(false)) [ApnContext] set reason as dependencyMet, for type default,current state IDLE [ApnContext] set enabled as true, for type default, current state is true [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type default, current state is false [GsmDCT] trySetupData for type:default due to dependencyMet [GsmDCT] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type mms, current state is true [GsmDCT] applyNewState(mms, false(false), true(false)) [ApnContext] set enabled as false, for type mms, current state is false [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type mms, current state is false [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type supl, current state is true [GsmDCT] applyNewState(supl, false(false), true(false)) [ApnContext] set enabled as false, for type supl, current state is false [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type supl, current state is false [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type dun, current state is true [GsmDCT] applyNewState(dun, false(false), true(false)) [ApnContext] set enabled as false, for type dun, current state is false [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type dun, current state is false [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as false, for type hipri, current state is true [GsmDCT] applyNewState(hipri, false(false), true(false)) [ApnContext] set enabled as false, for type hipri, current state is false [ApnContext] set mDependencyMet as true, for type hipri, current state is false [0004]> RADIO_POWER on requested power_state is 1 Request power to NORMAL ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x02 command=IPC_PWR_PHONE_STATE (0x0107) type=EXEC ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 02 .. ipc: ======================= [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[1 home null null null Unknown:0 CSS not supported 0 0 RoamInd=0 DefRoamInd=0 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[3 home null null null Unknown:0 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=1 newData=1 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=Unknown:0 newType=Unknown:0 [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=2 showPlmn='false' plmn='null' showSpn='false' spn='null' ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x02 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 07 01 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x2 found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x02 command=IPC_PWR_PHONE_STATE (0x0107) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 . ipc: ======================= Got power to NORMAL Setting radio state to 2 [0004]< RADIO_POWER [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED SIM_NOT_READY Notifying: Radio On getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x02 command=IPC_SEC_SIM_ICC_TYPE (0x0507) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x01 command=IPC_SEC_SIM_STATUS (0x0501) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 00 .. ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL PIN status message Setting radio state to 4 ril_tokens_pin_status_dump: ril_data.tokens.pin_status = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x02 command=IPC_SEC_SIM_STATUS (0x0501) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 82 00 .. ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL PIN status message Setting radio state to 4 ril_tokens_pin_status_dump: ril_data.tokens.pin_status = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x02 command=IPC_SMS_DEVICE_READY (0x0407) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x02 command=IPC_SMS_DEVICE_READY (0x0407) type=SET [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED SIM_READY Notifying: SIM ready getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_SIM_STATUS_CHANGED [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED SIM_READY [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_SIM_STATUS_CHANGED ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x02 command=IPC_SEC_SIM_STATUS (0x0501) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 83 00 .. ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL PIN status message Setting radio state to 4 ril_tokens_pin_status_dump: ril_data.tokens.pin_status = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL NetRegist message ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 03 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL NetRegist message Updating GPRSNetRegist data in background ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 00 00 04 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 1 [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED SIM_READY ipc: aries_ipc_rfs_recv: RECV RFS! ipc: aries_ipc_rfs_recv: Response: aseq=0x01 command=IPC_RFS_NV_WRITE_ITEM (0x4202) ipc: ==== RFS DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 00 1A 00 04 00 00 00 0F 00 13 40 ........ .... ipc: ======================= Write rfs_data dump: [0000] 0F 00 13 40 .... Asked to write 0x4 bytes at offset 0x1a0009 ipc: nv_data_write: enter ipc: nv_data_check: enter ipc: nv_data_check: everything should be alright ipc: nv_data_check: exit [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_SIM_STATUS_CHANGED [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270337 when=-4s524ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40de1b28 } [GsmDCT] onRadioAvailable [GsmDCT] overall state is IDLE [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270342 when=-4s524ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40de1bd0 } [GsmDCT] onRadioOffOrNotAvailable: is off and clean up all connections [GsmDCT] cleanUpAllConnections: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type dun,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type dun, previous state:IDLE [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun ipc: nv_data_write: writing new md5sum ipc: nv_data_md5_generate: enter ipc: nv_data_md5_generate: generating MD5 hash [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type supl,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type supl, previous state:IDLE [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type hipri,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type hipri, previous state:IDLE [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type default,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type default, previous state:IDLE [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(default): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=true apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:default [ApnContext] set reason as radioTurnedOff, for type mms,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type mms, previous state:IDLE [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms [GsmDCT] stopNetStatPoll [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270345 when=-4s619ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40de1f28 } [GsmDCT] onDataConnectionDetached: stop polling and notify detached [GsmDCT] stopNetStatPoll [GsmDCT] notifyDataConnection: reason=dataDetached [GsmDCT] notifyDataConnection: type:default [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(default): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=true apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270348 when=-4s664ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40de2080 } [GsmDCT] onRoamingOff [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms [ApnContext] set reason as roamingOff, for type default,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] trySetupData for type:default due to roamingOff [GsmDCT] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x02 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 04 07 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - SIM not loaded [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED NOT_READY reason null [0005]> BASEBAND_VERSION [0006]> GET_IMEI [0007]> GET_IMEISV ipc: nv_data_md5_generate: new MD5 hash is adc301afe7edad013444d52fcc40ef19 ipc: nv_data_md5_generate: writing MD5 hash [0008]> OPERATOR ipc: nv_data_md5_generate: exit ipc: nv_data_write: exit Sending RFS IO Confirm message (rc is 0) ipc: aries_ipc_rfs_send: SEND RFS! ipc: aries_ipc_rfs_send: Request: mseq=0x01 command=IPC_RFS_NV_WRITE_ITEM (0x4202) ipc: ==== RFS DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 09 00 1A 00 04 00 00 00 ........ . ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x2 not found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x03 command=IPC_MISC_ME_VERSION (0x0a01) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF . ipc: ======================= Waiting for IMEISV token IMEI token found: 0x200b8a8 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x04 command=IPC_MISC_ME_SN (0x0a03) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 . ipc: ======================= [0008]< OPERATOR error: OP_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE_REG_NW ipc: aries_ipc_rfs_recv: RECV RFS! ipc: aries_ipc_rfs_recv: Response: aseq=0x01 command=IPC_RFS_NV_WRITE_ITEM (0x4202) ipc: ==== RFS DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 10 00 1A 00 01 00 00 00 02 ........ . ipc: ======================= Write rfs_data dump: [0000] 02 . Asked to write 0x1 bytes at offset 0x1a0010 ipc: nv_data_write: enter ipc: nv_data_check: enter ipc: nv_data_check: everything should be alright ipc: nv_data_check: exit ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x03 command=IPC_MISC_ME_VERSION (0x0a01) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 1F 49 39 30 30 30 42 56 4A 4A 50 47 00 00 00 00 .I9000BV JJPG.... ipc: [cfc6] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [f017] 00 4D 50 20 30 2E 38 30 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .MP.0.80 0....... ipc: [cfc6] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [f6e8] 00 32 30 31 30 2E 36 2E 32 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 .2010.6. 20...... ipc: [cfc6] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fd1a] 00 47 54 2D 49 39 30 30 30 48 4B 44 4B 4F 52 00 .GT.I900 0HKDKOR. ipc: [cfc6] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [ffff] 00 49 39 30 30 30 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .I9000B. ........ ipc: [cfc6] 00 00 00 00 .... ipc: ======================= [0009]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE [0010]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE [0011]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE [0012]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS [0013]> OPERATOR ipc: nv_data_write: writing new md5sum ipc: nv_data_md5_generate: enter ipc: nv_data_md5_generate: generating MD5 hash [0014]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE [0015]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE [0016]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE setCurrentPreferredNetworkType: 0 [0017]> REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE : 0 [0018]> OPERATOR [0019]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE [0020]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE [0021]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED READY reason null SIMRecords:fetchSimRecords 0 [0022]> GET_IMSI [0023]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x2fe2 path: 3F00,0,0,15 [0024]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f40 path: 3F007F10,0,0,15 [0025]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fc9 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0026]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fad path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0027]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fca path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0028]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f11 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0029]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fcb path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0030]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f13 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0031]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f46 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0032]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fcd path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0033]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6fc5 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0034]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f38 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0035]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f16 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0036]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f15 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 [0037]> GET_SIM_STATUS [0038]> QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK [0039]> QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK [0040]> RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING Received Event EVENT_ICC_STATUS_CHANGED [0041]> GET_SIM_STATUS Received Event EVENT_ICC_STATUS_CHANGED [0042]> GET_SIM_STATUS Received Event EVENT_ICC_STATUS_CHANGED [0043]> GET_SIM_STATUS [0044]> OPERATOR [0045]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE [0046]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE [0047]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE ipc: nv_data_md5_generate: new MD5 hash is adc301afe7edad013444d52fcc40ef19 ipc: nv_data_md5_generate: writing MD5 hash ipc: nv_data_md5_generate: exit ipc: nv_data_write: exit Sending RFS IO Confirm message (rc is 0) ipc: aries_ipc_rfs_send: SEND RFS! ipc: aries_ipc_rfs_send: Request: mseq=0x01 command=IPC_RFS_NV_WRITE_ITEM (0x4202) ipc: ==== RFS DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 10 00 1A 00 01 00 00 00 ........ . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x04 command=IPC_MISC_ME_SN (0x0a03) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 11 33 35 34 37 38 31 30 34 35 39 37 32 32 30 ..354781 04597220 ipc: [caff] 32 30 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 202..... ........ ipc: [cacc] 00 00 .. ipc: ======================= [0005]< BASEBAND_VERSION I9000BVJJPG [0006]< GET_IMEI [0007]< GET_IMEISV Got RILJ request for UNSOL data ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 Got RILJ request for UNSOL data ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x05 command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x06 command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=GET Got RILJ request for SOL data ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x07 command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 03 .. ipc: ======================= ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x200b8c8 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 Got RILJ request for SOL data ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x08 command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 02 .. ipc: ======================= ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x200b900 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x200b8c8 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x09 command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x0a command=IPC_NET_MODE_SEL (0x080a) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 . ipc: ======================= Another request is going on, returning UNSOL data ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x200b900 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x200b8c8 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 Another request is going on, returning UNSOL data ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x200b900 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x200b8c8 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x0b command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x0c command=IPC_MISC_ME_IMSI (0x0a02) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x0d command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 E2 2F 00 00 0F ...... ipc: ======================= Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list Got RILJ request for UNSOL data [0000] 83 00 .. Selecting application #2 on 8 ril_tokens_pin_status_dump: ril_data.tokens.pin_status = 0x0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x0e command=IPC_SEC_PHONE_LOCK (0x0502) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 03 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x0f command=IPC_SEC_PHONE_LOCK (0x0502) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 04 . ipc: ======================= ril_on_request: Unhandled request: 103 Got RILJ request for SOL data ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x10 command=IPC_SEC_SIM_STATUS (0x0501) type=GET ril_tokens_pin_status_dump: ril_data.tokens.pin_status = 0x200bed8 Another request is going on, returning UNSOL data Selecting application #2 on 8 ril_tokens_pin_status_dump: ril_data.tokens.pin_status = 0x200bed8 Another request is going on, returning UNSOL data Selecting application #2 on 8 ril_tokens_pin_status_dump: ril_data.tokens.pin_status = 0x200bed8 Another request is going on, returning UNSOL data ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x200b900 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x200b8c8 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 Another request is going on, returning UNSOL data ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x200b900 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x200b8c8 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x11 command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=GET Baseband version: I9000BVJJPG [0009]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {0, 0, 0, 0} [0010]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {0, 0, 0, 0} [0013]< OPERATOR error: OP_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE_REG_NW [0018]< OPERATOR error: OP_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE_REG_NW [0019]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {0, 0, 0, 0} [0020]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {0, 0, 0, 0} ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x05 command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x06 command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x07 command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 03 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Got SOL NetRegist message ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x200b900 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x08 command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 02 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Got SOL NetRegist message ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x09 command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x0b command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x0c command=IPC_MISC_ME_IMSI (0x0a02) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 0F 32 33 32 31 31 36 38 31 30 32 31 36 35 34 34 .2321168 10216544 ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x0e command=IPC_SEC_PHONE_LOCK (0x0502) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 03 00 .. ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x0f command=IPC_SEC_PHONE_LOCK (0x0502) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 04 00 .. ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x10 command=IPC_SEC_SIM_STATUS (0x0501) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 00 .. ipc: ======================= Got SOL PIN status message Setting radio state to 4 Selecting application #2 on 8 ril_tokens_pin_status_dump: ril_data.tokens.pin_status = 0x0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x11 command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 . ipc: ======================= [0037]< GET_SIM_STATUS IccCardState {CARDSTATE_PRESENT,PINSTATE_UNKNOWN,num_apps=8,gsm_id=2{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},cmda_id=2{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},ism_id=19} [IccCard] USIM=READY CSIM=READY getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' [0040]< RIL_REQUEST_REPORT_STK_SERVICE_IS_RUNNING error: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED [0042]< GET_SIM_STATUS IccCardState {CARDSTATE_PRESENT,PINSTATE_UNKNOWN,num_apps=8,gsm_id=2{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},cmda_id=2{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},ism_id=33602120} [IccCard] USIM=READY CSIM=READY getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' [0043]< GET_SIM_STATUS IccCardState {CARDSTATE_PRESENT,PINSTATE_UNKNOWN,num_apps=8,gsm_id=2{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},cmda_id=2{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},ism_id=33602120} [IccCard] USIM=READY CSIM=READY getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' [0044]< OPERATOR error: OP_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE_REG_NW [0045]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {0, 0, 0, 0} [0046]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {0, 0, 0, 0} [0011]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [0012]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS [0014]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {0, 0, 0, 0} [0015]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {0, 0, 0, 0} ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x0d command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 0F 00 00 00 0A 2F E2 04 00 0F FF FF 01 02 ........ ........ ipc: [fff0] 00 00 .. ipc: ======================= SIM response: 0000000a2fe204000fffff01020000 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x12 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 40 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= [0016]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [0021]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [0022]< GET_IMSI IMSI: xxxxxxx [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED IMSI reason null [0038]< QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK {0} [IccCard] Query facility lock : false [0039]< QUERY_FACILITY_LOCK {0} [IccCard] Query facility lock : false [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED SIM_READY [0041]< GET_SIM_STATUS IccCardState {CARDSTATE_PRESENT,PINSTATE_UNKNOWN,num_apps=8,gsm_id=2{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},cmda_id=2{APPTYPE_SIM,APPSTATE_READY},ism_id=8} [IccCard] USIM=READY CSIM=READY getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' [0047]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[3 home null null null Unknown:0 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[1 home null null null Unknown:0 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=1 newData=1 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=Unknown:0 newType=Unknown:0 [0023]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0048]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb0 0x2fe2 path: 3F00,0,0,10 Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x12 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 0F 00 00 00 30 6F 40 04 00 11 FF FF 21 02 ......0o ........ ipc: [fff1] 01 18 .. ipc: ======================= SIM response: 000000306f40040011ffff21020118 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x13 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 C9 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= [0024]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0049]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb2 0x6f40 path: 3F007F10,1,4,24 Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x13 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 94 04 00 ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x14 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 AD 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= [0025]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x94 sw2:0x4 [0050]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xc0 0x6f17 path: 3F007F20,0,0,15 Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x14 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 0F 00 00 00 03 6F AD 04 00 0F FF FF 01 02 .......o ........ ipc: [fff0] 00 00 .. ipc: ======================= SIM response: 000000036fad04000fffff01020000 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x15 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 CA 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= [0026]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0051]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb0 0x6fad path: 3F007F20,0,0,3 Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x15 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 94 04 00 ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x16 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 11 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= [0027]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x94 sw2:0x4 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x16 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 94 04 00 ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x17 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 CB 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= [0028]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x94 sw2:0x4 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x17 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 94 04 00 ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x18 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 13 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= [0029]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x94 sw2:0x4 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x18 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 94 04 00 ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x19 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 46 6F 00 00 0F .Fo... ipc: ======================= [0030]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x94 sw2:0x4 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x19 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 0F 00 00 00 11 6F 46 04 00 0B FF FF 21 02 .......o F....... ipc: [fff0] 00 00 .. ipc: ======================= SIM response: 000000116f4604000bffff21020000 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x1a command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 CD 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= [0031]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0052]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb0 0x6f46 path: 3F007F20,0,0,17 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x1a command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 0F 00 00 00 22 6F CD 04 00 1B FF FF 21 02 .......o ........ ipc: [fff0] 00 00 .. ipc: ======================= SIM response: 000000226fcd04001bffff21020000 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x1b command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 C5 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= [0032]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x1b command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 0F 00 00 00 27 6F C5 04 00 0B FF BB 21 02 .......o ........ ipc: [fff1] 01 0D .. ipc: ======================= SIM response: 000000276fc504000bffbb2102010d ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x1c command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 38 6F 00 00 0F .8o... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x1c command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 0F 00 00 00 0E 6F 38 04 00 1E FF FF 21 02 .......o 8....... ipc: [fff0] 00 00 .. ipc: ======================= SIM response: 0000000e6f3804001effff21020000 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x1d command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 16 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x1d command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 94 04 00 ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x1e command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 15 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x1e command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 94 04 00 ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x1f command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] B0 E2 2F 00 00 0A ...... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x1f command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 0A 98 34 10 75 90 32 02 23 48 F9 ....4.u. 2..H. ipc: ======================= SIM response: 983410759032022348f9 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x20 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] B2 40 6F 01 04 18 ..o... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x20 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 18 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ........ ........ ipc: [e7ff] FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ........ ... ipc: ======================= SIM response: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x21 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] C0 17 6F 00 00 0F ..o... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x21 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 94 04 00 ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x22 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] B0 AD 6F 00 00 03 ..o... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x22 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 03 00 FF FF ...... ipc: ======================= SIM response: 00ffff [0053]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb0 0x6fcd path: 3F007F20,0,0,34 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x23 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] B0 46 6F 00 00 11 .Fo... ipc: ======================= Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x23 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 11 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ........ ........ ipc: [eeff] FF FF FF FF .... ipc: ======================= SIM response: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x24 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] B0 CD 6F 00 00 22 ..o... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x24 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 22 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ........ ........ ipc: [ddff] FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ........ ........ ipc: [ddff] FF FF FF FF FF ..... ipc: ======================= SIM response: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff [0033]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0034]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0035]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x94 sw2:0x4 [0036]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x94 sw2:0x4 [0048]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0049]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0050]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x94 sw2:0x4 [0051]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0052]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0053]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [0054]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb2 0x6fc5 path: 3F007F20,1,4,13 [0055]> iccIO: SIM_IO 0xb0 0x6f38 path: 3F007F20,0,0,14 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x25 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] B2 C5 6F 01 04 0D ..o... ipc: ======================= Exception in fetching EF_CSP data Another SIM I/O is being processed, adding to the list iccid: 8943015709232032849 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x25 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 0D 43 04 83 E2 B7 18 04 FF FF FF FF FF FF ...C.... ........ ipc: ======================= SIM response: 430483e2b71804ffffffffffff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x26 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] B0 38 6F 00 00 0E .8o... ipc: ======================= [0054]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 EF_AD: 00ffff SIMRecords: MNC length not present in EF_AD ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x26 command=IPC_SEC_RSIM_ACCESS (0x0505) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 90 00 0E FF 3C FF 0F 3F 00 0C 03 00 0C F0 00 F0 ........ ........ ipc: [f200] C0 . ipc: ======================= SIM response: ff3cff0f3f000c03000cf000f0c0 [0055]< SIM_IO IccIoResponse sw1:0x90 sw2:0x0 [SIMRecords] Load EF_SPN: spnDisplayCondition: 255 MSISDN: xxxxxxx Invalid or missing EF[MAILBOX] [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=2 showPlmn='false' plmn='null' showSpn='false' spn='' ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x26 command=IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0x0d0c) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc_fmt_dispatch: Unhandled request: IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0d0c) ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 04 02 06 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL NetRegist message ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 04 03 03 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ........ ... ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL NetRegist message Updating GPRSNetRegist data in background ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_NET_CURRENT_PLMN (0x0803) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 06 FF 32 33 32 30 31 23 FF FF ...23201 ... ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL Operator message Updating Operator data in background ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0x0d0c) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc_fmt_dispatch: Unhandled request: IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0d0c) [SIMRecords] SST: UsimServiceTable[112]={ PHONEBOOK, FDN, FDN_EXTENSION, SDN, SDN_EXTENSION, BDN, BDN_EXTENSION, OUTGOING_CALL_INFO, SM_STATUS_REPORTS, SM_SERVICE_PARAMS, ADVICE_OF_CHARGE, CAP_CONFIG_PARAMS_2, GROUP_ID_LEVEL_1, GROUP_ID_LEVEL_2, SPN, USER_PLMN_SELECT, MSISDN, IMAGE, LOCALISED_SERVICE_AREAS, EMLPP, EMLPP_AUTO_ANSWER, RFU, GSM_ACCESS, DATA_DL_VIA_SMS_PP, IGNORED_1, ENABLED_SERVICES_TABLE, APN_CONTROL_LIST, DEPERSONALISATION_CONTROL_KEYS, COOPERATIVE_NETWORK_LIST, GSM_SECURITY_CONTEXT, SERVICE_PROVIDER_DISPLAY_INFO, MMS_NOTIFICATION, VGCS_GROUP_ID_LIST, VBS_GROUP_ID_LIST, OMA_BCAST_PROFILE, GBA_LOCAL_KEY_ESTABLISHMENT, EPS_MOBILITY_MANAGEMENT_INFO, ALLOWED_CSG_LISTS_AND_INDICATIONS, CALL_CONTROL_ON_EPS_PDN_CONNECTION_BY_USIM, HPLMN_DIRECT_ACCESS, #101, #102, #103, #104, #111, #112 } SIMRecords: record load complete [IccCard] Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED LOADED reason null [0056]> OPERATOR Got RILJ request for UNSOL data Found 1660 plmn records ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 [0056]< OPERATOR {A1 TA, A1 TA, 23201} [0057]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE Got RILJ request for UNSOL data ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 [0057]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {2, ffff, ffffffff, 3} [0058]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE Got RILJ request for UNSOL data ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 [0058]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {5, ffff, ffffffff, 3} [0059]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x27 command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=GET [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270338 when=-8ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40eaee30 } [GsmDCT] onRecordsLoaded: createAllApnList [GsmDCT] createAllApnList: selection=numeric = '23211' and carrier_enabled = 1 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x27 command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 . ipc: ======================= [0059]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x27 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 01 00 04 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 3 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x27 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 6D m ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 2 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x27 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 02 00 04 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 5 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x27 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 66 f ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 5 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 04 02 06 01 1E 00 FD 75 39 00 00 .......u 9.. ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL NetRegist message ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_VOICE_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 04 03 03 01 1E 00 FD 75 39 00 FF .......u 9.. ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL NetRegist message Updating GPRSNetRegist data in background ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_NET_CURRENT_PLMN (0x0803) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 06 04 32 33 32 30 31 23 1E 00 ...23201 ... ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL Operator message Updating Operator data in background ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 03 00 04 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 5F . ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 9 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 04 02 06 01 1E 00 FD 75 39 00 00 .......u 9.. ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL NetRegist message Updating NetRegist data in background ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0xff command=IPC_NET_REGIST (0x0805) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 04 03 06 01 1E 00 FD 75 39 00 00 .......u 9.. ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL NetRegist message Updating GPRSNetRegist data in background ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_NET_CURRENT_PLMN (0x0803) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 06 04 32 33 32 30 31 23 1E 00 ...23201 ... ipc: ======================= Got UNSOL Operator message Updating Operator data in background ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0xff ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0x0d0c) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc_fmt_dispatch: Unhandled request: IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0d0c) ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0x0d0c) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc_fmt_dispatch: Unhandled request: IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0d0c) ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 04 00 04 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 12 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 59 Y ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 12 [GsmDCT] createApnList: X result=[[ApnSettingV2] Bob, 178, 23211,, null, null, null, null, null, -1, default | supl, IP, IP, true, 0, [ApnSettingV2] Bob MMS, 179, 23211,,,,, 8001, 8001, -1, mms, IP, IP, true, 0] [GsmDCT] getPreferredApn: X not found [GsmDCT] createAllApnList: mPreferredApn=null [GsmDCT] createAllApnList: X mAllApns=[[ApnSettingV2] Bob, 178, 23211,, null, null, null, null, null, -1, default | supl, IP, IP, true, 0, [ApnSettingV2] Bob MMS, 179, 23211,,,,, 8001, 8001, -1, mms, IP, IP, true, 0] [GsmDCT] onRecordsLoaded: notifying data availability [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms [ApnContext] set reason as simLoaded, for type default,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] trySetupData for type:default due to simLoaded [GsmDCT] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms [GsmSST] error parsing RegistrationState: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: "ffffffff" [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[1 home null null null Unknown:0 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 roaming A1 TA A1 TA 23201 UMTS:3 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=1 newData=1 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=Unknown:0 newType=UMTS:3 [GsmSST] RAT switched Unknown:0 -> UMTS:3 at cell -1 [GsmSST] updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=2 showPlmn='true' plmn='A1 TA' showSpn='false' spn='' [GsmDCT] get all active apn types [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(default): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=true apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:default [0060]> OPERATOR Got RILJ request for UNSOL data Found 1660 plmn records ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 [0060]< OPERATOR {A1 TA, A1 TA, 23201} [0061]> DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE Got RILJ request for UNSOL data ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0xff ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 [0061]< DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE {5, 1e, 3975fd, 3} [0062]> VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE Got RILJ request for UNSOL data ril_tokens_net_state_dump: ril_data.tokens.registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.gprs_registration_state = 0x0 ril_data.tokens.operator = 0x0 [0062]< VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE {5, 1e, 3975fd, 3} [0063]> QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x28 command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x28 command=IPC_NET_PLMN_SEL (0x0802) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 . ipc: ======================= [0063]< QUERY_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE {0} [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270347 when=-57ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@4100b768 } [GsmDCT] onRoamingOn: Tear down data connection on roaming. [GsmDCT] cleanUpAllConnections: tearDown=true reason=roamingOn [ApnContext] set reason as roamingOn, for type dun,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=true reason=roamingOn [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type dun, previous state:IDLE [ApnContext] set reason as roamingOn, for type supl,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=true reason=roamingOn [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type supl, previous state:IDLE [ApnContext] set reason as roamingOn, for type hipri,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=true reason=roamingOn [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type hipri, previous state:IDLE [ApnContext] set reason as roamingOn, for type default,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=true reason=roamingOn [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type default, previous state:IDLE [ApnContext] set reason as roamingOn, for type mms,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] cleanUpConnection: tearDown=true reason=roamingOn [ApnContext] setState: IDLE for type mms, previous state:IDLE [GsmDCT] stopNetStatPoll [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - gprs= 1 - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms [GsmSST] Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[0 roaming A1 TA A1 TA 23201 UMTS:3 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] newSS=[0 roaming A1 TA A1 TA 23201 UMTS:3 CSS not supported -1 -1 RoamInd=-1 DefRoamInd=-1 EmergOnly=false] oldGprs=1 newData=0 oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1 oldType=UMTS:3 newType=UMTS:3 [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270352 when=-16ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@41071d70 } [GsmDCT] onDataConnectionAttached [GsmDCT] overall state is IDLE [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms [ApnContext] set reason as dataAttached, for type default,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] trySetupData for type:default due to dataAttached [GsmDCT] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x28 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 03 00 04 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x28 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 5C . ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 10 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x28 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 5F . ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 9 [0064]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x29 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=GET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x29 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 5F 03 00 04 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 9 [0064]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH {9, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1} getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType='' ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x29 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 62 b ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 7 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x29 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 02 00 04 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 5 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x29 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 64 d ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 6 [0065]> OEM_HOOK_RAW[01010007011400] ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x2a command=IPC_SVC_ENTER (0x0b01) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 14 10 ... ipc: ======================= [0066]> OEM_HOOK_RAW[010300063200] [0067]> OEM_HOOK_RAW[010300063300] ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x2b command=IPC_SVC_PRO_KEYCODE (0x0b03) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 32 2 ipc: ======================= [0068]> OEM_HOOK_RAW[0102000501] ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x2c command=IPC_SVC_PRO_KEYCODE (0x0b03) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 33 3 ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x2d command=IPC_SVC_END (0x0b02) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2a command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 0B 01 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x2a found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x06 command=IPC_SVC_SCREEN_CFG (0x0b04) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 0B 01 .. ipc: ======================= ipc_fmt_dispatch: Unhandled request: IPC_SVC_SCREEN_CFG (0b04) ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x07 command=IPC_SVC_DISPLAY_SCREEN (0x0b05) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 0B 00 00 20 52 52 43 28 48 53 50 41 29 20 43 4F ....RRC. HSPA..CO ipc: [2f52] 4E 54 52 4F 4C 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 NTROL... ........ ipc: [e100] 20 20 00 01 00 20 5B 31 5D 20 44 49 53 50 4C 41 .......1 ..DISPLA ipc: [3348] 59 20 48 53 50 41 20 49 4E 46 4F 2E 00 20 20 20 Y.HSPA.I NFO..... ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 00 02 00 20 5B 32 5D 20 43 48 41 4E ........ .2..CHAN ipc: [2820] 47 45 20 48 53 50 41 20 52 45 56 49 53 49 4F 4E GE.HSPA. REVISION ipc: [201f] 00 20 20 20 20 20 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 04 00 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 05 00 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 06 00 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 07 ........ ........ ipc: [201f] 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: ======================= RIL_onRequestComplete: invalid RIL_Token ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x08 command=IPC_SVC_DISPLAY_SCREEN (0x0b05) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 01 20 52 52 43 28 48 53 50 41 29 20 43 4F ....RRC. HSPA..CO ipc: [2f51] 4E 54 52 4F 4C 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 NTROL... ........ ipc: [fff2] 20 20 00 ... ipc: ======================= RIL_onRequestComplete: invalid RIL_Token ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2b command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 0B 03 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x2b found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x0b command=IPC_SVC_DISPLAY_SCREEN (0x0b05) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 09 00 20 32 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ....2... ........ ipc: [2017] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [1000] 20 20 00 ... ipc: ======================= RIL_onRequestComplete: invalid RIL_Token ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x0c command=IPC_SVC_DISPLAY_SCREEN (0x0b05) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 0B 00 00 20 43 48 41 4E 47 45 20 48 53 50 41 20 ....CHAN GE.HSPA. ipc: [2956] 52 45 56 49 53 49 4F 4E 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 REVISION ........ ipc: [e100] 20 20 00 01 00 20 5B 31 5D 20 52 45 4C 45 41 53 .......1 ..RELEAS ipc: [1952] 45 20 52 39 39 28 48 53 50 41 20 4F 46 46 29 00 E.R99.HS PA.OFF.. ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 00 02 00 20 5B 32 5D 20 52 45 4C 45 ........ .2..RELE ipc: [4553] 41 53 45 20 35 28 48 53 44 50 41 20 4F 4E 4C 59 ASE.5.HS DPA.ONLY ipc: [2000] 29 00 20 20 20 20 00 03 00 20 5B 33 5D 20 52 45 ........ ...3..RE ipc: [3341] 4C 45 41 53 45 20 36 28 48 53 44 50 41 2F 48 53 LEASE.6. HSDPA.HS ipc: [9415] 55 50 41 29 00 20 20 20 00 04 00 20 20 20 20 20 UPA..... ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 05 00 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 06 00 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [2020] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 07 ........ ........ ipc: [201f] 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: ======================= RIL_onRequestComplete: invalid RIL_Token ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x0e command=IPC_SVC_DISPLAY_SCREEN (0x0b05) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 01 20 43 48 41 4E 47 45 20 48 53 50 41 20 ....CHAN GE.HSPA. ipc: [2955] 52 45 56 49 53 49 4F 4E 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 REVISION ........ ipc: [fff2] 20 20 00 ... ipc: ======================= RIL_onRequestComplete: invalid RIL_Token ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2c command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 0B 03 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x2c found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x10 command=IPC_SVC_DISPLAY_SCREEN (0x0b05) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 09 00 20 33 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ....3... ........ ipc: [2017] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [1000] 20 20 00 ... ipc: ======================= RIL_onRequestComplete: invalid RIL_Token ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x11 command=IPC_SVC_DISPLAY_SCREEN (0x0b05) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 0B 00 00 43 48 41 4E 47 45 5F 52 45 4C 35 00 20 ...CHANG E.REL5.. ipc: [6564] 52 45 56 49 53 49 4F 4E 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 REVISION ........ ipc: [be00] 20 20 00 01 00 48 53 44 50 41 20 4F 4E 2C 20 48 .....HSD PA.ON..H ipc: [fe50] 53 55 50 41 20 4F 4E 00 50 41 20 4F 46 46 29 00 SUPA.ON. PA.OFF.. ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 00 02 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 03 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 04 00 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 05 00 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 06 00 20 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 07 ........ ........ ipc: [dd20] 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ........ ........ ipc: ======================= RIL_onRequestComplete: invalid RIL_Token ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_SVC_DISPLAY_SCREEN (0x0b05) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 01 43 48 41 4E 47 45 5F 52 45 4C 35 00 20 ...CHANG E.REL5.. ipc: [6554] 52 45 56 49 53 49 4F 4E 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 REVISION ........ ipc: [ecff] 20 20 00 ... ipc: ======================= RIL_onRequestComplete: invalid RIL_Token ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2d command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 0B 02 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x2d found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0065]< OEM_HOOK_RAW error: GENERIC_FAILURE [0066]< OEM_HOOK_RAW error: GENERIC_FAILURE [0067]< OEM_HOOK_RAW error: GENERIC_FAILURE [0068]< OEM_HOOK_RAW [B@4118d208 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2a command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 65 e ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 6 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2a command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 64 d ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 6 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2a command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 03 00 03 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2a command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 62 b ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 7 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2a command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 61 a ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8 isTwoDigitShortCode dialing w/ mmi 'null'... [GSMConn] acquireWakeLock [0069]> SET_MUTE false Mute is 0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x2e command=IPC_SND_MIC_MUTE_CTRL (0x0902) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= [0070]> DIAL ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x2f command=IPC_CALL_OUTGOING (0x0201) type=EXEC ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 01 00 09 00 30 31 34 30 32 32 33 33 36 00 00 .....014 022336.. ipc: [f6ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [f6ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [f6ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [f6ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [f6ff] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2e command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 02 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x2e found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0069]< SET_MUTE Accepted new SRS client from fd 20 RECV SRS: fd=20 command=257 length=4 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] FE AF 0C 00 .... ======================= SEND SRS: fd=20 command=257 length=4 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] FE AF 0C 00 .... ======================= RECV SRS: fd=20 command=515 length=1 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] 01 . ======================= Clock sync is 0x1 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x30 command=IPC_SND_CLOCK_CTRL (0x0909) type=EXEC ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x30 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 09 01 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x30 not found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x30 command=IPC_SAT_CALL_CONTROL_RESULT (0x0e0a) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 00 .. ipc: ======================= ipc_fmt_dispatch: Unhandled request: IPC_SAT_CALL_CONTROL_RESULT (0e0a) ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x00 command=IPC_SS_INFO (0x0c06) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 00 00 09 20 30 31 34 30 32 32 33 33 36 00 ......01 4022336. ipc: [ff2f] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc_fmt_dispatch: Unhandled request: IPC_SS_INFO (0c06) ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2f command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 01 01 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x2f found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0070]< DIAL ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x2f command=IPC_CALL_STATUS (0x0205) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 01 01 01 00 00 ...... ipc: ======================= Updating call status data [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED RECV SRS: fd=20 command=257 length=4 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] FE AF 0C 00 .... ======================= SEND SRS: fd=20 command=257 length=4 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] FE AF 0C 00 .... ======================= RECV SRS: fd=20 command=513 length=8 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] 01 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ........ ======================= Call volume for: 0x1 vol = 0x4 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x31 command=IPC_SND_SPKR_VOLUME_CTRL (0x0901) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 11 04 .. ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x31 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 01 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x31 not found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue RECV SRS: fd=20 command=257 length=4 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] FE AF 0C 00 .... ======================= SEND SRS: fd=20 command=257 length=4 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] FE AF 0C 00 .... ======================= RECV SRS: fd=20 command=514 length=4 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] 00 00 00 00 .... ======================= Audio path to: 0x1 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x32 command=IPC_SND_AUDIO_PATH_CTRL (0x0903) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x32 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 03 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x32 not found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270343 when=-142ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@40d5a830 } [GsmDCT] onVoiceCallStarted [0071]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x33 command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=GET [0072]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x34 command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x33 command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 01 01 01 03 00 09 20 30 31 34 30 32 32 33 ........ .0140223 ipc: [feff] 33 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36...... ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Incoming UUS : NOT present! InCall VoicePrivacy is disabled [0071]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS [id=1,DIALING,toa=129,norm,mo,0,voc,noevp,,cli=1,,2] ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x34 command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 01 01 01 03 00 09 20 30 31 34 30 32 32 33 ........ .0140223 ipc: [feff] 33 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36...... ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Incoming UUS : NOT present! InCall VoicePrivacy is disabled [0072]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS [id=1,DIALING,toa=129,norm,mo,0,voc,noevp,,cli=1,,2] [0073]> SET_MUTE false Mute is 0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x35 command=IPC_SND_MIC_MUTE_CTRL (0x0902) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x35 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 02 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x35 found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0073]< SET_MUTE [0074]> SET_MUTE false Mute is 0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x36 command=IPC_SND_MIC_MUTE_CTRL (0x0902) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x36 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 02 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x36 found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0074]< SET_MUTE [GSMConn] --dssds----null [GSMConn] update: parent=DIALING, hasNewParent=false, wasConnectingInOrOut=true, wasHolding=false, isConnectingInOrOut=true, changed=false VM: PhoneSubInfo.getVoiceMailNUmber: [0075]> SET_MUTE false Mute is 0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x37 command=IPC_SND_MIC_MUTE_CTRL (0x0902) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x37 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 02 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x37 found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0075]< SET_MUTE [0076]> SET_MUTE false Mute is 0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x38 command=IPC_SND_MIC_MUTE_CTRL (0x0902) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x38 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 02 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x38 found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0076]< SET_MUTE ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x38 command=IPC_CALL_STATUS (0x0205) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 01 01 05 00 00 ...... ipc: ======================= Updating call status data [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED [0077]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x39 command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x39 command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 01 01 01 03 00 09 20 30 31 34 30 32 32 33 ........ .0140223 ipc: [feff] 33 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36...... ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Incoming UUS : NOT present! InCall VoicePrivacy is disabled [0077]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS [id=1,DIALING,toa=129,norm,mo,0,voc,noevp,,cli=1,,2] [GSMConn] --dssds----null [GSMConn] update: parent=DIALING, hasNewParent=false, wasConnectingInOrOut=true, wasHolding=false, isConnectingInOrOut=true, changed=false RECV SRS: fd=20 command=257 length=4 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] FE AF 0C 00 .... ======================= SEND SRS: fd=20 command=257 length=4 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] FE AF 0C 00 .... ======================= RECV SRS: fd=20 command=514 length=4 ==== SRS DATA DUMP ==== [0000] 02 00 00 00 .... ======================= Audio path to: 0x6 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x3a command=IPC_SND_AUDIO_PATH_CTRL (0x0903) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 06 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3a command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 03 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x3a not found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3a command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 62 b ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 7 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3a command=IPC_CALL_STATUS (0x0205) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 01 01 05 00 00 ...... ipc: ======================= Updating call status data [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED [0078]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x3b command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3a command=IPC_CALL_STATUS (0x0205) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 01 01 05 00 00 ...... ipc: ======================= Updating call status data [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED [0079]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3b command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 01 01 01 04 00 09 20 30 31 34 30 32 32 33 ........ .0140223 ipc: [feff] 33 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36...... ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Incoming UUS : NOT present! InCall VoicePrivacy is disabled [0078]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS [id=1,ALERTING,toa=129,norm,mo,0,voc,noevp,,cli=1,,2] ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x3c command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3c command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 01 01 01 04 00 09 20 30 31 34 30 32 32 33 ........ .0140223 ipc: [feff] 33 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36...... ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Incoming UUS : NOT present! InCall VoicePrivacy is disabled [0079]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS [id=1,ALERTING,toa=129,norm,mo,0,voc,noevp,,cli=1,,2] [GSMConn] --dssds----null [GSMConn] update: parent=ALERTING, hasNewParent=false, wasConnectingInOrOut=true, wasHolding=false, isConnectingInOrOut=true, changed=true [0080]> SET_MUTE false Mute is 0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x3d command=IPC_SND_MIC_MUTE_CTRL (0x0902) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3d command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 02 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x3d found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0080]< SET_MUTE ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3d command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 60 . ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3d command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 5F . ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 9 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3d command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 61 a ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8 [GsmCallTracker] (foregnd) hangup dialing or alerting... hangupConnection: gsmIndex=1 [0081]> HANGUP 1 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x3e command=IPC_CALL_RELEASE (0x0203) type=EXEC [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3e command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 02 03 01 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x3e found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0081]< HANGUP [0082]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x3f command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x3f command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 01 00 01 01 01 04 00 09 20 30 31 34 30 32 32 33 ........ .0140223 ipc: [feff] 33 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36...... ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........ ipc: [fefe] 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ... ipc: ======================= Incoming UUS : NOT present! InCall VoicePrivacy is disabled [0082]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS [id=1,ALERTING,toa=129,norm,mo,0,voc,noevp,,cli=1,,2] [0083]> SET_MUTE false Mute is 0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x40 command=IPC_SND_MIC_MUTE_CTRL (0x0902) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x40 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 02 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x40 found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0083]< SET_MUTE [GSMConn] --dssds----null [GSMConn] update: parent=ALERTING, hasNewParent=false, wasConnectingInOrOut=false, wasHolding=false, isConnectingInOrOut=true, changed=true [0084]> SET_MUTE false Mute is 0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x41 command=IPC_SND_MIC_MUTE_CTRL (0x0902) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x41 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 02 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x41 found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0084]< SET_MUTE ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x41 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 02 00 03 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 5 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x41 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 63 c ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 7 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x41 command=IPC_CALL_STATUS (0x0205) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 01 01 04 00 05 ...... ipc: ======================= Updating call status data [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_CALL_STATE_CHANGED [0085]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x42 command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=GET ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x42 command=IPC_CALL_LIST (0x0206) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= [0085]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS [GSMConn] releaseWakeLock [GsmDCT] handleMessage msg={ what=270344 when=-3ms obj=android.os.AsyncResult@4105a3c0 } [GsmDCT] onVoiceCallEnded [ApnContext] set reason as 2GVoiceCallEnded, for type default,current state IDLE [GsmDCT] trySetupData for type:default due to 2GVoiceCallEnded [GsmDCT] trySetupData with mIsPsRestricted=false [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:dun [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(dun): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:dun [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:supl [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(supl): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:supl [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:hipri [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(hipri): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:hipri [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnsOfAvailability skipped apn due to isReady==false: state=IDLE apnType=default [GsmDCT] notifyOffApnOfAvailability type:mms [GsmDCT] isDataAllowed: not allowed due to - Roaming and data roaming not enabled [GsmDCT] isDataPossible(mms): possible=false isDataAllowed=false apnTypePossible=true apnContextisEnabled=false apnContextState()=IDLE [GsmDCT] get active apn string for type:mms [0086]> SET_MUTE false Mute is 0 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: SEND FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_send: Request: mseq=0x43 command=IPC_SND_MIC_MUTE_CTRL (0x0902) type=SET ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES (0x8001) type=RESP ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 09 02 03 00 80 ..... ipc: ======================= aseq: 0x43 found in the IPC_GEN_PHONE_RES queue! [0086]< SET_MUTE ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0x0d0c) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc_fmt_dispatch: Unhandled request: IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0d0c) ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0x0d0c) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 00 . ipc: ======================= ipc_fmt_dispatch: Unhandled request: IPC_GPRS_HSDPA_STATUS (0d0c) ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 03 00 03 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 62 b ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 7 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 02 00 03 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 5 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 63 c ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 7 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_ICON_INFO (0x0701) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] FF 03 00 02 .... ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 62 b ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 7 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 61 a ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 62 b ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 7 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 61 a ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8 NOTE: mReqWaiting is NOT 0 but1 at TIMEOUT, reset! There still msg waitng for response WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT mRequestList=1 0: [17] REQUEST_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 62 b ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 7 ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: RECV FMT! ipc: aries_ipc_fmt_recv: Response: aseq=0x43 command=IPC_DISP_RSSI_INFO (0x0706) type=NOTI ipc: ==== FMT DATA DUMP ==== ipc: [0000] 61 a ipc: ======================= Signal Strength is 8