


Developing Replicant in Android Studio?

Added by Pal Csanyi almost 7 years ago


I have installed Android Studio and replicant-sdk_linux-x86 on my Gentoo Linux system.

I am a newbie in programming Java and C and programming in Android Studio.

Is it possible to use Android Studio to develope Replicant?

Best, from Pali

Replies (3)

RE: Developing Replicant in Android Studio? - Added by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer almost 7 years ago


Do you mean if it's possible to develop apps for Replicant with it? I think that this is possible, although I didn't try it myself with the Replicant SDK. It may require some tweaks because the SDK is quite old. Otherwise, developing Android apps for Replicant shouldn't be different than for any other Android distribution.

RE: Developing Replicant in Android Studio? - Added by Pal Csanyi almost 7 years ago

I mean to develop the Replicant operating system.
What (which IDE or editor) uses Replicant developers to develop the Replicant OS?

RE: Developing Replicant in Android Studio? - Added by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer almost 7 years ago

For developing Replicant, you will need to get the source code for Replicant. The SDK only provides the necessary bits for developing apps.

You can edit the source code with whatever you usually would use for C/C++ or Java development. I use Emacs, others use Vim, Eclipse or maybe other IDEs/editors. Just use the one you are most comfortable with. You can still switch at any point.
