


i9305 StartVoice org.ofono.QualcommCoreSoundDriver_Beta1 dbus error using scintill's branch

Added by Josh Branning almost 2 years ago

Hi, I ran adb logcat and this looks to be the error that is stopping us getting audio in telephone calls on the i9305:

01-01 02:19:29.505 4760 4760 I dbus-send: Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "StartVoice" with signature "uu" on interface "org.ofono.QualcommCoreSoundDriver_Beta1" doesn't exist

I did an online search for "StartVoice ofono" and also "org.ofono.QualcommCoreSoundDriver_Beta1" and didn't get much back.

Any help much appreciated.

Replies (3)

RE: i9305 StartVoice org.ofono.QualcommCoreSoundDriver_Beta1 dbus error using scintill's branch - Added by Josh Branning over 1 year ago



I traced the error about dbus not finding org.ofono.QualcommCoreSoundDriver_Beta1 to the file:

As ofono does not have that interface, it looks to me like we have to hook up audio routing
judging by the arguments in
csd_client_start_voice(int rx_dev_id, int tx_dev_id, int keep_previous_handles)

typically when we route audio, we hook up input to output, source to sync, mic to speaker
by the looks of things there is a tx device id and an rx device id

I'm guessing the device ids refer to audio lines on the modem

probably then this means we hook up tx to rx line
and rx to tx line
(though I may be incorrect on this)

either way, we need to know some information about the i9305's audio capabilities.
for this we can use alsa tools to probe for audio lines
we can also try initiate a call and record some sound on the device
and we can also try initiate a call and play some audio on the device down the phone line to another device
we can also check for speaker and microphone lines on the device


0) Download android-ndk-r8b-linux-x86.tar.bz2 and place in the same directory as the script at the end of this doc
1) Run the script to download the replicant 4.2 toolchain and compile tinyalsa.
[The required commands for checking the modem lines were not on the device so need to be compiled.]
2) Plug in the device to the computer, turn on USB debugging
3) Copy the tinyalsa commands to the device using
adb shell mkdir /data/local/tinyalsa
adb push tinyalsa/utils/tinypcminfo /data/local/tinyalsa/tinypcminfo
adb push tinyalsa/examples/pcm-readi /data/local/tinyalsa/pcm-readi
adb push tinyalsa/examples/pcm-writei /data/local/tinyalsa/pcm-writei
adb push tinyalsa/utils/tinycap /data/local/tinyalsa/tinycap
adb push tinyalsa/utils/tinymix /data/local/tinyalsa/tinymix
adb push tinyalsa/utils/tinyplay /data/local/tinyalsa/tinyplay
4.1) Connect the device and sudo adb shell (you should allow this and root access via adb in device settings)
4.2) cd to /data/local/tinyalsa and mark each file transferred as executable
4.3) run tinypcminfo on different cards and devices
4.4) run tinycap and tinyplay on different cards and devices


I tried running tinycap on some of card 0: Devices 0,1,2 and 3.

I managed to record something WITHOUT dialing in a call on card 0, device 3, however, the recorded audio
was unaudiable/static sounding.

I managed to play back the file on card 0, device 3, WITHOUT dialing in a call, however the audio played back was
unaudiable/static sounding.

When I dialed a call, nothing changed, ie. I was still UNable to open devices 0,1 and 2 either by using tinyplay
or by using tinycap. It simply wouldn't work, additional devices were not opened due to the call being connected.


#tinypcminfo CARD 0, DEVICE 0

./tinypcminfo -D 0 -d 0                      
WARNING: linker: ./tinypcminfo has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
Info for card 0, device 0:

PCM out:
      Access:    0x000009
   Format[0]:    0x000044
   Format[1]:    00000000
 Format Name:    S16_LE, S24_LE
   Subformat:    0x000001
        Rate:    min=8000Hz    max=96000Hz
    Channels:    min=2        max=6
 Sample bits:    min=16        max=32
 Period size:    min=43        max=2048
Period count:    min=2        max=128

PCM in:
cannot open card(0) device (0): Invalid argument
Device does not exist.


./tinypcminfo -D 0 -d 1                      
WARNING: linker: ./tinypcminfo has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
Info for card 0, device 1:

PCM out:
      Access:    0x000008
   Format[0]:    0x000004
   Format[1]:    00000000
 Format Name:    S16_LE
   Subformat:    0x000001
        Rate:    min=8000Hz    max=16000Hz
    Channels:    min=1        max=2
 Sample bits:    min=16        max=16
 Period size:    min=1024        max=4096
Period count:    min=2        max=64

PCM in:
      Access:    0x000008
   Format[0]:    0x000004
   Format[1]:    00000000
 Format Name:    S16_LE
   Subformat:    0x000001
        Rate:    min=8000Hz    max=16000Hz
    Channels:    min=1        max=2
 Sample bits:    min=16        max=16
 Period size:    min=1024        max=4096
Period count:    min=2        max=64


./tinypcminfo -D 0 -d 2                      
WARNING: linker: ./tinypcminfo has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
Info for card 0, device 2:

PCM out:
      Access:    0x000008
   Format[0]:    0x000004
   Format[1]:    00000000
 Format Name:    S16_LE
   Subformat:    0x000001
        Rate:    min=8000Hz    max=16000Hz
    Channels:    min=1        max=2
 Sample bits:    min=16        max=16
 Period size:    min=1024        max=4096
Period count:    min=2        max=64

PCM in:
      Access:    0x000008
   Format[0]:    0x000004
   Format[1]:    00000000
 Format Name:    S16_LE
   Subformat:    0x000001
        Rate:    min=8000Hz    max=16000Hz
    Channels:    min=1        max=2
 Sample bits:    min=16        max=16
 Period size:    min=1024        max=4096
Period count:    min=2        max=64


./tinypcminfo -D 0 -d 3                      
WARNING: linker: ./tinypcminfo has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
Info for card 0, device 3:

PCM out:
      Access:    0x000009
   Format[0]:    0x000044
   Format[1]:    00000000
 Format Name:    S16_LE, S24_LE
   Subformat:    0x000001
        Rate:    min=8000Hz    max=96000Hz
    Channels:    min=2        max=6
 Sample bits:    min=16        max=32
 Period size:    min=171        max=8192
Period count:    min=2        max=128

PCM in:
      Access:    0x000009
   Format[0]:    0x000044
   Format[1]:    00000000
 Format Name:    S16_LE, S24_LE
   Subformat:    0x000001
        Rate:    min=8000Hz    max=96000Hz
    Channels:    min=1        max=2
 Sample bits:    min=16        max=32
 Period size:    min=512        max=16384
Period count:    min=2        max=128


./tinypcminfo -D 0 -d 4                      
WARNING: linker: ./tinypcminfo has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
Info for card 0, device 4:

PCM out:
cannot open card(0) device (4): No such file or directory
Device does not exist.

PCM in:
cannot open card(0) device (4): No such file or directory
Device does not exist.

./tinypcminfo -D 1 -d 0                      
WARNING: linker: ./tinypcminfo has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
Info for card 1, device 0:

PCM out:
cannot open card(1) device (0): No such file or directory
Device does not exist.

PCM in:
cannot open card(1) device (0): No such file or directory
Device does not exist.

./tinypcminfo -D 1 -d 2                      
WARNING: linker: ./tinypcminfo has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
Info for card 1, device 2:

PCM out:
cannot open card(1) device (2): No such file or directory
Device does not exist.

PCM in:
cannot open card(1) device (2): No such file or directory
Device does not exist.

./tinypcminfo -D 2 -d 1                      
WARNING: linker: ./tinypcminfo has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
Info for card 2, device 1:

PCM out:
cannot open card(2) device (1): No such file or directory
Device does not exist.

PCM in:
cannot open card(2) device (1): No such file or directory
Device does not exist.

#I also tried making a call and running tinypcminfo (on -D 1 -d 0) again (and -D 0 -d 4) and neither got additional hits when call was made

#    tinymix controls

./tinymix -D 0 controls                      
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory and prevents security hardening. Please fix.
Number of controls: 257
ctl    type    num    name                                    
0    ENUM    1    AIF1DRC1 Mode                           
1    ENUM    1    AIF1DRC2 Mode                           
2    ENUM    1    AIF2DRC Mode                            
3    INT    1    AIF1DAC1 EQ1 Volume                     
4    INT    1    AIF1DAC1 EQ2 Volume                     
5    INT    1    AIF1DAC1 EQ3 Volume                     
6    INT    1    AIF1DAC1 EQ4 Volume                     
7    INT    1    AIF1DAC1 EQ5 Volume                     
8    INT    1    AIF1DAC2 EQ1 Volume                     
9    INT    1    AIF1DAC2 EQ2 Volume                     
10    INT    1    AIF1DAC2 EQ3 Volume                     
11    INT    1    AIF1DAC2 EQ4 Volume                     
12    INT    1    AIF1DAC2 EQ5 Volume                     
13    INT    1    AIF2 EQ1 Volume                         
14    INT    1    AIF2 EQ2 Volume                         
15    INT    1    AIF2 EQ3 Volume                         
16    INT    1    AIF2 EQ4 Volume                         
17    INT    1    AIF2 EQ5 Volume                         
18    INT    1    IN1L Volume                             
19    BOOL    1    IN1L Switch                             
20    BOOL    1    IN1L ZC Switch                          
21    INT    1    IN1R Volume                             
22    BOOL    1    IN1R Switch                             
23    BOOL    1    IN1R ZC Switch                          
24    INT    1    IN2L Volume                             
25    BOOL    1    IN2L Switch                             
26    BOOL    1    IN2L ZC Switch                          
27    INT    1    IN2R Volume                             
28    BOOL    1    IN2R Switch                             
29    BOOL    1    IN2R ZC Switch                          
30    INT    1    MIXINL IN2L Volume                      
31    INT    1    MIXINL IN1L Volume                      
32    INT    1    MIXINL Output Record Volume             
33    INT    1    MIXINL IN1LP Volume                     
34    INT    1    MIXINL Direct Voice Volume              
35    INT    1    MIXINR IN2R Volume                      
36    INT    1    MIXINR IN1R Volume                      
37    INT    1    MIXINR Output Record Volume             
38    INT    1    MIXINR IN1RP Volume                     
39    INT    1    MIXINR Direct Voice Volume              
40    INT    1    Left Output Mixer IN2RN Volume          
41    INT    1    Left Output Mixer IN2LN Volume          
42    INT    1    Left Output Mixer IN2LP Volume          
43    INT    1    Left Output Mixer IN1L Volume           
44    INT    1    Left Output Mixer IN1R Volume           
45    INT    1    Left Output Mixer Right Input Volume    
46    INT    1    Left Output Mixer Left Input Volume     
47    INT    1    Left Output Mixer DAC Volume            
48    INT    1    Right Output Mixer IN2LN Volume         
49    INT    1    Right Output Mixer IN2RN Volume         
50    INT    1    Right Output Mixer IN1L Volume          
51    INT    1    Right Output Mixer IN1R Volume          
52    INT    1    Right Output Mixer IN2RP Volume         
53    INT    1    Right Output Mixer Left Input Volume    
54    INT    1    Right Output Mixer Right Input Volume   
55    INT    1    Right Output Mixer DAC Volume           
56    INT    2    Output Volume                           
57    BOOL    2    Output Switch                           
58    BOOL    2    Output ZC Switch                        
59    BOOL    1    Earpiece Switch                         
60    INT    1    Earpiece Volume                         
61    INT    1    SPKL Input Volume                       
62    INT    1    SPKL IN1LP Volume                       
63    INT    1    SPKL Output Volume                      
64    INT    1    SPKR Input Volume                       
65    INT    1    SPKR IN1RP Volume                       
66    INT    1    SPKR Output Volume                      
67    INT    2    Speaker Mixer Volume                    
68    INT    2    Speaker Volume                          
69    BOOL    2    Speaker Switch                          
70    BOOL    2    Speaker ZC Switch                       
71    INT    2    Speaker Boost Volume                    
72    ENUM    1    Speaker Reference                       
73    ENUM    1    Speaker Mode                            
74    INT    2    Headphone Volume                        
75    BOOL    2    Headphone Switch                        
76    BOOL    2    Headphone ZC Switch                     
77    BOOL    1    LINEOUT1N Switch                        
78    BOOL    1    LINEOUT1P Switch                        
79    INT    1    LINEOUT1 Volume                         
80    BOOL    1    LINEOUT2N Switch                        
81    BOOL    1    LINEOUT2P Switch                        
82    INT    1    LINEOUT2 Volume                         
83    INT    2    AIF1ADC1 Volume                         
84    INT    2    AIF1ADC2 Volume                         
85    INT    2    AIF2ADC Volume                          
86    ENUM    1    AIF1ADCL Source                         
87    ENUM    1    AIF1ADCR Source                         
88    ENUM    1    AIF2ADCL Source                         
89    ENUM    1    AIF2ADCR Source                         
90    ENUM    1    AIF1DACL Source                         
91    ENUM    1    AIF1DACR Source                         
92    ENUM    1    AIF2DACL Source                         
93    ENUM    1    AIF2DACR Source                         
94    INT    2    AIF1DAC1 Volume                         
95    INT    2    AIF1DAC2 Volume                         
96    INT    2    AIF2DAC Volume                          
97    INT    1    AIF1 Boost Volume                       
98    INT    1    AIF2 Boost Volume                       
99    BOOL    1    AIF1DAC1 EQ Switch                      
100    BOOL    1    AIF1DAC2 EQ Switch                      
101    BOOL    1    AIF2 EQ Switch                          
102    BOOL    1    AIF1DAC1 DRC Switch                     
103    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC1L DRC Switch                    
104    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC1R DRC Switch                    
105    BOOL    1    AIF1DAC2 DRC Switch                     
106    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC2L DRC Switch                    
107    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC2R DRC Switch                    
108    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC DRC Switch                      
109    BOOL    1    AIF2ADCL DRC Switch                     
110    BOOL    1    AIF2ADCR DRC Switch                     
111    INT    1    DAC1 Right Sidetone Volume              
112    INT    1    DAC1 Left Sidetone Volume               
113    INT    1    DAC2 Right Sidetone Volume              
114    INT    1    DAC2 Left Sidetone Volume               
115    ENUM    1    Sidetone HPF Mux                        
116    BOOL    1    Sidetone HPF Switch                     
117    ENUM    1    AIF1ADC1 HPF Mode                       
118    BOOL    2    AIF1ADC1 HPF Switch                     
119    ENUM    1    AIF1ADC2 HPF Mode                       
120    BOOL    2    AIF1ADC2 HPF Switch                     
121    ENUM    1    AIF2ADC HPF Mode                        
122    BOOL    2    AIF2ADC HPF Switch                      
123    ENUM    1    ADC OSR                                 
124    ENUM    1    DAC OSR                                 
125    INT    2    DAC1 Volume                             
126    BOOL    2    DAC1 Switch                             
127    INT    2    DAC2 Volume                             
128    BOOL    2    DAC2 Switch                             
129    INT    1    SPKL DAC2 Volume                        
130    INT    1    SPKL DAC1 Volume                        
131    INT    1    SPKR DAC2 Volume                        
132    INT    1    SPKR DAC1 Volume                        
133    INT    1    AIF1DAC1 3D Stereo Volume               
134    BOOL    1    AIF1DAC1 3D Stereo Switch               
135    INT    1    AIF1DAC2 3D Stereo Volume               
136    BOOL    1    AIF1DAC2 3D Stereo Switch               
137    INT    1    AIF2DAC 3D Stereo Volume                
138    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC 3D Stereo Switch                
139    INT    1    AIF3 Boost Volume                       
140    BOOL    1    AIF1DAC1 Noise Gate Switch              
141    ENUM    1    AIF1DAC1 Noise Gate Hold Time           
142    INT    1    AIF1DAC1 Noise Gate Threshold Volume    
143    BOOL    1    AIF1DAC2 Noise Gate Switch              
144    ENUM    1    AIF1DAC2 Noise Gate Hold Time           
145    INT    1    AIF1DAC2 Noise Gate Threshold Volume    
146    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC Noise Gate Switch               
147    ENUM    1    AIF2DAC Noise Gate Hold Time            
148    INT    1    AIF2DAC Noise Gate Threshold Volume     
149    BOOL    1    AIF2ADCL DAT Invert                     
150    BOOL    1    AIF2ADCR DAT Invert                     
151    BOOL    1    HP Switch                               
152    BOOL    1    SPK Switch                              
153    BOOL    1    RCV Switch                              
154    BOOL    1    FM In Switch                            
155    BOOL    1    LINE Switch                             
156    BOOL    1    HDMI Switch                             
157    BOOL    1    Main Mic Switch                         
158    BOOL    1    Sub Mic Switch                          
159    BOOL    1    Headset Mic Switch                      
160    ENUM    1    AIF2 Mode                               
161    ENUM    1    Input Clamp                             
162    ENUM    1    LineoutSwitch Mode                      
163    ENUM    1    ADCR Mux                                
164    ENUM    1    ADCL Mux                                
165    ENUM    1    Right Headphone Mux                     
166    ENUM    1    Left Headphone Mux                      
167    BOOL    1    SPKR DAC2 Switch                        
168    BOOL    1    SPKR Input Switch                       
169    BOOL    1    SPKR IN1RP Switch                       
170    BOOL    1    SPKR Output Switch                      
171    BOOL    1    SPKR DAC1 Switch                        
172    BOOL    1    SPKL DAC2 Switch                        
173    BOOL    1    SPKL Input Switch                       
174    BOOL    1    SPKL IN1LP Switch                       
175    BOOL    1    SPKL Output Switch                      
176    BOOL    1    SPKL DAC1 Switch                        
177    ENUM    1    AIF3ADC Mux                             
178    ENUM    1    AIF2DACR Mux                            
179    ENUM    1    AIF2DACL Mux                            
180    ENUM    1    Mono PCM Out Mux                        
181    ENUM    1    AIF2ADC Mux                             
182    ENUM    1    AIF2DAC Mux                             
183    ENUM    1    AIF1DAC Mux                             
184    BOOL    1    DAC1R Mixer Right Sidetone Switch       
185    BOOL    1    DAC1R Mixer Left Sidetone Switch        
186    BOOL    1    DAC1R Mixer AIF2 Switch                 
187    BOOL    1    DAC1R Mixer AIF1.2 Switch               
188    BOOL    1    DAC1R Mixer AIF1.1 Switch               
189    BOOL    1    DAC1L Mixer Right Sidetone Switch       
190    BOOL    1    DAC1L Mixer Left Sidetone Switch        
191    BOOL    1    DAC1L Mixer AIF2 Switch                 
192    BOOL    1    DAC1L Mixer AIF1.2 Switch               
193    BOOL    1    DAC1L Mixer AIF1.1 Switch               
194    ENUM    1    Right Sidetone                          
195    ENUM    1    Left Sidetone                           
196    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC2R Mixer Right Sidetone Switch   
197    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC2R Mixer Left Sidetone Switch    
198    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC2R Mixer AIF2 Switch             
199    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC2R Mixer AIF1.2 Switch           
200    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC2R Mixer AIF1.1 Switch           
201    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC2L Mixer Right Sidetone Switch   
202    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC2L Mixer Left Sidetone Switch    
203    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC2L Mixer AIF2 Switch             
204    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC2L Mixer AIF1.2 Switch           
205    BOOL    1    AIF2DAC2L Mixer AIF1.1 Switch           
206    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC2R Mixer DMIC Switch             
207    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC2R Mixer AIF2 Switch             
208    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC2L Mixer DMIC Switch             
209    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC2L Mixer AIF2 Switch             
210    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC1R Mixer ADC/DMIC Switch         
211    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC1R Mixer AIF2 Switch             
212    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC1L Mixer ADC/DMIC Switch         
213    BOOL    1    AIF1ADC1L Mixer AIF2 Switch             
214    BOOL    1    LINEOUT2P Mixer Right Output Switch     
215    BOOL    1    LINEOUT2N Mixer Left Output Switch      
216    BOOL    1    LINEOUT2N Mixer Right Output Switch     
217    BOOL    1    LINEOUT1P Mixer Left Output Switch      
218    BOOL    1    LINEOUT1N Mixer Left Output Switch      
219    BOOL    1    LINEOUT1N Mixer Right Output Switch     
220    BOOL    1    SPKR Boost Direct Voice Switch          
221    BOOL    1    SPKR Boost SPKL Switch                  
222    BOOL    1    SPKR Boost SPKR Switch                  
223    BOOL    1    SPKL Boost Direct Voice Switch          
224    BOOL    1    SPKL Boost SPKL Switch                  
225    BOOL    1    SPKL Boost SPKR Switch                  
226    BOOL    1    Earpiece Mixer Direct Voice Switch      
227    BOOL    1    Earpiece Mixer Left Output Switch       
228    BOOL    1    Earpiece Mixer Right Output Switch      
229    BOOL    1    Right Output Mixer Left Input Switch    
230    BOOL    1    Right Output Mixer Right Input Switch   
231    BOOL    1    Right Output Mixer IN2LN Switch         
232    BOOL    1    Right Output Mixer IN2RN Switch         
233    BOOL    1    Right Output Mixer IN1L Switch          
234    BOOL    1    Right Output Mixer IN1R Switch          
235    BOOL    1    Right Output Mixer IN2RP Switch         
236    BOOL    1    Right Output Mixer DAC Switch           
237    BOOL    1    Left Output Mixer Right Input Switch    
238    BOOL    1    Left Output Mixer Left Input Switch     
239    BOOL    1    Left Output Mixer IN2RN Switch          
240    BOOL    1    Left Output Mixer IN2LN Switch          
241    BOOL    1    Left Output Mixer IN2LP Switch          
242    BOOL    1    Left Output Mixer IN1R Switch           
243    BOOL    1    Left Output Mixer IN1L Switch           
244    BOOL    1    Left Output Mixer DAC Switch            
245    BOOL    1    MIXINR IN2R Switch                      
246    BOOL    1    MIXINR IN1R Switch                      
247    BOOL    1    MIXINL IN2L Switch                      
248    BOOL    1    MIXINL IN1L Switch                      
249    BOOL    1    IN2R PGA IN2RP Switch                   
250    BOOL    1    IN2R PGA IN2RN Switch                   
251    BOOL    1    IN2L PGA IN2LP Switch                   
252    BOOL    1    IN2L PGA IN2LN Switch                   
253    BOOL    1    IN1R PGA IN1RP Switch                   
254    BOOL    1    IN1R PGA IN1RN Switch                   
255    BOOL    1    IN1L PGA IN1LP Switch                   
256    BOOL    1    IN1L PGA IN1LN Switch  


I had hoped to use a library like libcmtspeechdata to route the audio for the modem as this would have been a
good candidate. Unfortunately I could not open any additional audio devices when the call was connected, although
I managed to find out that card 0 is the only active card on the phone, with devices 0 to 3 being used somehow.




git clone



tar -xf android-ndk-r8b-linux-x86.tar.bz2

cd tinyalsa

mkdir include/sound

wget "" -O include/sound/asound.h

#tell src/Makefile to use sysroot
sed -i "s#CC = \$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc#CC = \$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc --sysroot=\"${thepwd}/android-ndk-r8b/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/\" -std=c99#g" src/Makefile
sed -i "s#LD = \$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc#LD = \$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc --sysroot=\"${thepwd}/android-ndk-r8b/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/\"#g" src/Makefile

#tell utils/Makefile to use sysroot
sed -i "s#CC = \$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc#CC = \$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc --sysroot=\"${thepwd}/android-ndk-r8b/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/\" -std=c99#g" utils/Makefile

#tell tinyalsa/examples to use sysroot
sed -i "s#CC = \$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc#CC = \$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc --sysroot=\"${thepwd}/android-ndk-r8b/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/\" -std=c99#g" examples/Makefile

export PATH="${thepwd}/android-ndk-r8b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin/:$PATH" 

CROSS_COMPILE="arm-linux-androideabi-" make


RE: i9305 StartVoice org.ofono.QualcommCoreSoundDriver_Beta1 dbus error using scintill's branch - Added by Josh Branning over 1 year ago


I got the audio control values using script and
took the difference between in-call and out-of-call controls on
LineageOS. Below is controls.txt for in-call.

24 IN2L Volume 28
31 MIXINL IN1L Volume 0
67 Speaker Mixer Volume 0
68 Speaker Volume 0
71 Speaker Boost Volume 0
77 LINEOUT1N Switch 1
78 LINEOUT1P Switch 1
99 AIF1DAC1 EQ Switch 0
118 AIF1ADC1 HPF Switch 0
152 SPK Switch 0
153 RCV Switch 1
186 DAC1R Mixer AIF2 Switch 1
191 DAC1L Mixer AIF2 Switch 1

I then installed scintill's version of Replicant 6, dialled a call and
ran set_control_values. Unfortunately I did not get audio. Here is the

./ controls_call.txt
< Attempting to set controls, saving old controls to reverse.txt
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting IN2L Volume to 28
... Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting MIXINL IN1L Volume
to 0 ... Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting Speaker Mixer
Volume to 0 ... Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting Speaker Volume to
0 ... Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting Speaker Boost
Volume to 0 ... Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting LINEOUT1N Switch
to 1 ... Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting LINEOUT1P Switch
to 1 ... Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting AIF1DAC1 EQ Switch
to 0 ... Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting AIF1ADC1 HPF
Switch to 0 ... Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting SPK Switch to 0 ...
Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting RCV Switch to 1 ...
Successfully set control
WARNING: linker: ./tinymix has text relocations. This is wasting memory
and prevents security hardening. Please fix. Setting DAC1R Mixer AIF2
Switch to 1 ... Successfully set control

You will see that there is lots of warnings. This is because I used a
compiled version of tinymix. The script requires
this version. (I get "Invalid control" errors when using the default
version of tinymix and this script on replicant 6.)

Below are the last versions of the scripts I used;
and . The former generates controls.txt.
The latter uses controls.txt and saves a file called reverse.txt, so
you can reverse the settings once you exit call.

I don't know what to do now regarding the device.

#run with: ./ 2>/dev/null 1>controls.txt
#format: <control num> <control name> <value>

if [ "$(which tinymix)" = "" ]; then

if [ "$tinymix" = "tinymix" ]; then
controls="$($tinymix -D 0)"
printf "%s\n" "$controls" | while read line; do
if [ "$first" = "yes" ]; then
if [ "$second" = "yes" ]; then
if [ "$third" = "yes" ]; then
value="$(echo "$line" | grep -o " .*" | grep -o "[A-Z|a-z|0-9].*")"

if [ "$(echo "$value" | grep "(")" != "" ]; then
value="$(echo "$value" | cut -d '(' -f1 2>/dev/null)"
elif [ "$(echo "$value" | grep ">")" != "" ]; then
value="$(echo "$value" | cut -d '>' -f2 2>/dev/null | cut -d ',' -f1 | tr -d " ")"
elif [ "$(echo $value | cut -d ',' -f1)" = "Off" ]; then
elif [ "$(echo $value | cut -d ',' -f1)" = "On" ]; then

printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n" "$(echo "$line" | cut -f 1)" "$(echo "$line" | cut -f 4 | rev | grep -o " .*" | grep -o "[A-Z|a-z|0-9].*" | rev)" "$value"
controls="$($tinymix -D 0 controls)"

printf "%s\n" "$controls" | while read line; do
if [ "$first" = "yes" ]; then
if [ "$second" = "yes" ]; then
value="$($tinymix -D 0 get $(echo "$line" | cut -f1) | cut -d "(" -f1)"
if [ "$(echo "$value" | grep "(")" != "" ]; then
value="$(echo "$value" | cut -d '(' -f1 2>/dev/null)"
elif [ "$(echo "$value" | grep ">")" != "" ]; then
value="$(echo "$value" | cut -d '>' -f2 2>/dev/null | cut -d ',' -f1 | tr -d " ")"
elif [ "$(echo $value | cut -d ',' -f1)" = "Off" ]; then
elif [ "$(echo $value | cut -d ',' -f1)" = "On" ]; then
printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n" "$(echo "$line" | cut -f1)" "$(echo "$line" | cut -f 4)" "$value"


#run with
#./ controls.txt
#./ reverse
#to reverse #
#format: <control num> <control name> <value>
if [ "$1" = "reverse" ]; then
echo "Reversing controls with reverse.txt"
elif [ -f "$1" ]; then
echo "Attempting to set controls, saving old controls to reverse.txt"
echo "Argv1: [ <control file> | "reverse"]"


if [ "$thefile" != "reverse.txt" ]; then
if [ -f "reverse.txt" ]; then
rm "reverse.txt"

cat "$thefile" | while read line; do
control="$(echo "$line" | cut -f 2)"
oldvalue="$($tinymix -D 0 get "$control")"
if [ "$(echo "$oldvalue" | grep "(")" != "" ]; then
oldvalue="$(echo "$oldvalue" | cut -d '(' -f1 2>/dev/null)"
elif [ "$(echo "$oldvalue" | grep ">")" != "" ]; then
oldvalue="$(echo "$oldvalue" | cut -d '>' -f2 2>/dev/null | cut -d ',' -f1 | tr -d " ")"
elif [ "$(echo $oldvalue | cut -d ',' -f1)" = "Off" ]; then
elif [ "$(echo $oldvalue | cut -d ',' -f1)" = "On" ]; then

if [ "$thefile" != "reverse.txt" ]; then
printf "%s\t%s\t%s\n" "$(echo "$line" | cut -f1)" "$control" "$oldvalue" >> "reverse.txt"

value="$(echo "$line" | cut -f 3)"
if [ "$value" != "unknown" ] && [ "$value" != "" ]; then
echo "Setting $control to $value ..."
checkforerror="$($tinymix set "$control" "$value" 2>&1)"
if [ "$?" = 0 ] && [ "$(echo "$checkforerror" | grep "Error:")" = "" ] && [ "$(echo "$checkforerror" | grep "Invalid")" = "" ]; then
echo "Successfully set control"
if [ "$(echo "$checkforerror" | grep "Error:")" != "" ]; then
echo "$(echo $checkforerror | grep -o "Error:.*")"
echo "Not setting; value is unknown or blank"

RE: i9305 StartVoice org.ofono.QualcommCoreSoundDriver_Beta1 dbus error using scintill's branch - Added by Josh Branning over 1 year ago

I run

sudo adb root

I compile tcpdump for android (it is not needed on Replicant 6 as tcpdump is already included)
I push tcpdump to the device using

sudo adb push tcpdump-4.99.4/tcpdump /data/local/tcpdump

You will notice the version I used. This was the last version I could successfully compile (but not run)
When I run my compiled version of tcpdump I get

error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported.

I run (in "adb shell"):


I get:

Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05c6:904c

You will see that Bus 001, Device 002 is the usb modem.

I run:

tcpdump -D

... to list devices:

1.nfqueue (Linux netfilter queue (NFQUEUE) interface)
2.usbmon1 (USB bus number 1)
4.usbmon2 (USB bus number 2)
5.any (Pseudo-device that captures on all interfaces)

I incorrectly try usbmon2 because I was reading the device number instead of the bus number and get

listening on usbmon2, link-type USB_LINUX (USB with Linux header), capture size 65535 bytes
and 0 packets captured

I then try "usbmon1", like a proper hacker lol.

tcpdump -i usbmon1 -vvv -XX -s0 -w modem_replicant.pcap

with tcpdump running I
- dial a call

for some reason, when sniffing with tcpdump, the call is automatically answered. Either way I hang up on the calling phone.

To try and dissect the file on my computer, I use:

sudo apt-get install tshark wireshark tcpdump
git clone
git clone
cd WiresharkQMIDissector
python3 ../libqmi/data/
tshark -T json -r ../modem_replicant.pcap -X lua_script:qmi_dissector_gen.lua | tee modem_replicant_dissected.json

I grep the json for "qmi" and "QMI" but receive no results. I also search for the number I dialled and recieve no results.

I then try wireshark with the GUI because I am actually a novice.

wireshark -r ../modem_replicant.pcap -X lua_script:qmi_dissector_gen.lua

As with tshark, I don't see any qmi fields.

Regarding "Info" section of wireshark when reading the pcap file with the lua dissector...

There are "GET_STATUS Request" for [Port 1] to [Port 3]
There are "CLEAR FEATURE Request"
There are "CLEAR FEATURE Request [Port 2: C_PORT_SUSPEND]"
There are "GET STATUS Request"
There are "GET_STATUS Response" [Port 1] to [Port 3]
There are "SET FEATURE Request"
There are "SET_FEATURE Response"
There are "SET_FEATURE Request [Port 2: PORT_SUSPEND]"
There are "URB_BULK in"
There are "URB_CONTROL in"
There are "URB_INTERRUPT in"

The protocols are all either




The source seems to be either


The destination (likewise) seems to be either


As I could see no QMI fields in wireshark or tshark, I decided not to install LineageOS yet and get a tcpdump for that to compare with. I only try on scintill's branch of replicant 6 so far.

