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partition informations
Added by Fil Lupin almost 6 years ago
Denis GNUtoo added Pit partitions for devices like
The PIT partition should be saved before every change, so perhaps a binary PIT could be put in addition to the bash description given by Denis?
I understand the pit is a partition table describing the names of partitions to create (field "Partition Name"). This PIT does not change in comparison with the default one and can be downloaded through Heimdall on Samsung devices.
Those partitions are:
- partition 0/BOOTABLE: ?
- partition 1/TZSW: Trusted Zone for ARM (?)
- partition 2/PIT: Partition Information Table, a partition table corresponding to this one, but in a binary format, which should be uploaded before every change.
- partition 3/MD5HDR : ?
- partition 4/BOTA0: ?
- partition 5/BOTA1: ?
- partition 6/EFS: encrypted filesystem, partition which should absolutely not be changed since it contains unique informations (MAC address, IMEI, etc.)
- partition 7/PARAM: ?
- partition 8/BOOT: include kernel and RAM disk, to erase only if a new BOOT partition is to be installed. To save before every change. This partition is downloadable or buildable following instructions (e.g.
- partition 9/RECOVERY: alternative startup system, to allow starting in recovery mode. This partition is specific to every device, it is often linked to the kernel partition (e.g. Galaxy S2) but not always (e.g. Galaxy S3). Access is given (Samsung Galaxy S3 : Vol+, Home, Power) or by command "adb reboot recovery" on a remote PC.
Original system check ROM authenticity during update. Once recovery partition updated, this authenticity can't be checked. This partition is downloadable or buildable (e.g.
- partition 10/RADIO: modem partition, managing wifi, bluetooth, phone network.
- partition 11/CACHE: frequently accessed data, like OTA packages updates downloaded from servers
- partition 12/SYSTEM: android system itself without kernel and RAM disk. Only changes during OTA updates and ROM update. Often mounted in read only mode so needs rooted device to be changed. It includes GUI and precompiled (system) applications. Erase this partition still allows starting up in recovery mode or on startup partition to install a new ROM.
- partition 13/HIDDEN: ?
- partition 14/?: ?
- partition 15/USERDATA: application data mounted into /data, with /data/data for data, and other directories in /data for application, /data/media is mounted into /storage/emulated and symlinked into /sdcard
Here are some links to go further:
- Samsung CSC:
- Startup:
Please complete and fix any error, since I am not an expert.
By the way, I wonder if repartitioning could be a solution to this issue: ?
Replies (1)
RE: repartitioning - Added by Fil Lupin almost 6 years ago
Hi there,
while watching into the generated built files, I listed the img and zip content:
|_ android-info.txt
|_ boot.img
|_ recovery.img
|_ BOOT/
|_ DATA/
| |_ boot.img
| |_ recovery.img
| |_ system.img
| |_
| |_ userdata.img
|_ META/
|_ OTA/
In Art Os give a shot on generated built files.
He wrote zip contains img and filesystem which explains why zip are approximately twice bigger than img.
I am not sure what is the effect if we do not enter a password when launching ./vendor/replicant/sign-build i9300
Does anyone has an answer to this?
It could be interesting to give a link explaining the sense of partitions and images. I began to list the possible partitions here but an external reference could be more complete and pedagogical. If you know some url with an explanation about all this, please share it. :)