


Using u-boot with galaxy S2?

Added by Skoll RC over 4 years ago

Hi everyone,

I recently see that S2 can be used with u-boot bootloader ( I would like to use replicant withe u-boot but I'm not sure if it's possible. has anyone tried this yet?

Replies (3)

RE: Using u-boot with galaxy S2? - Added by Kurtis Hanna over 4 years ago

We've put our i9100 u-boot research on this here:

Unfortunately no one has upstreamed the i9100 bootloader yet, but it sounds like there are some recent downstream projects that are trying to update and upstream their work:

RE: Using u-boot with galaxy S2? - Added by Skoll RC over 4 years ago

Thanks for the links. Is there a chance to have a completle freed phone oneday?
I mean a phone with uboot and replicant? (and if possible a working one as S3 and Note 2 are not realy functional yet)

RE: Using u-boot with galaxy S2? - Added by Kurtis Hanna over 4 years ago

Replicant developers have already been able to use u-boot with Replicant 9 and 10 on the i9300 (Galaxy S3) via this downstream u-boot work here:

We are now looking for a way to install it that doesn't require opening up the phone and shorting a resister. We might be able to use lthor, but we are still researching:
