


How does Replicant install differently than other custom Roms?

Added by ware akaunto over 4 years ago

I read the Replicant installation guide, but it's kind of difficult. I already have TWRP installed on my device, so I'm going to use that to install Replicant. Can't install it?

Replies (3)

RE: How does Replicant install differently than other custom Roms? - Added by dl lud over 4 years ago

Yes, you can use TWRP. Just put the zip file of the system image somewhere accessible by TWRP (sdcard or internal memory). Then ask TWRP to install that zip. Also, better clean your data and cache partitions before that.

RE: How does Replicant install differently than other custom Roms? - Added by Black Matrix almost 4 years ago

Didn't know that this is working, too. Is it less secure to use TWRP than Replicant recovery?

RE: How does Replicant install differently than other custom Roms? - Added by John Newtral almost 4 years ago

Black Matrix wrote in RE: How does Replicant install differently than other cus...:

Didn't know that this is working, too. Is it less secure to use TWRP than Replicant recovery?

Well, according to Wikipedia website .apks are not libre software:

So I looked for my Device (Note II) and I can see it has up-to-date imgs:

However, when I surfed on the source code I found it's 3 years old:

To sum up, as far as security and privacy are concern it's not as reliable as Replicant recovery.
