


No cellular network when backup and restore userdata.img

Added by 59iosl30 - over 1 year ago


I tried to migrate Replicant 6.0 0004 to another GT-I9300 as described here:

When I did a full backup of /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 on the source GT-I9300:
$ adb pull /dev/block/platform/dw_mmc/by-name/USERDATA ./USERDATA.img

The target device GT-I9300 is fresh installed and resetted to factory defaults.

After restoring USERDATA.img:
$ adb push USERDATA.img /dev/block/mmcblk0p12

Everything works except the mobile network. The sim card is detected and can receive sms messages, but there is no cellular network when:
$ svc data enable

If I do a full factory reset on the target device, the cellular network works again. How do I get the cellular network working again after restoring the USERDATA.img ?

Am I doing something wrong ?

Kind regards,

Replies (2)

RE: No cellular network when backup and restore userdata.img - Added by 59iosl30 - over 1 year ago

Can anyone reproduce this issue ?

Kind regards,

RE: No cellular network when backup and restore userdata.img - Added by 59iosl30 - over 1 year ago

I tested it on another GT-I9300 device with the same result. The mobile data did not work after a full backup and restore of the partition from a working device (even with mobile data) to another device. Resetting the network settings on the restored device did not help either.

After a full factory reset, the mobile data on both devices are working again. It looks like a setting or file in /data or even in /system is different or does not fit to the restored USERDATA.img.

Does anyone have a hint on what I can try ?

Kind regards,
