



Added by Anonymous over 5 years ago


Replies (7)

RE: how to change replicant logo boot screen? - Added by Kurtis Hanna over 5 years ago

Which logo are you trying to change? The Replicant image or the samsung image? Here's a ticket you can post in about changing the Replicant image: Here's a forum post too: Please post any other questions you have about this.

- - Added by Anonymous over 5 years ago


RE: how to change replicant logo boot screen? - Added by Kurtis Hanna over 5 years ago

Which boot screen logo? There are two, no?

- - Added by Anonymous over 5 years ago


RE: how to change replicant logo boot screen? - Added by Andrés D over 5 years ago


s s wrote:

I would like to remove 2 replicant ones

The Replicant boot animation is located at /system/media/ At your own risk, you can search the web for instructions on how to create a custom bootanimation.

also, the samsung one if possible

Changing the Samsung logo requires modifying the boot loader, so I don't recommend doing it.

side question; why does replicant prepare all apps at boot time even before entering encryption password? can I prevent this behaviour?

I have not looked into it, but I'm pretty sure that it's a bug (and part of the reason why the boot process is so slow on Replicant). Preparing apps should only happen the first boot after installing the ROM or wiping the data partition. Anyway, I don't think that the system is touching the data partition before asking for the password (it should not be able to do it, as the partition is encrypted).

= - Added by Anonymous over 5 years ago


RE: how to change replicant logo boot screen? - Added by Kurtis Hanna over 5 years ago

You could move the file somewhere else and if there is an issue you could move it back.
