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If Replicant supported CDMA...
Added by Linus Drumbler about 11 years ago
Imagine someone brilliant came along and gave us support for CDMA devices. Here's a full list of the new devices we could support:
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I just looked through CyanogenMod's full list of supported devices, and CDMA support would not bring us one new device. So there is absolutely no need to add them.
Replies (3)
RE: If Replicant supported CDMA... - Added by Linus Drumbler about 11 years ago
Darn it! I missed one. Still, that's only one device, so CDMA support still isn't worth it.
RE: If Replicant supported CDMA... - Added by Paul Kocialkowski about 11 years ago
Actually we could support the CDMA versions of Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus too.