DNSCrypt on Replicant?
Added by John R about 2 years ago
I am new to Replicant. I installed it recently on an S3 I9300.
I would like to use DNSCrypt for better network security. On my GNU/Linux computers I use dnscrypt-proxy. How can I do this correctly on Replicant?
*I asked this in the mailing list but it seems there aren't many people using it, so I hope to get some help with this here.
Replies (2)
RE: DNSCrypt on Replicant? - Added by Xan VFR about 2 years ago
Hi, John:
I use Invizible Pro, wich allows to use DNSCrypt, Tor and/or I2P without root.
Best regards
RE: DNSCrypt on Replicant? - Added by John R about 2 years ago
I know that this app exists. However, I am looking for a "clean" way to install dnscrypt-proxy, i.e. not through apps with whatever irrelevant-to-the-task permissions or features. I would like to do it through ADB.
So far, I have been able to download the dnscrypt-proxy binary for Android from the official repo's release. However, I am facing difficulties with starting the service automatically on boot. Manual starting seems to work, although I don't think the actual resolving goes through DNSCrypt (and only through it). How do I know? - I created a simple blocked_names list adding only one domain to it for the sake of testing and it is not blocked. I can still browse to that domain.
[The official documentation regarding Android](https://www.dnscrypt.org/#dnscrypt-android) says root and init.d are required. We have both on Replicant. However, that "system/etc/init.d/99dnscrypt" script mentioned in the doc does not exist anywhere - neither in the source code, nor in any of the releases (yes, I downloaded all of them starting from 2.0.6 which was the first one introducing Android binaries).
As a whole this official doc seems unrelated to the current state of things. Digging deeper I found this in GitHub's issues comments:
It includes some init.d script but it is so over-complicated and the author's code is not quite clean. I tested it but it doesn't load the service correctly for some reason.
So, I am still looking for a clean and working solution.