


Found a little system alarm-clock app issue, so I replaced it with [Simple Alarm Clock app]

Added by My Self about 9 years ago

I realized a little problem with the >alarm< part of my stock/AOSP clock app.
After an alarm has executed and manually dismissed or just be snoozed, the clock process expands its CPU usage noticeable.
I checked this with the OS Monitor app. Please feel free to do the same.

I really don't know why the clock uses that much CPU, while it should doing the same as before the dismissed alarm -> nothing:
So I searched for alternative alarm clock apps and found Simple Alarm Clock

IMHO, Clock [/system/app/DeskClock.apk] don't have to be a system app (with more privileged [system] permissions). I've tested to remove that system app without any problems, and finally I've replaced it with Simple Alarm Clock installed as user app, because this app needs less permissions:
Clock v2.0.3 Simple Alarm Clock v2.9.01
Read phone state and identity ⚠ [READ_PHONE_STATE] Read phone state and identity ⚠ [READ_PHONE_STATE]
Disable keylock ⚠ [DISABLE_KEYGUARD] Disable keylock ⚠ [DISABLE_KEYGUARD]
Control vibrator ⓘ [VIBRATE] Control vibrator ⓘ [VIBRATE]
Prevent tablet from sleeping ⓘ [WAKE_LOCK] Prevent tablet from sleeping ⓘ [WAKE_LOCK]
Automatically start at boot ⓘ [RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED] Automatically start at boot ⓘ [RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED]
Modify global system settings ⓘ [WRITE_SETTINGS] Modify global system settings ⓘ [WRITE_SETTINGS]
Power tablet on or off ✽ [DEVICE_POWER] ⚙ []
Fine (GPS) location ⚠ [ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION]
Coarse (network-based) location ⚠ [ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION]
Full Internet access ⚠ [INTERNET]
View network state ⓘ [ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE]
⚙ []
And also this app needs less CPU after executed alarm(s):
Robert Sanches 4.2 Simple Alarm Clock AOSP Clock
values are CPU usage in %
before executed alarm 0.0 0.0
after executed alarm 0.0 Ø 3.6

I've realized CPU usage of the AOSP Clock app up to 5.8% in idle mode, even if I completely turned off every alarm functionalities, after one executed alarm:

Think this could be responsible for a noticeable battery draining...

If you missing the AOSP Clock built-in stopwatch functionality, just try: and/or if you missing the AOSP Clock built-in timer functionality, just try:

Replies (1)

RE: Found a little system alarm-clock app issue, so I replaced it with [Simple Alarm Clock app] - Added by Paul Kocialkowski about 9 years ago

Any clue why it might be that the AOSP clock is using so much CPU time after ringing? That sounds a bit strange and would be worth fixing.
