


Replicant 6.0 with Jami application

Added by Pintade Rabougrie about 6 years ago

Good afternoon,
I am an absolute noob in IT things.
My Galaxy S2 works with replicant, i work with it everyday Since 2 months and I am a happy user : Thank you very much.
Today I have tried to install this app and I can't make it work (especially finding my GF who installed it on her apple phone / it works for her / ).

Just to say : I deleted the calendar app directory in the system partition with rm -r because I wanted to use this one instead.
Do you think deleting this directory has an impact on the good work the Jami app ?

Can you please tell me if their is any modification /trick to do on replicant to make the Jami app work ?

And a subsidiary question : Why are all those songs of Bernard Lavilliers coming with Replicant ?

Thank you very much

Replies (1)

RE: Replicant 6.0 with Jami application - Added by Fil Bergamo almost 6 years ago

Pintade Rabougrie wrote:

Good afternoon,


I am an absolute noob in IT things.
My Galaxy S2 works with replicant, i work with it everyday Since 2 months and I am a happy user : Thank you very much.

That's good to read! :)

Today I have tried to install this app and I can't make it work (especially finding my GF who installed it on her apple phone / it works for her / ).

Please, can you define a little better what you mean by "I can't make it work"?

Just to say : I deleted the calendar app directory in the system partition with rm -r because I wanted to use this one instead.
Do you think deleting this directory has an impact on the good work the Jami app ?

This shouldn't matter, if you did things properly.
Can you provide the exact commands you typed to remove the Calendar app?
As a side note: you don't need to remove system apps the hard way (mounting /system partition rw); you can just "Disable" them and replace them with other apps you prefer. To do so, go to Settings -> Apps -> [app you don't want] -> Disable.

Can you please tell me if their is any modification /trick to do on replicant to make the Jami app work ?

It's hard to tell without more details.
First, you need to describe the issue more precisely (e.g. what's the behaviour you expect and what happens instead).
Then, it could be useful to collect logs (please read here for instructions) and attach them to this thread.

Beware that sensitive information can be leaked in logs, so please review them before posting, and only post them if you're fine with revealing their content.

And a subsidiary question : Why are all those songs of Bernard Lavilliers coming with Replicant ?

To my knowledge, official Replicant releases don't include any music file.
Where did you get Replicant from?
Did you do a "factory reset" after installing Replicant the first time?
