Signal messenger can't verify
Added by Franz Gratzer over 2 years ago
I am using Replicant 6.0.0004 on a Samsung S3 and just installed the Signal messenger app 6.1.4 using the APK download from since I have red that some people were able to use it with Replicant.
As soon as I try to start the app it asks me for my mobile number and then informs me that it will have limited functionality without Google services. I am willing to accept that but after selecting "ok" it just tells me that it has no connection to the service and shows me the form for entering my mobile number again. But of course the mobile is connected and works fine otherwise.
I already have given the app all possible permissions and did two reboots and I have asked for help in the Signal community. But maybe someone here has any suggestions how to overcome this blockade. I fear that not many people will have relevant suggestions in other places when it comes to Replicant.
Replies (11)
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by Larry Cotton 8 months ago
I have also just encountered exactly this issue - was there a solution to it ?
I looped through for a while re-entering the phone number until it came up with a message saying have tried to enter the phone number too many times, then it went to a window saying something like We need you to show you are human and hung. Only way out is to reboot.
Does anyone know at least if this is an issue with replicant, or an issue with Signal without Gooogle Play ?
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by dl lud 8 months ago
Seems like an issue with Signal without Google Play Service. You may be able to gather useful info through adb logcat.
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by Larry Cotton 8 months ago
Thank you for the reply.
I will give adb logcat a go when I get a chance.
Seems like an issue with Signal without Google Play Service.
Yes I tried querying signal support about it but got the reply:
You've contacted Signal support but you're not using our app.
For private communication that is supported by us, install Signal for free directly from our Google Play store page using the link here:
Bit chicken and egg that! I'll try to get hold of them.
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by John Newtral 8 months ago
If you download it from their web, when you open it, Signal makes a connection to and sometimes shows a Google recaptcha in order to verify. I wasn't able because I was blocking Google hosts entirely.
On the other hand, try with Molly-FOSS:
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by Larry Cotton 8 months ago
Ah. Thank you.
My initial issue I think may have been because I did not have 'Unknown Sources' enabled.
But on trying again I do indeed get a page saying I need to verify I am human, but it is otherwise blank.
Possibly I have google hosts blocked as well (I have not explicitly done so, but I tend to put settings on max block)
Certainly looks like the problem you describe. Now I need to find out how to temporarily unblock google.
Thanks again.
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by Larry Cotton 8 months ago
Bit stuck at the moment - whatever I do when I try to register with signal it hangs on (a blank) capture page.
I did look at logcat, but I'm not really sure what the logs mean. I do see several errors (assuming 'E ' means error).
I don't suppose anyone knows if any of these errors are significant:
07-07 17:37:43.017 1977 1977 E libEGL : called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
07-07 17:37:43.017 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 1264294411
07-07 17:37:43.017 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
07-07 17:37:45.087 1977 1977 E libEGL : called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
07-07 17:37:45.087 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 1264294411
07-07 17:37:45.087 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
07-07 17:38:14.817 2802 2838 E libEGL : eglMakeCurrent:818 error 3009 (EGL_BAD_MATCH)
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: eglMakeCurrent failed: error 12297
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: java.lang.Throwable
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at$DisplayControllerHandler.handleMessage(
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at android.os.Looper.loop(
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.882 1977 1977 D gralloc : Registering a buffer in the process that created it. This may cause memory ordering problems.
07-07 17:38:14.887 1977 1977 E libEGL : called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
07-07 17:38:14.887 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 1264294411
07-07 17:38:14.887 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
-----------Extended logs:07-07 17:37:30.237 11742 11742 W FrameRateTracker: Bad frame! Took 396 ms (24 dropped frames, or 2.52 FPS)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: Handling error response.
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.exceptions.RateLimitException: [429] Rate limit exceeded: 429
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.push.PushServiceSocket.validateServiceResponse(
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.push.PushServiceSocket.makeServiceRequest(
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.push.PushServiceSocket.createVerificationSession(
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.registration.RegistrationApi.createRegistrationSession$lambda$0(RegistrationApi.kt:32)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.registration.RegistrationApi.$r8$lambda$DX1TYPwKfR-3_TFRmLbE5DbQArA(RegistrationApi.kt:0)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.registration.RegistrationApi$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.fetch(R8$$SyntheticClass:0)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.NetworkResult$Companion.fromFetch(NetworkResult.kt:38)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.registration.RegistrationApi.createRegistrationSession(RegistrationApi.kt:31)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at$createSession$2.invokeSuspend(RegistrationRepository.kt:291)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at kotlinx.coroutines.internal.LimitedDispatcher$
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:584)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:811)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:715)
07-07 17:37:30.777 11742 11742 I EnterPhoneNumberV2Fragm: at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$
07-07 17:37:30.812 11742 11742 I RegistrationV2ViewModel: Could not create valid session for confirming the entered E164.
07-07 17:37:31.117 11742 11792 D MemoryTracker: The system increased our app JVM heap from 58787912 (56.06 MiB) to 61269968 (58.43 MiB)
07-07 17:37:31.117 11742 11792 D MemoryTracker: Used memory has decreased from 54774776 (52.24 MiB) to 47079072 (44.90 MiB)
07-07 17:37:32.872 11742 11742 W BindingManager: Cannot call determinedVisibility() - never saw a connection for the pid: 11742
07-07 17:37:33.487 11742 11742 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(21)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list", source: (21)
07-07 17:37:33.952 2802 2838 D lights : set_light_buttons: 2
07-07 17:37:34.237 2802 2943 D lights : set_light_buttons: 1
07-07 17:37:34.332 2802 3367 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@e6db494 attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@332b3d, token = android.os.BinderProxy@47f35b1
07-07 17:37:34.337 2583 2913 D audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
07-07 17:37:34.722 1977 1977 W SurfaceFlinger: couldn't log to binary event log: overflow.
07-07 17:37:42.027 3030 3030 D MtpService: starting MTP server in MTP mode
07-07 17:37:42.027 3030 3030 D MtpService: Adding MTP storage 0x10001 at /storage/emulated/0
07-07 17:37:42.137 2802 2815 D lights : set_light_leds 0x140d00 0 0
07-07 17:37:42.142 2802 2802 I EntropyMixer: Writing entropy...
07-07 17:37:42.182 11742 11742 I JobManager: onConstraintMet(ChargingConstraintObser)
07-07 17:37:42.197 3006 3006 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
07-07 17:37:42.197 3006 3006 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
07-07 17:37:42.237 2802 2815 D LightsService: Excessive delay setting light: 101ms
07-07 17:37:43.007 2802 3922 D UsbDebuggingManager: Received public key: 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 root@larrycotton-Latitude-E7440
07-07 17:37:43.012 2802 2828 I ActivityManager: START u0 {flg=0x10000000 (has extras)} from uid 1000 on display 0
07-07 17:37:43.017 1977 1977 D gralloc : Registering a buffer in the process that created it. This may cause memory ordering problems.
07-07 17:37:43.017 1977 1977 E libEGL : called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
07-07 17:37:43.017 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 1264294411
07-07 17:37:43.017 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
07-07 17:37:43.207 2802 2836 I ActivityManager: Displayed +161ms
07-07 17:37:43.407 3006 3006 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
07-07 17:37:43.407 3006 3006 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
07-07 17:37:44.997 2583 2913 D audio_hw_primary: select_output_device: AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER
07-07 17:37:45.087 1977 1977 D gralloc : Registering a buffer in the process that created it. This may cause memory ordering problems.
07-07 17:37:45.087 1977 1977 E libEGL : called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
07-07 17:37:45.087 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 1264294411
07-07 17:37:45.087 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
07-07 17:37:45.202 2802 3428 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@8c59806 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@47f35b1
07-07 17:37:45.232 3006 3006 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
07-07 17:37:45.232 3006 3006 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
07-07 17:37:45.232 3006 3006 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
07-07 17:37:45.337 3006 3006 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 13689(757KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 13MB/22MB, paused 2.045ms total 94.455ms
07-07 17:37:45.347 3006 3006 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
07-07 17:37:45.392 2802 2813 I art : Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 26210(1976KB) AllocSpace objects, 11(308KB) LOS objects, 33% free, 15MB/22MB, paused 30.712ms total 238.521ms
07-07 17:37:45.437 3006 3006 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3333(333KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(20KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 12MB/21MB, paused 10.175ms total 91.252ms
07-07 17:37:45.437 3006 3006 I art : Starting a blocking GC Explicit
07-07 17:37:45.502 3006 3006 I art : Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5(160B) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 40% free, 12MB/21MB, paused 3.768ms total 59.545ms
07-07 17:37:45.547 3006 3006 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
07-07 17:37:45.547 3006 3006 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
07-07 17:37:45.682 11742 11742 I chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(3)] "[hCaptcha] Callback 'onloadHcaptcha' is not defined.", source: (3)
07-07 17:37:53.037 2802 2838 D lights : set_light_buttons: 2
07-07 17:37:56.247 11742 11792 D MemoryTracker: Used memory has increased or stayed the same for the last 5 intervals (25 seconds). Using: 48897176 (46.63 MiB), Free: 12372792 (11.80 MiB), CurrentTotal: 61269968 (58.43 MiB), MaxPossible: 268435456 (256.00 MiB)
07-07 17:38:14.762 2802 2838 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to screen timeout (uid 1000)...
07-07 17:38:14.817 2802 2838 E libEGL : eglMakeCurrent:818 error 3009 (EGL_BAD_MATCH)
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: eglMakeCurrent failed: error 12297
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: java.lang.Throwable
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at$DisplayControllerHandler.handleMessage(
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at android.os.Looper.loop(
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.822 2802 2838 E ColorFade: at
07-07 17:38:14.882 1977 1977 D gralloc : Registering a buffer in the process that created it. This may cause memory ordering problems.
07-07 17:38:14.887 1977 1977 E libEGL : called unimplemented OpenGL ES API
07-07 17:38:14.887 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: glCheckFramebufferStatusOES error 1264294411
07-07 17:38:14.887 1977 1977 E SurfaceFlinger: got GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE_OES error while taking screenshot
07-07 17:38:14.922 2802 2838 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_activate(0x444c0088, 1, 0)
07-07 17:38:14.922 2802 2838 D smdk4x12_sensors: lsm330dlc_acceleration_deactivate(0x484132d8)
07-07 17:38:14.932 11742 11742 D BaseActivity: [RegistrationV2Activity] onStop()
07-07 17:38:14.932 11742 11742 D LoggingFragment: [RegistrationCaptchaV2Fr] onStop()
07-07 17:38:14.937 2802 2838 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOff()
07-07 17:38:14.937 2802 2836 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
07-07 17:38:14.937 2802 2838 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_set_delay(0x444c0088, 5, 250000000)
07-07 17:38:14.937 2802 2838 D smdk4x12_sensors: cm36651_light_set_delay(0x484132a8, 250000000)
07-07 17:38:14.957 2802 2969 D smdk4x12_sensors: smdk4x12_sensors_activate(0x444c0088, 5, 0)
07-07 17:38:14.957 2802 2969 D smdk4x12_sensors: cm36651_light_deactivate(0x484132a8)
07-07 17:38:14.962 1977 1977 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=0, type=0 flinger=0x412e5df0
07-07 17:38:15.032 2802 2838 I PowerManagerService: Sleeping (uid 1000)...
07-07 17:38:15.037 2583 2583 E bt_a2dp_hw: adev_set_parameters: ERROR: set param called even when stream out is null
07-07 17:38:15.052 2802 2953 D WifiConfigStore: Retrieve network priorities after PNO.
07-07 17:38:15.052 2802 2953 E WifiStateMachine: Fail to set up pno, want false now false
07-07 17:38:15.602 11742 11742 I ApplicationContext: App is no longer visible.
07-07 17:38:15.622 11742 11742 D DeadlockDetector: Ending deadlock monitoring.
07-07 17:38:15.622 11742 11742 D MemoryTracker: Ending memory monitoring.
07-07 17:38:15.627 11742 11769 D IncomingMessageObserver: [Does Not Need Connection] Network: true, Foreground: false, Time Since Last Interaction: 2 ms (within limit), FCM: true, Stay o Registered: false, Proxy: false, Force websocket: false
07-07 17:38:16.507 11742 11791 I AnrDetector: Thread shutting down during intervals.
07-07 17:38:17.037 2802 2838 W PowerManagerService: Sandman unresponsive, releasing suspend blocker
07-07 17:38:20.032 3006 3006 D CarrierText: onSimStateChanged: Normal
07-07 17:38:20.157 3006 3006 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS* alerts SYSTEM_INFO* back home recent clock search quick_settings >
07-07 17:38:20.567 3006 3006 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME* RECENT* clock SEARCH* quick_settings >
07-07 17:38:20.877 3006 3006 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.030360828967057
07-07 17:38:20.877 3006 3006 W PathParser: Points are too far apart 4.030360538880159
07-07 17:38:22.697 11742 11742 I AlarmManagerScheduler: Received an alarm to retry a job.
07-07 17:38:22.727 11742 11780 I JobRunner: [JOB::5fbff2e2-8f1a-454a-aa0a-bdbb37605bc0][LinkedDeviceInactiveCheckJob][1] Running job. (Time Since Submission: 708604257 ms, Lifespan: 2592tempt: 132/Unlimited, Queue: LinkedDeviceInactiveCheckJob)
07-07 17:38:25.347 11742 11780 I JobRunner: [JOB::5fbff2e2-8f1a-454a-aa0a-bdbb37605bc0][LinkedDeviceInactiveCheckJob][1] Job finished with result RETRY in 2621 ms. (Time Since Submissionifespan: 2592000000 ms, Run Attempt: 132/Unlimited, Queue: LinkedDeviceInactiveCheckJob)
07-07 17:38:25.362 11742 11780 I JobController: [JOB::5fbff2e2-8f1a-454a-aa0a-bdbb37605bc0][LinkedDeviceInactiveCheckJob] Scheduling a retry in 58609 ms. (Time Since Submission: 70860689592000000 ms, Run Attempt: 132/Unlimited, Queue: LinkedDeviceInactiveCheckJob)
07-07 17:38:25.377 11742 11780 I AlarmManagerScheduler: Set an alarm to retry a job in 58603 ms.
Not sure what mollyfloss is or how it can be used to help register with signal - I'll have a look and try to work out how it can help.
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by Franz Gratzer 7 months ago
I by the way changed to /e/-os because I wanted to use Signal. (I couldn't get it working on Replicant.)
But there I do have the problem of Signal not being able to scan the QR code for adding my computer as a second device despite an other QR code reader from Fdroid interpreting the code just fine. Unfortunately, Signal doesn't accept an other source than its own QR code reader.
I asked in the Signal community ( about a fix but didn't get anywhere.
And since /e/ does replace the Google services with its own, I guess this confirms the theory that Signal depends on Google services, unfortunately.
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by Larry Cotton 7 months ago
Ok. Thank you very much for the information.
That sounds pretty conclusive I guess.
Yes, one if the reasons I moved to a smart phone at all was the hope I could use signal or something like it.
Didn't know about /e/os, though so learnt something there.
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by Larry Cotton 7 months ago
One more related query.
I was searching for other messaging apps I may be able to use and was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to use Threema on replicant ?
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by dl lud 7 months ago
- XMPP (uses OMEMO for double ratchet encryption), example Android client: Conversations
- Matrix (uses Olm for double ratchet encryption), example Android client: FluffyChat
- SimpleX, Android client: SimpleX Chat
RE: Signal messenger can't verify - Added by Larry Cotton 7 months ago
Thank you for that.
I have installed Conversations and registered with one of there servers fine.
That also went to a capture page, but with Conversations registration I could see it all and use it ok.