


How to install Apps on Replicant

Added by Larry Cotton 10 months ago


I have very recently installed Replicant on my Galaxy S3 and it appears to be working ok.

However I do not know how I can go about installing any additional Apps.

I tried installing FDroid by trying to download it from the Browser from my phone, but this simply hung (said it was downloading, but got no further).

Does anyone know how I should go about installing apps ? Is there a standard process ? Are there settings on the phone I need to enable ?

In this specific instance I was looking at installing Conversations.

(I should mention I am not very conversant with smart phones in general - this is the first on I have tried to use, I usually use a brick)

Replies (6)

RE: How to install Apps on Replicant - Added by SomeThing toAskAbout 9 months ago

Just download apk file of F-Droid from your computer and drop it in your smartphone's storage. Then install it from where you've dropped apk file.

RE: How to install Apps on Replicant - Added by Larry Cotton 9 months ago


Thank you for the reply.

I have the apk file on my computer, but I am struggling to connect the phone to my computer such that it is recognised as a storage device or in any way giving me a something to mount (I cannot see the device listed by fdisk).

It was my understanding I needed to set MTP/File Transfer mode, but I cannot find any way I can do this.

Would you know how I can do that ?

When I go to Settings->Storage & USB I get the following list:
Cached Data
This appears to be just for browsing, I cannot see any settings for MTP mode

In Settings->Developer Options->Select USB Configuration there is an option to select MTP, but doing so seems to make no difference - when I connect the USB cable it still goes straight to charging.
Ditto if enable adb or both adb and MTP.

Is there some other configuration I need to do to allow connection to my laptop ?

My laptop has Ubuntu 20.04:
root@larrycotton-Latitude-E7440:/home/larrycotton# cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS"

RE: How to install Apps on Replicant - Added by SomeThing toAskAbout 9 months ago

- Would you know how I can do that ?

I guess no, I wouldn't. If you haven't see notification and selector at the same time which is mode you prefer (charging, MTP, and another somewhat) then if you can't transfer files somehow. I can just offer you to use SD-card intead.

- When I go to Settings->Storage & USB I get the following...

ditto I have two volumes: internal storage for OS and allegedly "sdcard0" for my files since first installation. It's what have gt-i9100.

As I can see your device left on Replicant 6.0 0003. So just wait for new version or think of buying a device with supported Replicant 6.0 0004. That's all I think.

RE: How to install Apps on Replicant - Added by Larry Cotton 9 months ago

Thank you very much for the reply.

As I can see your device left on Replicant 6.0 0003.

I guess that answers my question! - I installed 6.0.0004 - which is not fully compatible. I must have mis-read or mis-clicked when I was looking for the firmware.

I'll find out how to get to recovery and try to roll back to the previous version.
Thank you for your help.

RE: How to install Apps on Replicant - Added by Larry Cotton 9 months ago

I must have mis-read or mis-clicked when I was looking for the firmware.

Actually I think I just went to this site:
and because there was an entry in 0004 for galaxy s3 assumed it was ok to use that.

RE: How to install Apps on Replicant - Added by Larry Cotton 8 months ago

I installed the 6.0.004 transitional image and that does allow me to connect the phone to my laptop.

I still cannot download FDroid, so I'd like to try installing via the apk.

Does someone know if there is any documentation on how to install from an apk file ? Where do I download the file to ? Where do I install it from on the phone ?
