


Danger signal on photos, screenshot impossible, sms crash

Added by A P almost 11 years ago

Hi, I have to fix somethings and I hope in your help. I have Galaxy S2 with Replicant.

1) Photos have a danger signal and I can't see a preview in gallery, maybe for the same reason that I can't do screenshot. When I try to do screenshot an error occurs "Couldn't save screenshot, storage may be in use".

(I have tried to change permissions of folders "screenshots" with #chmod from pc with adb or with terminal emulator from phone, without success. Solution maybe is remove yellow triangle that appears in the boot like I saw in a guide?)

2) I can't do video from camera and I can't see on the phone yet video, I can hear only. Is it for proprietary software or can I fix ?

3) Most important thing is that sometimes when I send or i receive SMS the screen stops suddenly, and I must to remove battery and reboot to continue use.

Can I do something especially for the last point? Thank you, good job and good helping.

Replies (6)

RE: Danger signal on photos, screenshot impossible, sms crash - Added by Xan VFR almost 11 years ago

Danger signal in photos is because Gallery App isn't fit anymore in Replicant 4.2:

RE: Danger signal on photos, screenshot impossible, sms crash - Added by A P almost 11 years ago

Thank you very much, with your help I think that I can change SMSapp to fix point 3) of my thread, so I have installed SMSDroid this is a good idea to try? Someone know which is system's app that I have to remove to not have 2 SMS to read when I receive one?

Thank you.

EDIT: I don't know if it is chance, but to good use SMS in SMSDroid send/receive I need these two app together on phone activated, Is it possible?

RE: Danger signal on photos, screenshot impossible, sms crash - Added by dl lud almost 11 years ago

The screenshots issues seem to be due to Bug #705: Incomplete EGL implementation.

RE: Danger signal on photos, screenshot impossible, sms crash - Added by A P almost 11 years ago

Ok, so:

1) Thank you Xan and David, I hope in a new feature to fix.

2) Now I can't do a video yet; With VLC I can see something, but very badly.

3) I don't have this issue if I close internet connection (wi-fi or 3g) or if i delete chace of sms program.

Someone knows other useful things to do? Thank you

RE: Danger signal on photos, screenshot impossible, sms crash - Added by Paul Kocialkowski almost 11 years ago

2. This is a known issue. Video decoding is not there yet on 4.2.
3. About that SMS issue, you're welcome to open an issue on our tracker, including logs: GettingLogs of when the problem takes place. I don't see what I can do without these elements in hand.

RE: Danger signal on photos, screenshot impossible, sms crash - Added by A P almost 11 years ago

Hi Paul thank you,
I can't use system app for sms because it crashes every time, altough I delete chace, I was wrong.
Now, I have to use SMSDroid app, but I have to disable sms system app notifications to haven't two notifications from two app.
