Issue #1623
closedCheck extensively if f-droid repositories still respects the GNU Free system distribution guidelines
The guidelines are here:
While I didn't find a smoking gun yet, the following page raises some concern:
To check:
1) What, practically speaking, each anti-feature really is.
For instance the description of the advertizing anti-feature says that no applications is known to have it,
but the list of application with that anti-feature is not empty.
We should check with upstream and fix the descriptions if we can.
2) Look if Replicant is affected
For instance Firefox exist in f-droid but it's not possible to run on Replicant.
Still, Firefox should not be possible to install on Replicant because it can suggest non-free add ons.
3) List and check well known suspicious applications such as firefox.
4) List and check emulators, Parabola has a good reference on it here:
If no issues are to be found, Documentation should be made more clear.
If issues are to be found, F-droid will have to be fixed upstream, not to show any application with anti-features to Replicant users.
We should also look which implementations would satisfy the guidelines requirements:
> Should the filter be made automatic and not possible to disable.> Can the filter be a setting, and be enabled by default on Replicant.
-> Can upstream simply remove applications with anti-features?
Having F-droid fixed upstream is desirable not to have to maintain a fork.
Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 9 years ago
- Resolution set to invalid
strike inside the description, cloned the bug
Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
strike inside the description, cloned the bug (can't edit it)