



Feature #1820


Do some testing on femtocells

Added by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli over 7 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Website and wiki content
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Type of work:
Communication (mails, contacting people, etc), Unknown


Some time ago, sysmocom offered for free some femtocell to potential contributors:

One of the person who got such hardware intended to use it to fix a specific Replicant bug:

It would be nice to contact that person and see if she could also use it to carry out some tests to understand things such as:
  • Are samsung modems really off when in airplane mode (Replicant asks the modem(trough libsamsung-ipc) to put itself in plane mode)
  • How do some Replicant smartphones cope with RRLP requests? Do smartphones answer when no proprietary GPL libraries are used?
  • Does the samsung backdoor/debug-security-issue/ in their RIL exist at the network level too or is it only for debugging with a local shell?
That would in turn allow to update the following documentation:

Related issues

Related to Replicant - Feature #1806: modem shell enable/disable script: verify with measurements through a BTS that the modem is disabled New05/20/2017

Actions #1

Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer over 7 years ago

This would be nice to have!
The username of the person who got the femtocell sounds familiar. Maybe it's someone associated with Technoethical?

Actions #2

Updated by Fil Bergamo over 7 years ago

  • Related to Feature #1806: modem shell enable/disable script: verify with measurements through a BTS that the modem is disabled added
Actions #3

Updated by Fil Bergamo over 7 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this would also help in determining whether the temporary hack for disabling the modem is really working.
I added a correlation between the two topics.

Actions #4

Updated by Fil Bergamo over 7 years ago

Wolfgang Wiedmeyer wrote:

The username of the person who got the femtocell sounds familiar. Maybe it's someone associated with Technoethical?

I was in a group together with the guy you're referring to, during last FOSDEM.
I seem to remember (not sure though) we had a talk about the opportunity to get those mini-towers, so you could be right..

I'll see if I can contact him and ask him..

Actions #5

Updated by Fil Bergamo over 7 years ago

I've talked to Dima, which confirms he holds one of those mini towers, but he hasn't still completed his work of building a working femtocell system.
If he gets to complete the system in time, maybe I could be able to test the effectiveness of the RIL-disabling scripts during next Coliberator.

Actions #6

Updated by _I3^ RELATIVISM almost 4 years ago

  • Type of work Communication (mails, contacting people, etc), Unknown added

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