



Issue #1824


Issue #1980: Meta bug for the SIM cards not being recognized

italian fastweb SIM card not recognized

Added by Marco Cale over 7 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

SIM card not recognized
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Type of work:
C programming


I have tried to use an S2 with Replicant 6 installed on it with various operators from Italy, it is working fine with Vodafone and Tim, but when using a Fastweb sim, that is the operator I need, it does not recognise the sim. I looked online if I could find any reports of problem with Android 6 and Fastweb but I found nothing.


linage_sim_radio.log (342 KB) linage_sim_radio.log logcat -b radio with sim inserted - LOS Fil Bergamo, 08/25/2017 08:43 AM
lineage_nosim_radio.log (128 KB) lineage_nosim_radio.log logcat -b radio without sim - LOS Fil Bergamo, 08/25/2017 08:43 AM
replicant_nosim_dmesg.log (122 KB) replicant_nosim_dmesg.log dmesg withoud sim - Replicant Fil Bergamo, 08/25/2017 08:43 AM
replicant_nosim_radio.log (215 KB) replicant_nosim_radio.log logcat -b radio without sim - Replicant Fil Bergamo, 08/25/2017 08:43 AM
replicant_sim_dmesg.log (122 KB) replicant_sim_dmesg.log dmesg with sim inserted - Replicant Fil Bergamo, 08/25/2017 08:43 AM
replicant_simnopin_radio.log (379 KB) replicant_simnopin_radio.log logcat -b radio with sim inserted but no pin code - Replicant Fil Bergamo, 08/25/2017 08:44 AM
replicant_sim_radio.log (239 KB) replicant_sim_radio.log logcat -b radio with sim insered - Replicant Fil Bergamo, 08/25/2017 08:44 AM

Related issues

Related to Replicant - Issue #1809: No SIM card No service reported but sim presentNew06/06/2017

Related to Replicant - Issue #1783: SIM card not recognized (regression, was working with Replicant 4.2)FeedbackWolfgang Wiedmeyer04/05/2017

Related to Replicant - Issue #1871: Italian SIM Wind not recognisedNew02/06/2018

Actions #1

Updated by Marco Cale over 7 years ago

I tried to install Replicant 4.2 and with that installation Vodafone sim card worked for mobile and data, but Fastweb worked only with mobile no data.
I reinstalled Replicant 6 and with Vodafone both mobile and data work, with Fastweb neither data nor mobile work.

Actions #2

Updated by Fil Bergamo over 7 years ago

  • Related to Issue #1809: No SIM card No service reported but sim present added
Actions #3

Updated by Fil Bergamo over 7 years ago

  • Device added
  • Device deleted (Galaxy S 2 (I9100))

Hi Marco!

I experience the same issue.
And, I think this is related to Issue #1809.

Marco Cale wrote:

I tried to install Replicant 4.2 and with that installation Vodafone sim card worked for mobile and data, but Fastweb worked only with mobile no data.

I have a Fastweb SIM card on my S2 with Replicant 4.2, and both data and mobile work.
If you have baseband signal for calling, then the lack of mobile data connection isn't related to the SIM card.
Most likely, you're missing a working APN configuration.
Please have a look around the internet, there are various tutorials on how to set the right APN parameters for a Fastweb SIM card on Android. They should also work for Replicant 4.2.

I reinstalled Replicant 6 and with Vodafone both mobile and data work, with Fastweb neither data nor mobile work.

Yes, the same here.
SIM card is not detected by my i9300 (S3) when running Replicant 6.0, while it works just fine under 4.2.

This issue seems device-independent. So I changed it accordingly.

I hope I'll be able to dump some logs, to see if any more-skilled fellow can help us.

Happy hacking,


Actions #4

Updated by Finn Damn over 7 years ago

I also recognized this issue today on my i9100 phone because I had not received an important call. :\

Actions #5

Updated by Marco Cale over 7 years ago

Fil Bergamo wrote:

I have a Fastweb SIM card on my S2 with Replicant 4.2, and both data and mobile work.
If you have baseband signal for calling, then the lack of mobile data connection isn't related to the SIM card.
Most likely, you're missing a working APN configuration.
Please have a look around the internet, there are various tutorials on how to set the right APN parameters for a Fastweb SIM >card on Android. They should also work for Replicant 4.2.

Ciao Fil, yes it was indeed an APN configuration problem for Replicant 4.2 for fastweb is Thanks for pointing me out in the right direction.

Actions #6

Updated by Finn Damn over 7 years ago

So what is the issue now? I cannot receive or do calls on my Replicant 6 with i9100 device.
Service incl. phone number is unavailable, although sim card is inserted.
How to repair / fix?

Do you need any logs?

Actions #7

Updated by Fil Bergamo over 7 years ago


I've tried installing LineageOS (LOS from now on) on my i9300.
SIM card does get recognized properly under LOS, and both telephony and mobile data do work.
I found similar (but maybe unrelated) issues in some LOS reddits. One acknowledged workaround in LOS, is said to be installing the newest modem firmware, so obviously not an option in Replicant.

I took some locat's and some dmesg's, which I attached to this post.
The logs are plaintext, as they come from my test equipment, not from the one I use everyday.

I had a quick glance at the logs, and what I think is most relevant is a series of errors in response to RIL_REQUEST's REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED

These errors appear in Replicant but not in LOS.
Though, those errors still appear, even when no SIM is inserted.. so I'm not sure they are related to the SIM itself.

I even tried to remove PIN protection from SIM card: the situation slightly changed, as now the message is "No SIM card" but the name of the carrier is appended ("No SIM card - TIM"), so in some ways the process goes some steps further when the SIM has no PIN, at least up to recognizing the carrier.. just a suggestion..

Still, the point remains the same: a Fastweb SIM card is not recognized in Replicant 6.0, while it is recognized in LineageOS 14.1

I also have a i9100 that presents the same issue.
I make myself available to catch similar logs on it, if anybody will be working on this issue.

Happy hacking to everybody!


Actions #8

Updated by Gian-Maria Daffré over 7 years ago


Just FYI. had a similar problem.

Installed Replicant 6.0 on a Galaxy S2 9100. Had the same problem with a Sunrise Sim Card - Pin Code was not
asked and I was not able to make any phone calls.

Used another Sim Card from Sunrise that belongs to a friend. No problems here, which left me
rather perplexed.

I then installed LOS and used my card, that was not working on Replicant. LOS prompted me for the Pin Code
and I was able to make phone calls.

I then re-installed Replicant - but unfortunately it gave me again the error with my card.

I am currently on LOS again, since I need a working phone for my business. I do not have any logs to show you.

Actions #9

Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer over 7 years ago

  • Related to Issue #1783: SIM card not recognized (regression, was working with Replicant 4.2) added
Actions #10

Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer over 7 years ago

This actually sounds like it's the same issue as #1783. #1809 looks like a general communication issue between the modem and the RIL and is probably not related. As long as it works with Replicant 4.2 and the RIL doesn't crash in the logs, it's #1783.

Fil Bergamo wrote:

I had a quick glance at the logs, and what I think is most relevant is a series of errors in response to RIL_REQUEST's
These errors appear in Replicant but not in LOS.
Though, those errors still appear, even when no SIM is inserted.. so I'm not sure they are related to the SIM itself.

Well, you always have these REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED errors with Samsung-RIL because it's incomplete (#1485). That's why LineageOS is using the proprietary RIL. It's unlikely that some new RIL request is now required for certain SIM cards and now needs to be implemented, but I won't disregard the possibility as I don't have studied the logs that extensively to be sure.

I even tried to remove PIN protection from SIM card: the situation slightly changed, as now the message is "No SIM card" but the name of the carrier is appended ("No SIM card - TIM"), so in some ways the process goes some steps further when the SIM has no PIN, at least up to recognizing the carrier.. just a suggestion..

Yes, the logs confirm that without the PIN, at least the carrier is identified.

Please test the RILs I posted for #1783 according to the instructions there and post results here.

Actions #11

Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer over 7 years ago

There is something else. For the binary or transparent SIM IO requests, the record size in the request is too big. It looks like it's off by 30 for all of them. I'm wondering where the RIL gets the idea from to put this offset in the read request. Either the previous response request for the file attributes returns a false size value or something else makes the RIL add 30 to the size.

Actions #12

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli almost 7 years ago

  • Device Galaxy S (I9000) added
  • Device deleted ()
Actions #13

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli almost 7 years ago

  • Device Galaxy S 2 (I9100) added
  • Device deleted (Galaxy S (I9000))
Actions #14

Updated by Fil Bergamo almost 7 years ago

  • Device added
  • Device deleted (Galaxy S 2 (I9100))

This issue is NOT device-dependent.
I've personally experienced the same behaviour on 3 different phones: N7100, i9300, i9100.

Actions #15

Updated by Fil Bergamo almost 7 years ago

  • Related to Issue #1871: Italian SIM Wind not recognised added
Actions #16

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli over 6 years ago

  • Category changed from Telephony and mobile data to SIM card not recognized
Actions #17

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 5 years ago

  • Parent task set to #1980
Actions #18

Updated by _I3^ RELATIVISM almost 4 years ago

  • Type of work C programming added

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