



Issue #1838


Replicant 6 not responsive

Added by Fil Lupin over 7 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

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Galaxy S 3 (I9300)
Type of work:
C programming


I install Replicant 6 and noticed that it is not responsive. For instance, when opening some apps (Contacts, Silence, Amaze...) it took up to 6 seconds.
It is very annoying since Replicant keep memory of the click so when opening an app and then touching the screen, after the 6 seconds delay for opening the app, it applies the click (it can call a contacts for instance).
It seems the display is slow but the rest is OK since commands are launched before the effect displayed.

I exchanged on the Replicant 6 User Experience thread [[]] with Xan VFR which give me some idea of tests.

When it took 6 seconds to open Contacts and I close Contacts app (Home button pushed during a few seconds), then I can reopen Contacts instantaneously.
I also noticed that the 6 seconds delay does not occur after opening an app for the second time: it seems to occur after some delay, of after a number of opening. I did not succeed to understand this process.

A trivial solution is so to close each app before using it but it does not seem a good one.

Actions #1

Updated by Fil Lupin over 7 years ago

After some more tests, it seems if I close every app, Replicant 6 become responsive again.
I will make some tests to understand what app causes this.

Actions #2

Updated by doak complex almost 7 years ago

Fil Lupin Lupin: Any updates on this issue?
I am still have the very same issue, tested in the meantime on two different i9300 devices with different Replicant versions (prebuilt, build by my own, 0002, 0003).

Actions #3

Updated by Fil Bergamo almost 7 years ago

Just random thoughts...

0) I9300 is known to be somehow slower than other devices with Replicant (but your case seems way slower than it should)
1) Have you tried clearing the cache in the recovery? (back up important data -> reboot to recovery -> factory reset -> wipe cache partition)
2) Did you do a full factory reset before and after installing the Replicant 6.0 zip to the phone? (need to backup data before doing so)
3) Have you tried re-installing from scratch?
4) Are you running the default graphics rendering or LLVMpipe? (llvmpipe is MUCH slower)

You should especially try a new fresh install, if you didn't already..

Also, some more "environmental" details would be useful to restrict the field..

Actions #4

Updated by doak complex over 6 years ago

Fil Lupin, thanks for your ideas. I totally forgot your post, I am sorry.

I guess I made everything from 1) to 3) anyway, but I will doublecheck.

Regarding 4):
How do I configure the renderer? During build? Or is it possible after build (perhaps using the develeopment menu)?

Sorry again for the "delay"!


Actions #5

Updated by doak complex over 6 years ago

Based in the patch attached to #1832 I grep'ed for 'ro.libagl' which is set to 1 at my system. This seems to mean that the usual software renderer is enabled -- at least for the "system".
Some other threads in the Wiki imply that llvmpipe could be enabled per application during build. I have no idea about that currently...

Actions #6

Updated by doak complex over 6 years ago

I have checked it: I did a complete "vanilla" reinstall from scratch including recovery of v6.0 build 0003. Before that I wiped the phone completely (I have a spare one, hence no issue) and did, before and after installation, a factory reset (including wiping of cache). The only thing I configured is to enable local terminal to double check 'ro.libagl' which is set to 1.

The result seems to be the same: I opened a bunch of pre-installed applications (f-droid, browser, clock, calculator, camera, calendar, settings, terminal, phone) and toggled between them. 'Camera' and 'f-droid' are good candidates to get the longest switch time. It not as worse as using my productive installation (sometimes more than 5s), but feels too long nevertheless. Currently the longest switch time is about 3s. Mostly it's getting better if less applications are "active", but there is no guaranty.

I guess I have checked now everything from 1) to 4), Fil Lupin. I would like to go to the next level ;)

Also, some more "environmental" details would be useful to restrict the field..

My idea is to make a short video and illustrate what I experience exactly to avoid misunderstanding. After that I am very happy to get as much debugging and information requests as possible ;)

Actions #7

Updated by Kurtis Hanna over 6 years ago

Here are the proposed patches to make it so you can build Replicant so that you can choose llvmpipe on a per app basis:

doak: the delays you are experiencing on the i9300 match up with the same time delays that I get on mine with Replicant 6.0 0003. the N7100 has a faster CPU so it can do the software based graphics rendering much faster and opening apps doesn't cause as long of delays.

Actions #8

Updated by Kurtis Hanna over 6 years ago

Should we add this as a subtask to Feature #1539?

Also, since doak seems to be reporting the same behavior that all Galaxy S3 users are experiencing, should we close this ticket?

From what I understand, the Galaxy S2 is more responsive than the S3 because it has a smaller screen and the Note 2 is more responsive than the S3 because it has more CPU power and RAM, even though its screen is larger.

Actions #9

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli almost 6 years ago

I've also the impression that i9305 is more responsive than the i9300. The main differences that could explain that are:
  • The i9305 has 2G of RAM, while i9300 has 1G.
  • During the informal tests, the i9305 had less applications installed and running.
Actions #10

Updated by _I3^ RELATIVISM almost 4 years ago

  • Type of work C programming added

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