



Issue #2071


Document how to publish blog posts

Added by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli over 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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Hosting infrastructure: @ OSUOSL
Type of work:
Wiki editions
Actions #1

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli over 4 years ago

Here's a very rough draft. Explations needs to be added and it needs to be tested when it's used for next blog post release.
TODO before posting:
- Review the last changes
- Write some text explaining that we can also comment on the mailing
list and that it will be send to the mailing list. Update it later to
point to the mailing list archived thread if needed.
- Import it on the blog, format it and keep as draft.

To publish it on the mailing list:
To publish it to the mailing list you can either extract the text
with the HOWTO below, or wait for WordPress to send a mail to the
mailing list which should be automatic but can potentially end up in
moderation, even if I added it to the authorized address.

Note that:
- The post can be updated to add a link to the mailing list thread
- The mailing list thread cannot be updated retrospectively with a link
to the blog post.

How to extract a blog post from WordPress:
If you need to convert a blog post in text form semi-automatically, here a
way it can be done:
- There is a script script that does the conversion from the release scripts
repository, to use it:
- Preview the blog post to get a web page
- Save the resulting web page
- Run the script against the web page file
- Copy-paste the resulting text in a mail if you want to send it by mail

Here's a way better workflow instead:
- Optionally send a patch on the mailing list for
to add a new blog entry system and review the patch.
- Publish it on the mailing list (text form) and the blog
system which would be statically generated for the blog
post itself.
- Comments would be done on the mailing list.
- The blog post could contain a link to the corresponding
mailing list thread and/or integrate the mailing list
comments dynamically.

But we don't have that system in place yet, so it's still good to document the one we currently have, which also exposes its complexity and shortcommings.

Actions #2

Updated by _I3^ RELATIVISM almost 4 years ago

  • Type of work Wiki editions added

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