Issue #2192
openDocument how easy it is to change the battery of one of the supported tablets.
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Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 4 years ago
- Category set to Website and wiki content
It's relatively easy to open the following tablets:
- Galaxy Tab 2 7" GSM (GT-P3100)
- Galaxy Note 8.0 GSM (GT-N5100)
I did it with very few tools (my nails and/or a tweezers for stamps).
Note that I disassemble electronic devices (like Replicant compatible smartphones) very often, but I'm probably not able to do it for the more complex devices like an iphone for instance.
Tablets often require a bit more force than phones though.
Once the tablets are opened, the battery connector is easily removable with a tweezers for stamps (it looks too tricky to do it bare hands as my hands aren't as flat as the connector).
However I didn't try removing the screws that holds the batteries and I didn't try buying a replacement.
If someone intends to buy a replacement it could be nice to see how it went.