Issue #2319
openSwiss SIM Cards not detected on i9300 with 6.0 0004
I have installed 6.0 0004 and none of my Swiss SIM Cards is recognized (Swisscom / UPC/Orange / Salt).
It works fine on Replicant 4.x though
Updated by Nicolas Itzersch over 2 years ago
Rom Stock Switzerland:
AUT (Switzerland Orange CH, Swisscom, Sunrise)
AUO (Switzerland Orange CH)
SWC (Switzerland Swisscom)
SIM cards are not recognized(Replicant-6.0-0004)
SWC (Switzerland Swisscom)
Last version OTA:
Android Jelly Bean 4.3
I9300XXUGNH4 (PDA/AP Version)
I9300BUUGNF1 (MODEM/CP Version)
I9300VFGGNH2 (CSC Version)
2735602 (Changelist)
Checksum md5:
fa096ef727b384b3095ea9c638a232d8 *boot.img
565048c5a26b9dd90f557490ee2b7220 *cache.img
050f295e32f488a44c7ea5b05c5497fa *hidden.img
811062782116a1f516ad03779e8d3c8d *modem.bin
83e8440daa5ddcb6b2a0a859c5d87dc4 *recovery.img
832927d119db2a511f48549ac80dbb63 *sboot.bin
0014fdfe2669f65a58b6de1c9ca3ada6 *system.img
b4f2eaea6a6ea41f3ab89f6ea2c55cbe *tz.img
SIM cards are recognized(Replicant-6.0-0004)
AUT (Switzerland Orange CH, Swisscom, Sunrise)
Last version OTA:
Android Jelly Bean 4.3
I9300XXUGNH4 (PDA/AP Version)
I9300XXUGNA8 (MODEM/CP Version)
I9300AUTGNH1 (CSC Version)
2735602 (Changelist)
Checksum md5:
fa096ef727b384b3095ea9c638a232d8 *boot.img
24dd38279050de3d36972472c4be9d28 *cache.img
f01306d49b3c5dfa961346b7c2811f5d *hidden.img
b7db45632a67a32915d41f823289ccaa *modem.bin
83e8440daa5ddcb6b2a0a859c5d87dc4 *recovery.img
832927d119db2a511f48549ac80dbb63 *sboot.bin
0014fdfe2669f65a58b6de1c9ca3ada6 *system.img
b4f2eaea6a6ea41f3ab89f6ea2c55cbe *tz.img
Updated by Nicolas Itzersch over 2 years ago
Tools Flash:¶
Rom Stock(file used):
Flash Rom Stock Firmware with Odin(Samsung S3):
Android USB Driver(Windows):
Flash Rom Stock Firmware witch Heimdall[Unzip the files(Remove the .md5 extension from the extracted file to obtain a .tar file)]:
Install Heimdall(Open Terminal):
sudo apt install heimdall-flash-frontend
Install Android tools(Open Terminal):
sudo apt install adb fastboot android-sdk-platform-tools-common liblz4-tool
Or(depending on version)
sudo apt install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot liblz4-tool
Flash I9300:
sudo heimdall flash --BOOTLOADER sboot.bin --TZSW tz.img --BOOT boot.img --RECOVERY recovery.img --RADIO modem.bin --CACHE cache.img --SYSTEM system.img --HIDDEN hidden.img --no-reboot
Updated by Soufsouf Jacknet about 2 years ago
I have try the Replicant 6.001 and update to 6.03 but notiing change No Sim card détected maybe you need some information for more