



Feature #351


Camera and video recording support

Added by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 12 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250), Galaxy Nexus (I9250), Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P51xx), Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx)
Type of work:
C programming, User testing


Playing a youtube video seem to fail....very similarly from the camera failure

E/OMXCodec(  807): Attempting to allocate OMX node 'OMX.TI.DUCATI1.VIDEO.DECODER'
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetHandle:204
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
E/OMXCodec(  807): Successfully allocated OMX node 'OMX.TI.DUCATI1.VIDEO.DECODER'
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
E/OMXCodec(  807): [OMX.TI.DUCATI1.VIDEO.DECODER] Video O/P format.eColorFormat 0x40b9e1b1
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
I/OMXCodec(  807): [OMX.TI.DUCATI1.VIDEO.DECODER] video dimensions are 320 x 180
I/OMXCodec(  807): [OMX.TI.DUCATI1.VIDEO.DECODER] Crop rect is 320 x 180 @ (0, 0)
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SendCommand:644
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] eError = 0, line 1037
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] eError = 0, line 1116
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_UseBuffer:1080
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync write errno error 22
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: DOMX Write failed 0xffffffff -1
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: failed check:status >= 0 - returning error: 0x81001 - Write failed
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: RPC function returned error 0x81001
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] eError = -2147479551, line 1192
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: PROXY_UseBuffer in PROXY_AllocateBuffer failed with error -2147479551 (0x80001001)
E/ion     (  807): ioctl -1073460991 failed with code -1: Invalid argument
E/OMXNodeInstance(  807): OMX_AllocateBuffer failed with error -2147479551 (0x80001001)
E/OMXCodec(  807): [OMX.TI.DUCATI1.VIDEO.DECODER] allocate_buffer_with_backup failed
D/DOMX    (  807): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetState:700
F/libc    (  807): @@@ ABORTING: HEAP MEMORY CORRUPTION IN dlfree
F/libc    (  807): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1)

Actions #1

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 12 years ago

the video dmesg seem very different:

<6>[ 2220.312377] binder: 1268:1268 transaction failed 29189, size 64-0
<6>[ 2222.588256] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: iommu_get: ducati qos_request
<4>[ 2222.602600] omap_hwmod: ipu: failed to hardreset
<6>[ 2222.604370] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: ducati: version 2.1
<4>[ 2222.740722] omap_hwmod: iva: failed to hardreset
<4>[ 2222.762115] omap_hwmod: iva_seq0: failed to hardreset
<4>[ 2222.777252] omap_hwmod: iva_seq1: failed to hardreset

from the camera dmesg:
<6>[ 2294.235595] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: ducati: version 2.1
<6>[ 2294.900970] PVR_K:(Error): GetHandleStructure: Handle index out of range (1835561824 >= 0) [454, /home/gnutoo/embedded/android/replicant-4.0/kernel/samsung/tuna/drivers/gpu/pvr/handle.c]
<6>[ 2294.901153] PVR_K:(Error): PVRSRVLookupHandle: Error looking up handle (149) [1407, /home/gnutoo/embedded/android/replicant-4.0/kernel/samsung/tuna/drivers/gpu/pvr/handle.c]
<6>[ 2294.901275] PVR_K:(Error): PVRSRVExportFDToIONHandle: Failed to look up MEM_INFO handle [78, /home/gnutoo/embedded/android/replicant-4.0/kernel/samsung/tuna/drivers/gpu/pvr/ion.c]
<3>[ 2294.901489] ion_ioctl: invalid handle passed to share ioctl.
<3>[ 2300.460815] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: rproc_watchdog_isr
<6>[ 2300.461029] omap_rproc_dump_registers: REGISTER DUMP FOR REMOTEPROC ipu
<6>[ 2300.461120] omap_rproc_dump_registers: PC is at 002a5006
<6>[ 2300.461273] omap_rproc_dump_registers: LR is at 002a5007
<6>[ 2300.461364] omap_rproc_dump_registers: pc : [<002a5006>]    lr : [<002a5007>]    psr: 61000000
<6>[ 2300.461364] sp : 8060ec18  ip : 8060ebd8  fp : 802b839c
<6>[ 2300.461608] omap_rproc_dump_registers: r10: 802a5f27  r9 : 0000804f  r8 : 00000000
<6>[ 2300.461730] omap_rproc_dump_registers: r7 : 00000137  r6 : 00000000  r5 : 8060ec44  r4 : 00254a3c
<6>[ 2300.461914] omap_rproc_dump_registers: r3 : 00000000  r2 : 9f070000  r1 : 00000010  r0 : 00000000
<6>[ 2300.462036] omap_rproc_dump_registers: Flags: nZCv  IRQs on  FIQs on
<6>[ 2300.462463] _event_notify: remoteproc: ipu has crashed
<3>[ 2300.462585] rpmsg_rproc_error: Fatal error in ipu
<3>[ 2300.462677] rpmsg_rproc_error: Fatal error in ipu
<3>[ 2300.462738] rpmsg_reset_work: reseting virtio device 2
<6>[ 2300.462982] rpmsg_resmgr rpmsg7: Enter rprm_remove
<6>[ 2300.465576] rpmsg_omx rpmsg-omx0: rpmsg omx driver is removed
<3>[ 2300.467407] rpmsg_reset_work: reseting virtio device 3
<6>[ 2300.467590] rpmsg_resmgr rpmsg9: Enter rprm_remove
<6>[ 2300.468444] rpmsg_omx rpmsg-omx1: rpmsg omx driver is removed
<4>[ 2300.469573] rproc_reset_poolmem: invalid pool
<6>[ 2300.469909] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: stopped remote processor ipu
<6>[ 2300.471405] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: powering up ipu
<6>[ 2300.471801] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio4: rpmsg backend virtproc probed successfully
<6>[ 2300.472564] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio5: rpmsg backend virtproc probed successfully
<6>[ 2300.504486] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: Loaded BIOS image ducati-m3.bin, size 4511300
<6>[ 2300.504638] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: BIOS image version is 2
<6>[ 2300.519256] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: iommu_get: ducati qos_request
<4>[ 2300.533630] omap_hwmod: ipu: failed to hardreset
<6>[ 2300.533782] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: ducati: version 2.1
<6>[ 2300.540405] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: remote processor ipu is now up
<6>[ 2300.553955] omap_rpmsg_mbox_callback: received echo reply from ipu !
<6>[ 2300.554077] omap_rpmsg_mbox_callback: received echo reply from ipu !
<6>[ 2300.554138] omap_rpmsg_mbox_callback: received echo reply from ipu !
<6>[ 2300.554290] omap_rpmsg_mbox_callback: received echo reply from ipu !
<6>[ 2300.554382] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio4: creating channel rpmsg-client-sample addr 0x32
<6>[ 2300.554656] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio4: creating channel rpmsg-client-sample addr 0x33
<6>[ 2300.554901] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio4: creating channel rpmsg-omx addr 0x3c
<6>[ 2300.555236] rpmsg_omx rpmsg-omx0: new OMX connection srv channel: 1024 -> 60!
<6>[ 2301.186309] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio5: creating channel rpmsg-omx addr 0x3c
<6>[ 2301.186614] rpmsg_omx rpmsg-omx1: new OMX connection srv channel: 1024 -> 60!
<6>[ 2302.982025] binder: release 4374:4419 transaction 33768 in, still active
<6>[ 2302.982177] binder: send failed reply for transaction 33768 to 18437:18437
<6>[ 2308.409820] max17040 4-0036: online = 1 vcell = 4183750 soc = 100 status = 4 health = 1 temp = 320 charger status = 1
<6>[ 2335.809082] request_suspend_state: sleep (0->3) at 2335792877215 (2012-12-02 22:57:45.134979201 UTC)
<6>[ 2335.823883] DSSCOMP: dsscomp_early_suspend
<6>[ 2335.824005] DSSCOMP: blanked screen

Actions #2

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 12 years ago

logcat of camera:

root@gnutoo-laptop:~# adb logcat -b main 
I/power   (  193): *** set_screen_state 1
D/SurfaceFlinger(  134): Screen about to return, flinger = 0x146918
D/AccelerometerListener(  346): enable(false)
D/dalvikvm(  193): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1339K, 40% free 7467K/12288K, paused 2ms+11ms
D/NfcService(  354): NFC-C ON
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetHandle:204
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_FreeHandle:279
E/        (27963): num_cameras = 2
V/CameraHolder(27987): open camera 0
I/CameraService(27963): Opening camera 0
I/CameraHAL(27963): camera_device open
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetHandle:204
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SendCommand:644
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SendCommand:644
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetComponentVersion:771
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
I/AwesomePlayer(27963): setDataSource_l('/system/media/audio/ui/camera_click.ogg')
E/OMXCodec(27963): Attempting to allocate OMX node ''
E/OMXCodec(27963): Successfully allocated OMX node ''
I/AwesomePlayer(27963): setDataSource_l('/system/media/audio/ui/VideoRecord.ogg')
E/OMXCodec(27963): Attempting to allocate OMX node ''
E/OMXCodec(27963): Successfully allocated OMX node ''
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/Camera  (27987): app passed NULL surface
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
E/CameraHAL(27963): Adapter state switch INTIALIZED_STATE Invalid Op! event = 0x7
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
V/camera  (27987): Preview size is 960x720
V/MediaProfilesJNI(27987): native_get_num_image_encoding_quality_levels
V/MediaProfilesJNI(27987): native_get_image_encoding_quality_level
V/MediaProfilesJNI(27987): native_get_image_encoding_quality_level
V/MediaProfilesJNI(27987): native_get_image_encoding_quality_level
D/CameraSettings(27987): Parameters: [antibanding-values=auto,50hz,60hz,off, antibanding=auto, auto-convergence-mode=, auto-convergence=, auto-exposure-lock-supported=true, auto-exposure-lock=false, auto-whitebalance-lock-supported=true, auto-whitebalance-lock=false, brightness=50, camera-mode=0, camera-name=S5K4E1GA, contrast=100, current-iso=100, effect-values=none,negative,solarize,sepia,mono,whiteboard,blackboard,aqua,posterize, effect=none, exif-make=Samsung, exif-model=Galaxy Nexus, exposure-compensation-step=0.1, exposure-compensation=0, exposure-mode-values=auto,night,backlighting,spotlight,sports,snow,beach,aperture,small-aperture,, exposure=auto, flash-mode-values=off,on,auto,torch, flash-mode=auto, focal-length=3.43, focus-distances=Infinity,Infinity,Infinity, focus-mode-values=continuous-video,auto,macro,infinity,infinity,continuous-picture, focus-mode=continuous-picture, gbce=disable, horizontal-view-angle=54.8, ipp-values=off,ldc,nsf,ldc-nsf, ipp=ldc-nsf, iso-mode-values=auto,100,200,400,800, iso=auto, jpeg-quality=95, jpeg-thumbnail-height=120, jpeg-thumbnail-quality=60, jpeg-thumbnail-size-values=640x480,160x120,200x120,320x240,512x384,352x144,176x144,96x96,0x0, jpeg-thumbnail-width=160, manual-convergence-values=, max-exposure-compensation=30, max-framerate=30, max-num-detected-faces-hw=35, max-num-detected-faces-sw=0, max-num-focus-areas=10, max-num-metering-areas=10, max-zoom=60, min-exposure-compensation=-30, min-framerate=15, picture-format-values=yuv420sp,yuv420p,yuv422i-yuyv,rgb565,raw,jpeg, picture-format=jpeg, picture-size-values=2592x1944,2592x1728,2592x1458,2048x1536,1600x1200,1280x1024,1152x864,1280x960,640x480,320x240, picture-size=2592x1944, preview-format-values=yuv420sp,yuv420p,yuv422i-yuyv,yuv420p, preview-format=yuv420sp, preview-fps-range-values=(15000,15000),(15000,30000),(24000,30000), preview-fps-range=15000,30000, preview-frame-rate-values=30,15, preview-frame-rate=30, preview-size-values=1920x1080,1280x720,960x720,800x480,720x576,720x480,768x576,640x480,320x240,352x288,240x160,176x144,128x96, preview-size=960x720, recording-hint=false, s3d-supported=, s3d2d-preview-values=, s3d2d-preview=, saturation=100, scene-mode-values=auto,action,night,party,sunset, scene-mode=auto, sensor-orientation-values=, sensor-orientation=, sharpness=100, smooth-zoom-supported=true, vertical-view-angle=42.5, video-frame-format=OMX_TI_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar, video-snapshot-supported=true, video-stabilization-supported=true, video-stabilization=false, whitebalance-values=auto,daylight,cloudy-daylight,fluorescent,incandescent,, whitebalance=auto, zoom-ratios=100,104,107,111,115,119,123,127,132,137,141,146,152,157,162,168,174,180,187,193,200,207,214,222,230,238,246,255,264,273,283,293,303,314,325,336,348,361,373,386,400,414,429,444,459,476,492,510,528,546,566,586,606,628,650,673,696,721,746,773,800, zoom-supported=true, zoom=0]
V/camera  (27987): startPreview
I/CameraHAL(27963): NULL ANativeWindow passed to setPreviewWindow
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
I/CameraHAL(27963): Preview not started. Preview in progress flag set
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SendCommand:644
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SendCommand:644
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SendCommand:644
V/camera  (27987): surfaceChanged. w=720. h=960
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetConfig:564
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetParameter:348
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SetConfig:496
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_SendCommand:644
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] eError = 0, line 1037
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] eError = 0, line 1047
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_GetParameter:419
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] eError = 0, line 1116
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] eError = 0, line 1130
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_UseBuffer:1080
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync write errno error 22
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: DOMX Write failed 0xffffffff -1
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: failed check:status >= 0 - returning error: 0x81001 - Write failed
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: RPC function returned error 0x81001
E/ion     (27963): ioctl -1073198846 failed with code -1: Invalid argument
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: userspace mapping of ION metadata buffers returned error
E/CameraHAL(27963): OMX_UseBuffer-0x80001000
E/CameraHAL(27963): Exiting function UseBuffersPreview because of ret 0 eError=80001000
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: [DBG] RPC_sendPacket_sync RPC_FreeHandle:279
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
D/DOMX    (27963): ERROR: failed check:0 - returning error: 0x81009 - Remote processor fatal error
E/CameraHAL(27963): ***Got Fatal Error Notification***
E/CameraHAL(27963): ***Removing 1 EVENTS***** 
E/CameraHAL(27963): AppCallbackNotifier received error 1
F/libc    (27963): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1)
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/DEBUG   (  132): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I/DEBUG   (  132): Build fingerprint: 'google/yakju/maguro:4.0.4/IMM76I/330937:user/release-keys'
I/DEBUG   (  132): pid: 27963, tid: 28006  >>> /system/bin/mediaserver <<<
I/DEBUG   (  132): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad
I/DEBUG   (  132):  r0 deadbaad  r1 00000001  r2 a0000000  r3 00000000
I/DEBUG   (  132):  r4 00000000  r5 00000027  r6 00000001  r7 40f99c4c
I/DEBUG   (  132):  r8 01ef7430  r9 00000001  10 80001009  fp 01ef7464
I/DEBUG   (  132):  ip ffffffff  sp 416e2d70  lr 4013c441  pc 40138788  cpsr 60070030
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d0  2072656966697420  d1  6465766965636565
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d2  75746572202d2072  d3  726520676e696e72
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d4  387830203a726f72  d5  52202d2039303031
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d6  72702065746f6d65  d7  20726f737365636f
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d16 3f847ae147ae147b  d17 3fefae147ae147ae
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d18 4000000000000000  d19 3fc69cb41ccd1d78
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d20 3f1152bca7668c44  d21 bebbb75b91ef01a7
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d22 3ff0000000000000  d23 3ff33288ca9dbfbc
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d24 3e66376972bea4d0  d25 3fee147ae0000000
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d26 0000000000000000  d27 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d28 0000000000000000  d29 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  132):  d30 0000000000000000  d31 0000000000000000
I/DEBUG   (  132):  scr 88000010
I/DEBUG   (  132): 
I/DEBUG   (  132):          #00  pc 00017788  /system/lib/
I/DEBUG   (  132):          #01  pc 0002111c  /system/lib/hw/ (_ZN7android19AppCallbackNotifier11errorNotifyEi)
I/DEBUG   (  132):          #02  pc 00029620  /system/lib/hw/ (_ZN7android16OMXCameraAdapter28OMXCameraAdapterEventHandlerEPv13OMX_EVENTTYPEmmS1_)
I/DEBUG   (  132):          #03  pc 00029664  /system/lib/hw/
I/DEBUG   (  132):          #04  pc 00005bee  /system/lib/ (PROXY_EventHandler)
I/DEBUG   (  132):          #05  pc 00002f04  /system/lib/ (RPC_CallbackThread)
I/DEBUG   (  132):          #06  pc 00012e2c  /system/lib/ (__thread_entry)
I/DEBUG   (  132):          #07  pc 0001295c  /system/lib/ (pthread_create)
I/DEBUG   (  132): 
I/DEBUG   (  132): code around pc:
I/DEBUG   (  132): 40138768 4623b15c 2c006824 e026d1fb b12368db  \.#F$h.,..&..h#.
I/DEBUG   (  132): 40138778 21014a17 6011447a 48124798 24002527  .J.!zD.`.G.H'%.$
I/DEBUG   (  132): 40138788 f7f47005 2106ef8c e838f7f6 460aa901  .p.....!..8....F
I/DEBUG   (  132): 40138798 f04f2006 94015380 94029303 ebe4f7f5  . O..S..........
I/DEBUG   (  132): 401387a8 4622a905 f7f52002 f7f4ebee 2106ef78  .."F. ......x..!
I/DEBUG   (  132): 
I/DEBUG   (  132): code around lr:
I/DEBUG   (  132): 4013c420 41f0e92d 46804c0c 447c2600 68a56824  -..A.L.F.&|D$h.h
I/DEBUG   (  132): 4013c430 e0076867 300cf9b5 dd022b00 47c04628  gh.....0.+..(F.G
I/DEBUG   (  132): 4013c440 35544306 37fff117 6824d5f4 d1ee2c00  .CT5...7..$h.,..
I/DEBUG   (  132): 4013c450 e8bd4630 bf0081f0 000280be 41f0e92d  0F..........-..A
I/DEBUG   (  132): 4013c460 fb01b086 9004f602 461f4815 4615460c  .........H.F.F.F
I/DEBUG   (  132): 
I/DEBUG   (  132): memory map around addr deadbaad:
I/DEBUG   (  132): becde000-becff000 [stack]
I/DEBUG   (  132): (no map for address)
I/DEBUG   (  132): ffff0000-ffff1000 [vectors]
I/DEBUG   (  132): 
I/DEBUG   (  132): stack:
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d30  01ef7a20  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d34  01ef7430  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d38  01ef7a20  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d3c  01ef7430  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d40  40164780  /system/lib/
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d44  40164718  /system/lib/
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d48  00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d4c  4013c441  /system/lib/
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d50  00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d54  416e2d84  
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d58  00000001  
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d5c  40f99c4c  /system/lib/hw/
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d60  01ef7430  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d64  4013b5ad  /system/lib/
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d68  df0027ad  
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d6c  00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  132): #00 416e2d70  01ef7460  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d74  4e4d6c3e  
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d78  00000000  
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d7c  01ef7c68  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d80  40f99c4c  /system/lib/hw/
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d84  fffffbdf  
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d88  40f99c4c  /system/lib/hw/
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d8c  01ef7c68  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d90  40f99c4c  /system/lib/hw/
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d94  40f8911f  /system/lib/hw/
I/DEBUG   (  132): #01 416e2d98  01ef5f30  [heap]
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2d9c  00000001  
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2da0  40f9c63f  /system/lib/hw/
I/DEBUG   (  132):     416e2da4  40f91623  /system/lib/hw/
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
W/AudioSystem(  193): AudioFlinger server died!
W/AudioSystem(  193): AudioPolicyService server died!
I/ServiceManager(  127): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager(  127): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager(  127): service '' died
I/ServiceManager(  127): service 'media.audio_policy' died
W/Camera  (27987): Camera server died!
W/Camera  (27987): ICamera died
I/ActivityManager(  193): Displayed +9s451ms
D/CameraStorage(27987): External storage state=mounted
I/Thumbnail(27987): Fail to load bitmap. /data/data/ open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
E/Camera  (27987): Error 100
E/CameraErrorCallback(27987): Got camera error callback. error=100
D/AndroidRuntime(27987): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40a3d1f8)
I/        (28023): ServiceManager: 0x1d7d958
E/SRS-Client(28023): OpenClient_RILD
D/SRS-Client(28023): Unsolicited handler isn't implemented yet!
I/AudioFlinger(28023): Loaded primary audio interface from Tuna audio HW HAL (audio)
I/AudioFlinger(28023): Using 'Tuna audio HW HAL' (audio.primary) as the primary audio interface
I/AudioFlinger(28023): Loaded a2dp audio interface from A2DP Audio HW HAL (audio)
I/CameraService(28023): CameraService started (pid=28023)
I/AudioFlinger(28023): AudioFlinger's thread 0x1d84400 ready to run
I/AudioPolicyService(28023): Loaded audio policy from LEGACY Audio Policy HAL (audio_policy)
I/Process (  193): Sending signal. PID: 27987 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm(27987): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
E/AudioService(  193): Media server died.
E/AudioService(  193): Media server started.
W/AudioPolicyManagerBase(28023): setPhoneState() setting same state 0

Actions #3

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 12 years ago

Here is a log from cyanogenmod with a modified kenrel for logging and the proprietary libraries

root@gnutoo-laptop:/home/gnutoo/embedded/android/replicant-4.0-camera/kernel/samsung/tuna# adb shell "while true;do dmesg -c;done" 
<6>[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
<5>[    0.000000] Linux version 3.0.36-cyanogenmod-g25a9d73 (gnutoo@gnutoo-laptop) (gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC) ) #25 SMP PREEMPT Mon Dec 3 15:07:37 CET 2012
<4>[    0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [412fc09a] revision 10 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
<4>[    0.000000] CPU: VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
<4>[    0.000000] Machine: Tuna
<6>[    0.000000] Reserving 16777216 bytes SDRAM for VRAM
<4>[    0.000000] Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writealloc
<6>[    0.000000] OMAP4460 ES1.1
<6>[    0.000000] SRAM: Mapped pa 0x4030d000 to va 0xfe40d000 size: 0x1000
<6>[    0.000000] SMC: Allocated workspace of 0x300000 Bytes at (0xbfd00000)
<7>[    0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 182272
<7>[    0.000000] free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c08a7c20, node_mem_map c0a33000
<7>[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 256 pages used for memmap
<7>[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 0 pages reserved
<7>[    0.000000]   Normal zone: 32512 pages, LIFO batch:7
<7>[    0.000000]   HighMem zone: 1792 pages used for memmap
<7>[    0.000000]   HighMem zone: 147712 pages, LIFO batch:31
<6>[    0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @c123a000 s6976 r8192 d13504 u32768
<7>[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s6976 r8192 d13504 u32768 alloc=8*4096
<7>[    0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 
<4>[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 180224
<5>[    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyFIQ0 androidboot.console=ttyFIQ0 mem=1G vmalloc=768M omap_wdt.timer_margin=30 no_console_suspend androidboot.serialno=0149BD3410018018 androidboot.bootloader=PRIMELC03 androidboot.baseband=I9250XXLF1 lcd_bootfb=0xbea70000 mms_ts.panel_id=18 androidboot.macaddr=
<6>[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 512 (order: -1, 2048 bytes)
<6>[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
<6>[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
<6>[    0.000000] Memory: 512MB 200MB = 712MB total
<5>[    0.000000] Memory: 709940k/709940k available, 338636k reserved, 598016K highmem
<5>[    0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
<5>[    0.000000]     vector  : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
<5>[    0.000000]     fixmap  : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
<5>[    0.000000]     DMA     : 0xff000000 - 0xffe00000   (  14 MB)
<5>[    0.000000]     vmalloc : 0xc8800000 - 0xf8000000   ( 760 MB)
<5>[    0.000000]     lowmem  : 0xc0000000 - 0xc8000000   ( 128 MB)
<5>[    0.000000]     pkmap   : 0xbfe00000 - 0xc0000000   (   2 MB)
<5>[    0.000000]     modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xbfe00000   (  14 MB)
<5>[    0.000000]       .init : 0xc0008000 - 0xc004f000   ( 284 kB)
<5>[    0.000000]       .text : 0xc004f000 - 0xc084c000   (8180 kB)
<5>[    0.000000]       .data : 0xc084c000 - 0xc08a8720   ( 370 kB)
<5>[    0.000000]        .bss : 0xc08a8744 - 0xc0a32a38   (1577 kB)
<6>[    0.000000] SLUB: Genslabs=13, HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1
<6>[    0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
<6>[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:410
<4>[    0.000000] omap_hwmod: dpll_mpu_m2_ck: missing clockdomain for dpll_mpu_m2_ck.
<6>[    0.000000] OMAP clockevent source: GPTIMER1 at 32768 Hz
<6>[    0.000000] sched_clock: 32 bits at 32kHz, resolution 30517ns, wraps every 131071999ms
<6>[    0.000061] Calibrating delay loop... 1194.24 BogoMIPS (lpj=4665344)
<6>[    0.070404] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
<6>[    0.070404] Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
<6>[    0.070404] Initializing cgroup subsys debug
<6>[    0.071685] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
<6>[    0.071685] Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
<6>[    0.071807] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
<6>[    0.072265] L310 cache controller enabled
<6>[    0.072265] l2x0: 16 ways, CACHE_ID 0x410000c7, AUX_CTRL 0x5e470000, Cache size: 1048576 B
<4>[    0.150756] CPU1: Booted secondary processor
<6>[    0.165985] Brought up 2 CPUs
<6>[    0.181671] SMP: Total of 2 processors activated (2388.48 BogoMIPS).
<4>[    0.181945] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for emif_fw
<4>[    0.185668] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for l3_instr
<4>[    0.185668] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for l3_main_1
<4>[    0.185699] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for l3_main_2
<4>[    0.185699] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for l4_abe
<4>[    0.185699] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for l4_cfg
<4>[    0.185760] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for l4_per
<4>[    0.185760] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for l4_wkup
<4>[    0.185791] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for mpu_private
<4>[    0.185791] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for sl2if
<4>[    0.185791] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for thermal_sensor
<4>[    0.185791] omap_hwmod: _populate_mpu_rt_base found no _mpu_rt_va for usbhs_ehci
<4>[    0.185943] omap_hwmod: l3_div_ck: missing clockdomain for l3_div_ck.
<4>[    0.185943] omap_hwmod: l4_div_ck: missing clockdomain for l4_div_ck.
<4>[    0.191040] omap_hwmod: mcpdm: cannot be enabled (3)
<6>[    0.196319] print_constraints: dummy: 
<6>[    0.196990] NET: Registered protocol family 16
<6>[    0.196990] GPMC revision 6.0
<6>[    0.197265] EMIF0 is enabled with IRQ142
<6>[    0.197265] EMIF1 is enabled with IRQ143
<6>[    0.198425] Last reset was warm software reset (PRM_RSTST=0x2)
<6>[    0.198425] 
<6>[    0.198455] HSI: device registered as omap_hwmod: hsi
<6>[    0.198913] OMAP GPIO hardware version 0.1
<6>[    0.199890] omap_mux_init: Add partition: #1: core, flags: 2
<6>[    0.201507] omap_mux_init: Add partition: #2: wkup, flags: 2
<6>[    0.201812] Tuna HW revision: 09 (Maguro 8th Sample), cpu OMAP4460 ES1.1 
<6>[    0.203674] ram_console: got buffer at a0000000, size 200000
<6>[    0.203674] ram_console: found existing buffer, size 41261, start 41261
<6>[    0.309417] console [ram-1] enabled
<6>[    0.311218] Using tuna_oled_factory_info_6500k
<6>[    0.312896] _omap_mux_init_gpio: Multiple gpio paths (2) for gpio102
<3>[    0.312896] omap_mux_init_gpio: Could not set gpio102
<6>[    0.313659] _omap_mux_init_gpio: Multiple gpio paths (2) for gpio101
<3>[    0.313659] omap_mux_init_gpio: Could not set gpio101
<6>[    0.447235] _omap_mux_init_gpio: Multiple gpio paths (2) for gpio100
<3>[    0.513519] omap_mux_init_gpio: Could not set gpio100
<6>[    0.518707] OMAP DMA hardware revision 0.0
<4>[    0.518707] omap_rproc_get_pool: carveout memory is unavailable: 0x0, 0x0
<6>[    0.528686] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
<6>[    0.529571] print_constraints: vwl1271: 2000 mV 
<5>[    0.530364] SCSI subsystem initialized
<6>[    0.531738] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
<6>[    0.531738] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
<6>[    0.532226] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
<6>[    0.533508] i2c-gpio i2c-gpio.5: using pins 98 (SDA) and 99 (SCL)
<6>[    0.548797] omap_i2c omap_i2c.1: bus 1 rev4.0 at 400 kHz
<4>[    0.548858] Skipping twl internal clock init and using bootloader value (unknown osc rate)
<6>[    0.552093] twl6030: PIH (irq 39) chaining IRQs 368..387
<6>[    0.554565] print_constraints: VUSB: 3300 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.555450] print_constraints: VMMC: 1800 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.556274] print_constraints: VPP: 1800 <--> 2500 mV at 1900 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.556793] print_constraints: VUSIM: 2200 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.557189] print_constraints: VCXIO: 1800 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.557189] print_constraints: VDAC: 1800 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.558563] print_constraints: VAUX1_6030: 3000 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.559478] print_constraints: VAUX2_6030: 1200 <--> 2800 mV at 1800 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.560028] print_constraints: VAUX3_6030: 3100 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.560943] print_constraints: CLK32KG: 
<6>[    0.561920] print_constraints: CLK32KAUDIO: 
<6>[    0.562774] print_constraints: VDD3: 
<6>[    0.563537] print_constraints: VMEM: at 1250 mV 
<6>[    0.564514] print_constraints: V2V1: 2100 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.565338] print_constraints: VANA: 2100 mV normal standby
<6>[    0.580108] omap_i2c omap_i2c.2: bus 2 rev4.0 at 400 kHz
<6>[    0.595672] omap_i2c omap_i2c.3: bus 3 rev4.0 at 400 kHz
<6>[    0.611297] omap_i2c omap_i2c.4: bus 4 rev4.0 at 400 kHz
<6>[    0.612365] omap-rproc omap-rproc.0: dsp is available
<6>[    0.612976] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: ipu is available
<6>[    0.612976] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.24.
<6>[    0.612976] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.16
<6>[    0.612976] NET: Registered protocol family 31
<6>[    0.614410] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
<6>[    0.614410] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
<6>[    0.614410] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
<6>[    0.614410] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
<6>[    0.615325] cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
<6>[    0.615570] Switching to clocksource 32k_counter
<6>[    0.615966] musb-hdrc: version 6.0, musb-dma, otg (peripheral+host)
<7>[    0.617645] musb-hdrc: ConfigData=0xde (UTMI-8, dyn FIFOs, bulk combine, bulk split, HB-ISO Rx, HB-ISO Tx, SoftConn)
<7>[    0.617645] musb-hdrc: MHDRC RTL version 2.0 
<7>[    0.617645] musb-hdrc: setup fifo_mode 4
<7>[    0.618255] musb-hdrc: 28/31 max ep, 16384/16384 memory
<6>[    0.618255] musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: USB OTG mode controller at fc0ab000 using DMA, IRQ 124
<6>[    0.619110] Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #0
<6>[    0.619140] Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #1
<6>[    0.619171] NET: Registered protocol family 2
<6>[    0.619873] IP route cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
<6>[    0.621002] TCP established hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
<6>[    0.621002] TCP bind hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 196608 bytes)
<6>[    0.621002] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
<6>[    0.621002] TCP reno registered
<6>[    0.621002] UDP hash table entries: 128 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
<6>[    0.622467] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 128 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
<6>[    0.622467] NET: Registered protocol family 1
<6>[    0.623687] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
<6>[    0.623809] RPC: Registered udp transport module.
<6>[    0.623809] RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
<6>[    0.624114] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
<6>[    0.624114] Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...
<6>[    0.624114] Freeing initrd memory: 320K
<6>[    1.937377] console [ttyFIQ0] enabled
<6>[    1.937377] Registered FIQ tty driver c78c9c00
<6>[    1.943359] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: ducati registered
<6>[    1.943542] omap-iommu omap-iommu.1: tesla registered
<4>[    1.951110] highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages
<6>[    1.951354] ashmem: initialized
<6>[    1.963745] NTFS driver 2.1.30 [Flags: R/W DEBUG].
<6>[    1.964324] fuse init (API version 7.16)

>[    1.964843] msgmni has been set to 219
<6>[    1.965179] Registering char device tf_driver (122:0)
<6>[    1.967346] io scheduler noop registered
<6>[    1.967468] io scheduler deadline registered
<6>[    1.967773] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
<6>[    1.968750] OMAP DSS rev 4.0
<6>[    1.972015] dsscomp: initializing.
<7>[    1.972198] misc dsscomp: display0=s6e8aa0
<7>[    1.972320] misc dsscomp: display1=hdmi_panel
<6>[    1.972503] misc dsscomp: found 2 displays and 4 overlays
<3>[    1.972961] could not allocate slot
<6>[    1.973907] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: powering up ipu
<6>[    1.974395] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: rpmsg backend virtproc probed successfully
<6>[    1.975067] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio1: rpmsg backend virtproc probed successfully
<6>[    1.976013] omap_uart.0: ttyO0 at MMIO 0x4806a000 (irq = 104) is a OMAP UART0
<6>[    1.998870] omap_uart.1: ttyO1 at MMIO 0x4806c000 (irq = 105) is a OMAP UART1
<6>[    2.030395] omap_uart.3: ttyO3 at MMIO 0x4806e000 (irq = 102) is a OMAP UART3
<6>[    2.116210] omap_ion_probe: adding heap secure_input of type 2 with ba300000@5a00000
<6>[    2.116210] omap_ion_probe: adding heap tiler of type 4 with ae900000@5100000
<6>[    2.116699] omap_ion_probe: adding heap nonsecure_tiler of type 4 with ada00000@f00000
<6>[    2.116699] PVR: PVRCore_Init
<6>[    2.117431] PVR: PVRSRVDriverProbe(pDevice=c78bb000)
<6>[    2.117431] PVR: SGX register base: 0x56000000
<6>[    2.117950] PVR: SGX register size: 65535
<6>[    2.117950] PVR: SGX IRQ: 53
<6>[    2.117950] PVR: EnableSystemClocks: Enabling System Clocks
<6>[    2.118591] PVR: PVRCore_Init: major device 250
<6>[    2.123809] brd: module loaded
<6>[    2.129699] loop: module loaded
<6>[    2.130706] input: barometer as /devices/virtual/input/input0
<6>[    2.131256] sec_jack_probe : Registering jack driver
<6>[    2.131774] i2c i2c-4: mpu_probe: 0
<6>[    2.222808] i2c i2c-4: Installing irq using 205
<6>[    2.222808] i2c i2c-4: Module Param interface = mpuirq
<4>[    2.222808] i2c-core: driver [mpu3050] using legacy suspend method
<4>[    2.222808] i2c-core: driver [mpu3050] using legacy resume method
<6>[    2.222808] mpu_init: Probe name mpu3050
<6>[    2.223937] i2c i2c-4: bma250_mod_probe: bma250
<6>[    2.223937] i2c i2c-4: Installing Accel irq using 282
<6>[    2.250732] i2c i2c-4: mpu3050: +bma250
<6>[    2.250732] bma250_mod_init: Probe name bma250_mod
<6>[    2.250732] i2c i2c-4: yas530_mod_probe: yas530
<6>[    2.250732] i2c i2c-4: Installing Compass irq using 336
<6>[    2.274719] i2c i2c-4: mpu3050: +yas530
<6>[    2.274719] yas530_mod_init: Probe name yas530_mod
<6>[    2.281433] omap_temp_sensor omap_temp_sensor.0: omap_temp_sensor probed
<6>[    2.285949] m25p80 spi3.0: w25q80 (1024 Kbytes)
<6>[    2.287353] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
<6>[    2.287353] PPP Deflate Compression module registered
<6>[    2.287353] PPP BSD Compression module registered
<6>[    2.288726] PPP MPPE Compression module registered
<6>[    2.288848] NET: Registered protocol family 24
<6>[    2.288848] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
<6>[    2.291229] tun: (C) 1999-2004 Max Krasnyansky <>
<6>[    2.291229] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
<6>[    2.291229] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
<6>[    2.291229] cdc_acm: USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters
<6>[    2.291229] Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
<6>[    2.291229] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
<6>[    2.291229] USB Mass Storage support registered.
<6>[    2.292877] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
<6>[    2.292877] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core
<6>[    2.494293] android_usb gadget: Mass Storage Function, version: 2009/09/11
<6>[    2.494293] android_usb gadget: Number of LUNs=1
<6>[    2.494506]  lun0: LUN: removable file: (no medium)
<6>[    2.494720] android_usb gadget: android_usb ready
<6>[    2.495269] musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: MUSB HDRC host driver
<6>[    2.495269] musb-hdrc musb-hdrc: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
<6>[    2.495269] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
<6>[    2.495910] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
<6>[    2.495910] usb usb1: Product: MUSB HDRC host driver
<6>[    2.495910] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 3.0.36-cyanogenmod-g25a9d73 musb-hcd
<6>[    2.496398] usb usb1: SerialNumber: musb-hdrc
<6>[    2.496398] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
<6>[    2.496398] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
<6>[    2.498046] usbcore: registered new interface driver xpad
<6>[    2.498046] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb_acecad
<6>[    2.498046] acecad: v3.2:USB Acecad Flair tablet driver
<6>[    2.498046] usbcore: registered new interface driver aiptek
<6>[    2.498748] aiptek: v2.3 (May 2, 2007):Aiptek HyperPen USB Tablet Driver (Linux 2.6.x)
<6>[    2.498748] aiptek: Bryan W. Headley/Chris Atenasio/Cedric Brun/Rene van Paassen
<6>[    2.498748] usbcore: registered new interface driver gtco
<4>[    2.499328] GTCO usb driver version: 2.00.0006
<6>[    2.499328] usbcore: registered new interface driver hanwang
<6>[    2.499328] usbcore: registered new interface driver kbtab
<6>[    2.499328] kbtab: v0.0.2:USB KB Gear JamStudio Tablet driver
<6>[    2.500183] usbcore: registered new interface driver wacom
<6>[    2.500183] wacom: v1.52:USB Wacom tablet driver
<6>[    2.500183] input: Melfas MMSxxx Touchscreen as /devices/platform/omap/omap_i2c.3/i2c-3/3-0048/input/input1
<6>[    3.100738] GPIO Input Driver: Start gpio inputs for tuna-gpio-keypad in interrupt mode
<6>[    3.101104] GPIO Input Driver: Start gpio inputs for tuna-gpio-keypad in interrupt mode
<6>[    3.101379] input: tuna-gpio-keypad as /devices/virtual/input/input2
<6>[    3.102355] input: proximity as /devices/virtual/input/input3
<6>[    3.102996] input: lightsensor-level as /devices/virtual/input/input4
<6>[    3.106628] twl_rtc_read_alarm(): 2012-12-02 22:53:48 off
<6>[    3.106628] using rtc device, twl_rtc, for alarms
<6>[    3.106628] twl_rtc twl_rtc: rtc core: registered twl_rtc as rtc0
<6>[    3.107818] i2c /dev entries driver
<6>[    3.108520] dmm: probe base: fd300000, irq 145
<6>[    3.111999] max17040 4-0036: MAX17040 Fuel-Gauge Ver 3
<6>[    3.114532] OMAP Watchdog Timer Rev 0x01: initial timeout 30 sec
<6>[    3.117401] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
<6>[    3.117889] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.20.0-ioctl (2011-02-02) initialised:
<6>[    3.118103] Bluetooth: HCI UART driver ver 2.2
<6>[    3.118225] Bluetooth: HCI H4 protocol initialized
<6>[    3.118560] cpuidle: using governor ladder
<6>[    3.118682] cpuidle: using governor menu
<6>[    3.126647] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
<6>[    3.126770] usbhid: USB HID core driver
<6>[    3.127258] logger: created 256K log 'log_main'
<6>[    3.127563] logger: created 256K log 'log_events'
<6>[    3.127868] logger: created 256K log 'log_radio'
<6>[    3.128295] logger: created 256K log 'log_system'
<6>[    3.129974] OMAP HSI: HSI driver version 0.4.2
<6>[    3.130279] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: Registering IRQ mpu_p1 (99)
<6>[    3.130493] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: HSI port 1 initialized
<6>[    3.130584] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: Registering IRQ mpu_dma (103)
<6>[    3.130950] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: HSI Hardware REVISION 0x50043101
<4>[    3.133422] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: Cannot set HSI FClk to default value: 96000000. Will retry on next open
<6>[    3.137634] SDP4430 SoC init
<6>[    3.171569] asoc: null-codec-dai <-> MultiMedia1 mapping ok
<6>[    3.173034] asoc: null-codec-dai <-> MultiMedia2 mapping ok
<6>[    3.174835] asoc: null-codec-dai <-> Voice mapping ok
<6>[    3.176483] asoc: null-codec-dai <-> Tones mapping ok
<6>[    3.178039] asoc: null-codec-dai <-> Vibra mapping ok
<6>[    3.179107] asoc: null-codec-dai <-> MODEM mapping ok
<6>[    3.179992] asoc: null-codec-dai <-> MultiMedia1 LP mapping ok
<6>[    3.181884] asoc: FM Digital <-> omap-mcbsp-dai.1 mapping ok
<6>[    3.183227] asoc: twl6040-dl1 <-> mcpdm-dl mapping ok
<6>[    3.184661] asoc: dit-hifi <-> omap-mcasp-dai mapping ok
<4>[    3.186920] twl6040-codec twl6040-codec: ASoC: Failed to create Aux/FM Stereo In debugfs file
<6>[    3.188018] asoc: twl6040-dl1 <-> mcpdm-dl1 mapping ok
<6>[    3.188964] asoc: twl6040-ul <-> mcpdm-ul1 mapping ok
<6>[    3.190002] asoc: twl6040-dl2 <-> mcpdm-dl2 mapping ok
<6>[    3.190948] asoc: twl6040-vib <-> mcpdm-vib mapping ok
<6>[    3.192016] asoc: Bluetooth <-> omap-mcbsp-dai.0 mapping ok
<6>[    3.192993] asoc: Bluetooth <-> omap-mcbsp-dai.0 mapping ok
<6>[    3.194061] asoc: FM Digital <-> omap-mcbsp-dai.1 mapping ok
<6>[    3.195068] asoc: MODEM <-> omap-mcbsp-dai.1 mapping ok
<6>[    3.196960] input: Tuna Headset Jack as /devices/platform/soc-audio/sound/card0/input5
<6>[    3.200012] asoc: hdmi-audio-codec <-> hdmi-audio-dai mapping ok
<6>[    3.200714] ALSA device list:
<6>[    3.200805]   #0: TI OMAP4 Board
<6>[    3.200927]   #1: OMAP4HDMI
<6>[    3.201110] oprofile: hardware counters not available
<6>[    3.201202] oprofile: using timer interrupt.
<6>[    3.201538] GACT probability NOT on
<6>[    3.201660] Mirror/redirect action on
<6>[    3.201751] u32 classifier
<6>[    3.201843]     Actions configured
<6>[    3.202056] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
<6>[    3.202239] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (11097 buckets, 44388 max)
<6>[    3.203735] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
<6>[    3.203887] NF_TPROXY: Transparent proxy support initialized, version 4.1.0
<6>[    3.204071] NF_TPROXY: Copyright (c) 2006-2007 BalaBit IT Ltd.
<6>[    3.204528] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
<6>[    3.207305] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
<6>[    3.207672] arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
<6>[    3.207855] TCP cubic registered
<6>[    3.209045] NET: Registered protocol family 10
<6>[    3.216003] Mobile IPv6
<6>[    3.216156] ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
<6>[    3.216735] IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
<6>[    3.223815] NET: Registered protocol family 17
<6>[    3.224060] NET: Registered protocol family 15
<5>[    3.224456] Bridge firewalling registered
<6>[    3.224731] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
<6>[    3.224945] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
<6>[    3.225036] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
<6>[    3.225219] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
<6>[    3.225311] Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.2
<6>[    3.225738] NET: Registered protocol family 35
<5>[    3.226104] Registering the dns_resolver key type
<6>[    3.226257] VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 30 variant 9 rev 4
<6>[    3.226593] ThumbEE CPU extension supported.
<5>[    3.226715] Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
<6>[    3.227478] mmc0: new high speed MMC card at address 0001
<6>[    3.228118] mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 VYL00M 14.6 GiB 
<6>[    3.228515] mmcblk0boot0: mmc0:0001 VYL00M partition 1 512 KiB
<6>[    3.228790] mmcblk0boot1: mmc0:0001 VYL00M partition 2 512 KiB
<6>[    3.235229]  mmcblk0: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13
<6>[    3.235290] Reprogramming LPDDR2 timings to 400000000 Hz
<6>[    3.238067] cpufreq_interactive_input_connect: connect to Melfas MMSxxx Touchscreen
<6>[    3.238281]  mmcblk0boot1: unknown partition table
<3>[    3.238647] Power Management for TI OMAP4.
<6>[    3.238861] OMAP4 PM: Static dependency added between MPUSS and DUCATI <-> L4_PER/CFG and L3_1.
<6>[    3.239624]  mmcblk0boot0: unknown partition table
<4>[    3.239868] sr_init: No PMIC hook to init smartreflex
<6>[    3.240203] smartreflex smartreflex.0: omap_sr_probe: SmartReflex driver initialized
<6>[    3.240509] smartreflex smartreflex.1: omap_sr_probe: SmartReflex driver initialized
<6>[    3.240753] smartreflex smartreflex.2: omap_sr_probe: SmartReflex driver initialized
<6>[    3.241241] SmartReflex class 1.5 driver: initialized (86400000ms)
<6>[    3.241333] omap4_tuna_vibrator_init()
<6>[    3.241546] vibrator_init()
<6>[    3.243499] HSI DRIVER BUS : hsi_bus_match SUCCESS : ctrl:0 (mask:ffffffff), port:0, ch:0 (mask:ff)
<6>[    3.243804] HSI DRIVER BUS : hsi_bus_match SUCCESS : ctrl:0 (mask:ffffffff), port:0, ch:1 (mask:ff)
<6>[    3.244110] HSI DRIVER BUS : hsi_bus_match SUCCESS : ctrl:0 (mask:ffffffff), port:0, ch:2 (mask:ff)
<6>[    3.244323] HSI DRIVER BUS : hsi_bus_match SUCCESS : ctrl:0 (mask:ffffffff), port:0, ch:3 (mask:ff)
<6>[    3.244598] HSI DRIVER BUS : hsi_bus_match SUCCESS : ctrl:0 (mask:ffffffff), port:0, ch:4 (mask:ff)
<6>[    3.244873] HSI DRIVER BUS : hsi_bus_match SUCCESS : ctrl:0 (mask:ffffffff), port:0, ch:5 (mask:ff)
<6>[    3.245147] HSI DRIVER BUS : hsi_bus_match SUCCESS : ctrl:0 (mask:ffffffff), port:0, ch:6 (mask:ff)
<6>[    3.245452] HSI DRIVER BUS : hsi_bus_match SUCCESS : ctrl:0 (mask:ffffffff), port:0, ch:7 (mask:ff)
<6>[    3.263244] clock: disabling unused clocks to save power
<6>[    3.280120] sr_class1p5_calib_work: mpu: Calibration complete: Voltage:Nominal=1203000,Calib=1010000,margin=0
<6>[    3.280334] sr_class1p5_calib_work: iva: Calibration complete: Voltage:Nominal=1140000,Calib=974860,margin=0
<6>[    3.280578] sr_class1p5_calib_work: core: Calibration complete: Voltage:Nominal=1127000,Calib=1025500,margin=13000
<6>[    3.311340] max17040 4-0036: online = 1 vcell = 4198750 soc = 100 status = 4 health = 1 temp = 430 charger status = 1
<6>[    3.438079] cannot apply mgr(lcd) on inactive device
<4>[    3.438232] omapfb omapfb: failed to apply dispc config
<6>[    3.438354] cannot apply mgr(tv) on inactive device
<4>[    3.438568] omapfb omapfb: failed to apply dispc config
<6>[    3.438690] cannot apply mgr(lcd2) on inactive device
<4>[    3.438934] omapfb omapfb: failed to apply dispc config
<6>[    3.442016] regulator_init_complete: VDAC: disabling
<6>[    3.443389] regulator_init_complete: VUSB: disabling
<7>[    3.443939] omaplfb OMAPLFBInitFBDev: Device 0: Requesting 4 TILER 2D framebuffers
<4>[    3.444763] ## wifi_probe
<4>[    3.444885] wifi_set_power = 1
<4>[    3.967559] wifi_set_carddetect = 1
<4>[    3.968017] 
<4>[    3.968048] Dongle Host Driver, version
<4>[    3.968048] Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd on Dec  2 2012 at 18:34:22
<6>[    4.022308] sr_class1p5_calib_work: mpu: Calibration complete: Voltage:Nominal=1380000,Calib=1250000,margin=10000
<4>[    4.083648] mmc1: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x80 (7 bytes)
<4>[    4.128631] mmc1: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x80 (3 bytes)
<6>[    4.140472] mmc1: new high speed SDIO card at address 0001
<4>[    4.141113] F1 signature read @0x18000000=0x16844330
<4>[    4.144592] DHD: dongle ram size is set to 294912(orig 294912)
<4>[    4.145111] wl_create_event_handler thr:61 started
<4>[    4.145385] dhd_attach thr:62 started
<4>[    4.145507] dhd_attach thr:63 started
<4>[    4.145629] dhd_attach thr:64 started
<4>[    4.145782] wifi_get_mac_addr
<4>[    4.148162] Broadcom Dongle Host Driver: register interface [wlan0] MAC: 00:90:4c:11:22:33
<4>[    4.148223] wifi_set_power = 0
<4>[    4.670715] =========== WLAN placed in RESET ========
<6>[    4.671844] fsa9480 4-0025: cable detect change, from 'unknown/none' to 'usb-peripheral'
<6>[    4.673583] twl_rtc twl_rtc: setting system clock to 2012-12-03 14:08:13 UTC (1354543693)
<6>[    4.674041] Freeing init memory: 284K
<3>[    4.675415] init: could not import file /system/etc/init.local.rc
<4>[    4.676696] init (1): /proc/1/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/1/oom_score_adj instead.
<6>[    4.690002] max17040 4-0036: online = 1 vcell = 4181250 soc = 100 status = 4 health = 1 temp = 420 charger status = 1
<6>[    4.850311] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p10): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
<6>[    4.862915] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p12): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: nomblk_io_submit,errors=panic
<6>[    4.875030] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p11): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: nomblk_io_submit,errors=panic
<6>[    4.889953] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p3): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
<6>[    4.908874] mms_ts 3-0048: fw version 0x65 already present
<6>[    4.909149] mms_ts 3-0048: Melfas MMS-series touch controller initialized
<6>[    4.953674] HDCP: loaded keys
<6>[    5.097564] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: Loaded BIOS image ducati-m3.bin, size 4511300
<6>[    5.097778] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: BIOS image version is 2
<6>[    5.116973] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: iommu_get: ducati qos_request
<4>[    5.130981] omap_hwmod: ipu: failed to hardreset
<6>[    5.131072] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: ducati: version 2.1
<6>[    5.137054] omap-rproc omap-rproc.1: remote processor ipu is now up
<6>[    5.150543] omap_rpmsg_mbox_callback: received echo reply from ipu !
<6>[    5.150665] omap_rpmsg_mbox_callback: received echo reply from ipu !
<6>[    5.150726] omap_rpmsg_mbox_callback: received echo reply from ipu !
<6>[    5.150848] omap_rpmsg_mbox_callback: received echo reply from ipu !
<6>[    5.150939] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: creating channel rpmsg-client-sample addr 0x32
<6>[    5.151245] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: creating channel rpmsg-client-sample addr 0x33
<6>[    5.151519] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio0: creating channel rpmsg-omx addr 0x3c
<6>[    5.151733] rpmsg_omx rpmsg-omx0: new OMX connection srv channel: 1024 -> 60!
<3>[    5.307556] android_usb: already disabled
<6>[    5.317474] adb_open
<6>[    5.317565] mtp_bind_config
<6>[    5.317718] adb_bind_config
<6>[    5.550598] PVR: Installing MISR with cookie c0921c34
<6>[    5.552246] warning: `rild' uses 32-bit capabilities (legacy support in use)
<6>[    5.552612] PVR: Installing device LISR SGX ISR on IRQ 53 with cookie c7912a00
<6>[    5.552825] PVR: OSUnMapPhysToLin: unmapping 65535 bytes from c8be0000
<6>[    5.552917] PVR: SysFinalise: Version string: SGX revision = 1.2.0
<6>[    5.695190] max17040 4-0036: online = 1 vcell = 4188750 soc = 100 status = 4 health = 1 temp = 420 charger status = 1
<6>[    5.769104] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
<6>[    5.773895] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED
<6>[    5.846649] [MODEM_IF] misc_open : umts_boot0
<6>[    5.846740] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: HSI clock is now 96000000
<6>[    5.847290] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: Entering RX wakeup in 3 wires mode (no CAWAKE)
<6>[    5.847442] [MODEM_IF] xmm6260_off()
<6>[    5.847503] [MODEM_IF] xmm6260_on()
<6>[    5.860870] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED
<6>[    5.861877] android_usb gadget: high speed config #1: android
<6>[    5.862060] android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONFIGURED
<6>[    5.911346] virtio_rpmsg_bus virtio1: creating channel rpmsg-omx addr 0x3c
<6>[    5.911712] rpmsg_omx rpmsg-omx1: new OMX connection srv channel: 1024 -> 60!
<6>[    6.186340] sr_class1p5_calib_work: mpu: Calibration complete: Voltage:Nominal=1317000,Calib=1120000,margin=0
<6>[    6.244049] [MODEM_IF] misc_release : umts_boot0
<3>[    6.244689] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: hsi_write_cancel ch 0
<3>[    6.244873] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: __hsi_write_cancel : -125
<3>[    6.245208] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: hsi_read_cancel ch 0
<3>[    6.245391] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: __hsi_read_cancel : -125
<3>[    6.245727] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: __hsi_write_cancel : -61
<3>[    6.245910] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: __hsi_read_cancel : -61
<6>[    6.246307] [MODEM_IF] misc_open : umts_boot1
<6>[    6.246520] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: Entering RX wakeup in 4 wires mode
<4>[    6.400726] sr_class1p5_calib_work: core Stop sampling: Voltage Nominal=962000 samples=13
<6>[    6.401245] sr_class1p5_calib_work: core: Calibration complete: Voltage:Nominal=962000,Calib=886240,margin=38000
<4>[    6.401580] sr_class1p5_calib_work: mpu Stop sampling: Voltage Nominal=1025000 samples=14
<6>[    6.402008] sr_class1p5_calib_work: mpu: Calibration complete: Voltage:Nominal=1025000,Calib=840000,margin=10000
<4>[    6.788665] misc dsscomp: [c73a7c00] ignoring set failure -22
<6>[    7.014862] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 1, b-01390ffb
<6>[    7.014862] s6e8aa: c0, 1, b-00190cdf, got v 3509789, factory wants 3504222
<6>[    7.014862] s6e8aa: c1, 1, b-006c4e7e, got v 3712466, factory wants 3704292
<6>[    7.014892] s6e8aa: c2, 1, b-001235d8, got v 3488134, factory wants 3483117
<6>[    7.014892] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 2, b-044d7cf9
<6>[    7.014923] s6e8aa: c0, 2, b-00a6e325, got v 3348950, factory wants 3341954
<6>[    7.014923] s6e8aa: c1, 2, b-014cc580, got v 3568040, factory wants 3558248
<6>[    7.014923] s6e8aa: c2, 2, b-00833dd3, got v 3319234, factory wants 3312268
<6>[    7.014953] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 3, b-0b323808
<6>[    7.014953] s6e8aa: c0, 3, b-02151333, got v 3221003, factory wants 3212413
<6>[    7.014953] s6e8aa: c1, 3, b-031597bf, got v 3441499, factory wants 3430261
<6>[    7.014984] s6e8aa: c2, 3, b-01bb5094, got v 3176624, factory wants 3167464
<6>[    7.014984] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 4, b-186611f4
<6>[    7.014984] s6e8aa: c0, 4, b-05803e94, got v 3083891, factory wants 3072824
<6>[    7.015014] s6e8aa: c1, 4, b-0703698f, got v 3300725, factory wants 3287841
<6>[    7.015014] s6e8aa: c2, 4, b-04bc14bf, got v 3022939, factory wants 3011219
<6>[    7.015014] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 5, b-6840e4ff
<6>[    7.015045] s6e8aa: c0, 5, b-202def80, got v 2704857, factory wants 2685106
<6>[    7.015045] s6e8aa: c1, 5, b-2663a82f, got v 2894538, factory wants 2873251
<6>[    7.015045] s6e8aa: c2, 5, b-1bda0691, got v 2611143, factory wants 2589489
<6>[    7.015075] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 6, b-ffffffff
<6>[    7.015075] s6e8aa: c0, 6, b-584a13fc, got v 2332991, factory wants 2300000
<6>[    7.015106] s6e8aa: c1, 6, b-63a441aa, got v 2520128, factory wants 2484000
<6>[    7.015106] s6e8aa: c2, 6, b-4dd86e3d, got v 2204463, factory wants 2169667
<6>[    9.656860] [MODEM_IF] misc_release : umts_boot1
<3>[    9.656951] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: hsi_write_cancel ch 0
<3>[    9.657012] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: __hsi_write_cancel : -61
<3>[    9.657104] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: hsi_read_cancel ch 0
<3>[    9.657165] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: __hsi_read_cancel : -125
<3>[    9.657287] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: __hsi_write_cancel : -61
<3>[    9.657348] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: __hsi_read_cancel : -61
<6>[    9.657745] [MODEM_IF] misc_open : umts_ipc0
<6>[    9.657928] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: Entering RX wakeup in 4 wires mode
<6>[    9.658081] [MODEM_IF] misc_open : umts_rfs0
<6>[    9.759246] [MODEM_IF] PA EVENT : reset =1, pa=1, cp_dump=0
<6>[    9.759368] [MODEM_IF] umts_ipc0 state changed: ONLINE
<4>[   10.280944] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 1200000
<4>[   11.280090] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 66200 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   11.280151] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 920000
<3>[   11.565368] /home/gnutoo/embedded/android/replicant-4.0-camera/kernel/samsung/tuna/drivers/misc/inv_mpu/mldl_cfg.c|inv_mpu_get_slave_config|1792 returning 4
<4>[   12.280090] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 66200 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   12.280242] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 700000
<4>[   13.280181] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 66200 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   13.280303] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 350000
<4>[   14.280151] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 66200 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   14.280517] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 350000
<4>[   16.280853] omap_thermal_unthrottle: temperature reduced, ending cpu throttling
<6>[   17.960693] vibrator: pwm_set force=127
<6>[   18.065002] request_suspend_state: wakeup (3->0) at 18058380135 (2012-12-03 14:08:26.878814718 UTC)
<4>[   18.280731] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 1200000
<4>[   18.461883] 
<4>[   18.461914] Dongle Host Driver, version
<4>[   18.461914] Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd on Dec  2 2012 at 18:34:22
<4>[   18.462127] wl_android_wifi_on in
<4>[   18.462188] wifi_set_power = 1
<6>[   18.575714] acc_open
<6>[   18.575866] acc_release
<6>[   18.873992] vibrator: value=1, pwmval=127
<6>[   18.895568] vibrator: value=21, pwmval=127
<4>[   18.983276] =========== WLAN going back to live  ========
<4>[   18.983337] sdio_reset_comm():
<4>[   19.063385] dhdsdio_write_vars: Download, Upload and compare of NVRAM succeeded.
<4>[   19.226135] wifi_get_mac_addr
<4>[   19.233734] Firmware up: op_mode=1, Broadcom Dongle Host Driver mac=a0:0b:ba:e7:54:38
<4>[   19.249114] Firmware version = wl0: Nov 11 2011 17:49:28 version
<4>[   19.280090] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 65000 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   19.280181] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 920000
<4>[   19.335296] dhd_rx_frame: net device is NOT registered yet. drop packet
<4>[   19.335540] dhd_rx_frame: net device is NOT registered yet. drop packet
<3>[   19.547760] WLDEV-ERROR) wldev_set_country : wldev_set_country: set country for IT as EU rev 5
<4>[   20.280120] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 65000 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   20.280242] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 700000
<4>[   20.518432] wl_bss_connect_done succeeded
<4>[   20.560577] wl_bss_connect_done succeeded
<4>[   21.280151] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 66200 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   21.280334] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 350000
<6>[   21.625122] nfc_power_apply ON
<6>[   21.655303] nfc_power_apply OFF
<6>[   21.725677] nfc_power_apply ON
<4>[   23.668762] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: Disabling clocks with HST FSM not IDLE !
<6>[   24.531463] mtp_open
<4>[   26.280517] omap_thermal_unthrottle: temperature reduced, ending cpu throttling
<4>[   27.059631] omap_hsi omap_hsi.0: Disabling clocks with HST FSM not IDLE !
<4>[   28.280426] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 1200000
<6>[   28.540252] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 1, b-01390ffb
<6>[   28.540344] s6e8aa: c0, 1, b-003219be, got v 3455335, factory wants 3504222
<6>[   28.540496] s6e8aa: c1, 1, b-006c4e7e, got v 3712466, factory wants 3704292
<6>[   28.540557] s6e8aa: c2, 1, b-001235d8, got v 3488134, factory wants 3483117
<6>[   28.540679] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 2, b-044d7cf9
<6>[   28.540740] s6e8aa: c0, 2, b-014dc64b, got v 3276473, factory wants 3341954
<6>[   28.541198] s6e8aa: c1, 2, b-014cc580, got v 3568040, factory wants 3558248
<6>[   28.541473] s6e8aa: c2, 2, b-00833dd3, got v 3319234, factory wants 3312268
<6>[   28.541687] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 3, b-0b323808
<6>[   28.541870] s6e8aa: c0, 3, b-042a2667, got v 3126805, factory wants 3212413
<6>[   28.541931] s6e8aa: c1, 3, b-031597bf, got v 3441499, factory wants 3430261
<6>[   28.542205] s6e8aa: c2, 3, b-01bb5094, got v 3176624, factory wants 3167464
<6>[   28.542297] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 4, b-186611f4
<6>[   28.542419] s6e8aa: c0, 4, b-0b007d29, got v 2961018, factory wants 3072824
<6>[   28.542510] s6e8aa: c1, 4, b-0703698f, got v 3300725, factory wants 3287841
<6>[   28.542633] s6e8aa: c2, 4, b-04bc14bf, got v 3022939, factory wants 3011219
<6>[   28.542785] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 5, b-6840e4ff
<6>[   28.542846] s6e8aa: c0, 5, b-405bdf01, got v 2469610, factory wants 2685106
<6>[   28.542999] s6e8aa: c1, 5, b-2663a82f, got v 2894538, factory wants 2873251
<6>[   28.543060] s6e8aa: c2, 5, b-1bda0691, got v 2611143, factory wants 2589489
<6>[   28.543212] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 6, b-ffffffff
<6>[   28.543273] s6e8aa: c0, 6, b-b09427f8, got v 1923480, factory wants 2300000
<6>[   28.543426] s6e8aa: c1, 6, b-63a441aa, got v 2520128, factory wants 2484000
<6>[   28.543487] s6e8aa: c2, 6, b-4dd86e3d, got v 2204463, factory wants 2169667
<6>[   28.586212] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 1, b-01390ffb
<6>[   28.586303] s6e8aa: c0, 1, b-003219be, got v 3455335, factory wants 3504222
<6>[   28.586456] s6e8aa: c1, 1, b-00d89cfc, got v 3624896, factory wants 3704292
<6>[   28.586578] s6e8aa: c2, 1, b-001235d8, got v 3488134, factory wants 3483117
<6>[   28.586639] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 2, b-044d7cf9
<6>[   28.586791] s6e8aa: c0, 2, b-014dc64b, got v 3276473, factory wants 3341954
<6>[   28.586883] s6e8aa: c1, 2, b-02998b00, got v 3467996, factory wants 3558248
<6>[   28.587005] s6e8aa: c2, 2, b-00833dd3, got v 3319234, factory wants 3312268
<6>[   28.587097] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 3, b-0b323808
<6>[   28.587219] s6e8aa: c0, 3, b-042a2667, got v 3126805, factory wants 3212413
<6>[   28.587310] s6e8aa: c1, 3, b-062b2f7e, got v 3324501, factory wants 3430261
<6>[   28.587432] s6e8aa: c2, 3, b-01bb5094, got v 3176624, factory wants 3167464
<6>[   28.587585] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 4, b-186611f4
<6>[   28.587646] s6e8aa: c0, 4, b-0b007d29, got v 2961018, factory wants 3072824
<6>[   28.587768] s6e8aa: c1, 4, b-0e06d31e, got v 3159409, factory wants 3287841
<6>[   28.587829] s6e8aa: c2, 4, b-04bc14bf, got v 3022939, factory wants 3011219
<6>[   28.588592] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 5, b-6840e4ff
<6>[   28.588684] s6e8aa: c0, 5, b-405bdf01, got v 2469610, factory wants 2685106
<6>[   28.588867] s6e8aa: c1, 5, b-4cc7505f, got v 2641083, factory wants 2873251
<6>[   28.588928] s6e8aa: c2, 5, b-1bda0691, got v 2611143, factory wants 2589489
<6>[   28.589050] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 6, b-ffffffff
<6>[   28.589202] s6e8aa: c0, 6, b-b09427f8, got v 1923480, factory wants 2300000
<6>[   28.589355] s6e8aa: c1, 6, b-c7488355, got v 2056044, factory wants 2484000
<6>[   28.589538] s6e8aa: c2, 6, b-4dd86e3d, got v 2204463, factory wants 2169667
<6>[   28.611663] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 1, b-01390ffb
<6>[   28.611785] s6e8aa: c0, 1, b-003219be, got v 3455335, factory wants 3504222
<6>[   28.611877] s6e8aa: c1, 1, b-00d89cfc, got v 3624896, factory wants 3704292
<6>[   28.611999] s6e8aa: c2, 1, b-00246bb1, got v 3435625, factory wants 3483117
<6>[   28.612121] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 2, b-044d7cf9
<6>[   28.612182] s6e8aa: c0, 2, b-014dc64b, got v 3276473, factory wants 3341954
<6>[   28.612274] s6e8aa: c1, 2, b-02998b00, got v 3467996, factory wants 3558248
<6>[   28.612396] s6e8aa: c2, 2, b-01067ba7, got v 3242744, factory wants 3312268
<6>[   28.612518] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 3, b-0b323808
<6>[   28.612579] s6e8aa: c0, 3, b-042a2667, got v 3126805, factory wants 3212413
<6>[   28.612701] s6e8aa: c1, 3, b-062b2f7e, got v 3324501, factory wants 3430261
<6>[   28.612792] s6e8aa: c2, 3, b-0376a128, got v 3075235, factory wants 3167464
<6>[   28.613220] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 4, b-186611f4
<6>[   28.614624] s6e8aa: c0, 4, b-0b007d29, got v 2961018, factory wants 3072824
<6>[   28.614746] s6e8aa: c1, 4, b-0e06d31e, got v 3159409, factory wants 3287841
<6>[   28.614929] s6e8aa: c2, 4, b-0978297e, got v 2889397, factory wants 3011219
<6>[   28.615020] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 5, b-6840e4ff
<6>[   28.615142] s6e8aa: c0, 5, b-405bdf01, got v 2469610, factory wants 2685106
<6>[   28.615234] s6e8aa: c1, 5, b-4cc7505f, got v 2641083, factory wants 2873251
<6>[   28.615447] s6e8aa: c2, 5, b-37b40d22, got v 2358941, factory wants 2589489
<6>[   28.615509] s6e8aa: d/b 1, p 6, b-ffffffff
<6>[   28.615631] s6e8aa: c0, 6, b-b09427f8, got v 1923480, factory wants 2300000
<6>[   28.615692] s6e8aa: c1, 6, b-c7488355, got v 2056044, factory wants 2484000
<6>[   28.615814] s6e8aa: c2, 6, b-9bb0dc7b, got v 1775832, factory wants 2169667
<6>[   28.751037] vibrator: pwmval: 127
<6>[   28.751403] vibrator: pwmval: 127
<4>[   29.280151] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 67800 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   29.280303] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 920000
<4>[   30.280212] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 67800 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   30.280364] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 700000
<7>[   30.787902] wlan0: no IPv6 routers present
<4>[   31.280120] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 65800 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   31.280273] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 350000
<6>[   32.233428] vibrator: value=20, pwmval=127
<4>[   32.280151] throttle_delayed_work_fn: OMAP temp read 65800 exceeds the threshold
<4>[   32.280487] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 350000
<6>[   32.513916] vibrator: value=20, pwmval=127
<6>[   32.738647] vibrator: value=20, pwmval=127
<6>[   33.588623] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: iommu_get: ducati qos_request
<4>[   33.604461] omap_hwmod: ipu: failed to hardreset
<6>[   33.606719] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: ducati: version 2.1
<6>[   33.775299] sr_class1p5_calib_work: core: Calibration complete: Voltage:Nominal=1250000,Calib=1038160,margin=13000
<4>[   33.797790] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   33.798126] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup going to to_va from "is it an ion handle?" 
<4>[   33.798309] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0xba300000 
<4>[   33.798614] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is ION
<4>[   33.798828] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x88000000
<4>[   33.804168] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   33.804443] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   33.804840] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD ERROR
<4>[   33.805114] [DBG] FD ERRPR INSIDE PVR!!!
<4>[   33.805267] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc0302c10 
<4>[   33.805572] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0x0
<4>[   33.805877] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup tiler_virt2phys pa=0xba300000
<4>[   33.806060] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0xba300000 
<4>[   33.806335] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is ION
<4>[   33.806518] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x88000000
<4>[   33.826477] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   33.826812] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   33.828125] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD ERROR
<4>[   33.828460] [DBG] FD ERRPR INSIDE PVR!!!
<4>[   33.828613] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0x1 
<4>[   33.828918] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0x0
<4>[   33.829162] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup tiler_virt2phys pa=0xba300000
<4>[   33.829467] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0xba300000 
<4>[   33.829650] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is ION
<4>[   33.830047] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x88000000
<4>[   33.861663] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   33.861846] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup going to to_va from "is it an ion handle?" 
<4>[   33.862152] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0xba300000 
<4>[   33.862457] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is ION
<4>[   33.862609] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x88000000
<4>[   35.329010] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.329345] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.329528] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.329833] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.330017] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5eb9b00
<4>[   35.330200] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x60002000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.330505] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x60002000 
<4>[   35.330657] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.330841] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x60002000
<4>[   35.331146] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.331298] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.331634] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.331787] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.332092] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5eb9b80
<4>[   35.332275] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x68005000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.332580] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x68005000 
<4>[   35.332733] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.333038] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x68005000
<4>[   35.333221] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.333526] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup going to to_va from "is it an ion handle?" 
<4>[   35.333709] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0xba300000 
<4>[   35.333984] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is ION
<4>[   35.334167] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x88000000
<4>[   35.349212] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.349395] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.349700] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.349884] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.350189] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5eb9d40
<4>[   35.350341] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x60003000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.350708] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x60003000 
<4>[   35.350860] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.351165] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x60003000
<4>[   35.351348] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.351654] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.351928] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.352264] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.352447] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5eb9e00
<4>[   35.352752] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x68007000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.352905] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x68007000 
<4>[   35.353210] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.353393] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x68007000
<4>[   35.353698] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.353851] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup going to to_va from "is it an ion handle?" 
<4>[   35.354187] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0xba304000 
<4>[   35.354339] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is ION
<4>[   35.354522] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x88004000
<4>[   35.366119] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.366394] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.366729] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.366943] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.367309] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5eb9f80
<4>[   35.367523] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x60c02000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.367889] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x60c02000 
<4>[   35.368072] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.368408] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x60c02000
<4>[   35.368560] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.368927] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.369110] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.369445] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.369750] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5eb96c0
<4>[   35.370086] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x68c05000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.370239] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x68c05000 
<4>[   35.370544] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.370727] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x68c05000
<4>[   35.371032] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.371185] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup going to to_va from "is it an ion handle?" 
<4>[   35.371490] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0xba308000 
<4>[   35.371673] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is ION
<4>[   35.371978] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x88008000
<4>[   35.381408] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.381805] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.382019] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.382354] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.382507] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc6806900
<4>[   35.382812] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x60c03000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.382995] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x60c03000 
<4>[   35.383300] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.383453] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x60c03000
<4>[   35.383758] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.383941] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.384246] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.384399] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.384704] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5ed82c0
<4>[   35.384887] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x68c07000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.385589] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x68c07000 
<4>[   35.385772] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.386047] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x68c07000
<4>[   35.386230] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.386413] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup going to to_va from "is it an ion handle?" 
<4>[   35.386718] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0xba30c000 
<4>[   35.387023] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is ION
<4>[   35.387176] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x8800c000
<4>[   35.391357] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.391662] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.391845] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.392150] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.392303] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5f40040
<4>[   35.392608] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x61802000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.392913] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x61802000 
<4>[   35.393096] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.393249] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x61802000
<4>[   35.393554] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.393707] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.394012] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.394195] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.394500] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5f40100
<4>[   35.394683] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x69805000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.394989] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x69805000 
<4>[   35.395141] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.395446] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x69805000
<4>[   35.395599] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.395904] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup going to to_va from "is it an ion handle?" 
<4>[   35.396087] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0xba310000 
<4>[   35.396392] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is ION
<4>[   35.396545] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x88010000
<4>[   35.399993] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.400177] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.400482] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.400665] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.400970] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5f402c0
<4>[   35.401123] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x61803000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.401428] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x61803000 
<4>[   35.401611] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.401916] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x61803000
<4>[   35.402099] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.402252] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER real sgx buffer wrapping 
<4>[   35.402557] [DBG] PVR=1 _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup FD OK
<4>[   35.402862] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pvr_ion_client == 0xc7a9b000 
<4>[   35.403015] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup handle=0xc5f40400
<4>[   35.403350] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup pa=0x69807000 going to to_va
<4>[   35.403503] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0x69807000 
<4>[   35.403808] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is TILER
<4>[   35.403991] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x69807000
<4>[   35.404144] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup ENTER
<4>[   35.404449] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup going to to_va from "is it an ion handle?" 
<4>[   35.404754] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: pa = 0xba314000 
<4>[   35.404937] [DBG] _rpmsg_pa_to_da: is ION
<4>[   35.405151] [DBG] _rpmsg_omx_buffer_lookup va = 0x88014000
<6>[   40.064636] vibrator: value=10, pwmval=127
<4>[   42.280029] omap_thermal_unthrottle: temperature reduced, ending cpu throttling
<4>[   43.483306] sr_class1p5_calib_work: iva Stop sampling: Voltage Nominal=950000 samples=12
<6>[   43.483581] sr_class1p5_calib_work: iva: Calibration complete: Voltage:Nominal=950000,Calib=860920,margin=13000
<4>[   44.279937] omap_thermal_throttle: temperature too high, cpu throttle at max 1200000

Actions #4

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli over 10 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli to Paul Kocialkowski
  • Priority changed from Normal to Low
  • Target version set to Any version

I don't have the galaxy Nexus anymore, so I assign to Paul.

The piority is set to low because it's not crucial.

Actions #5

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 9 years ago

  • Device Multiple devices added
Actions #6

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 9 years ago

  • Category changed from 87 to Framework
Actions #7

Updated by Paul Kocialkowski about 9 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Issue to Feature
  • Subject changed from Make Camera+Video work to Camera and video recording support
  • Device Galaxy Nexus (I9250) added
  • Device deleted (Multiple devices)
Actions #8

Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer almost 8 years ago

  • Category changed from Framework to Camera

OMAP4 Ducati Camera research

I didn't yet look into it but it looks like there is a free implementation for tuna since a few years:

The question is if it works with the software renderer (selecting rgb565 as preview format).

Actions #9

Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer almost 8 years ago

  • Target version changed from Any version to Replicant 6.0
Actions #10

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli almost 4 years ago

  • Device Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250) added
Actions #11

Updated by _I3^ RELATIVISM almost 4 years ago

  • Type of work C programming, System administration added
Actions #12

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli over 3 years ago

  • Type of work User testing added
  • Type of work deleted (System administration)
Actions #13

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli over 3 years ago

  • Device Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P51xx), Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx) added

Also available in: Atom PDF