Feature #657
closedReplicant Development Tools (RDT) package build and release
In order to use Eclipse with the Replicant SDK, it requires downloading Google's ADT plugin version 16. I believe that this version of the plugin is okay for free software development since the only licenses that you must agree to at installation time are apache licenses.
However, newer versions of google's plugin require non-free license agreements. So, future versions of Replicant SDK should not recommend using ADT.
How difficult would it be to create and maintain a free alternative Replicant Developer Tools (RDT) plugin for Eclipse?
Alternatively, since Replicant development does not require Eclipse, we could stop providing Eclipse instructions on the wiki and provide a new alternative IDE guide instead. The drawback to this would be that some Android developers who are used to Eclipse might be discouraged to try Replicant.
Updated by Paul Kocialkowski over 11 years ago
I see only two possibilities:
- either someone gets involved and makes it possible for us to have an ADT build and updates the eclipse tutorial we have currently
- either we remove the eclipse tutorial, don't provide an ADT plugin and assume that people should only rely on the SDK tools to develop applications (which is doable)
I'll wait a bit, but if no one shows up, I'll have to for the second choice. I am not going to maintain that myself.
Updated by Paul Kocialkowski over 11 years ago
Also I am not sure that it's a good idea to have an Eclipse usage guide on the SDK page since it shouldn't differ from the Android usage. If we start writing usage guides about what is not Replicant-specific, we will end up having to duplicate the Android usage guides, which is a considerable waste of time.
Updated by James Adams over 11 years ago
I agree. Eclipse is not an absolute necessity for Replicant development - If various versions of Eclipse and ADT are going to cause issues, then it doesn't make sense to recommend using it on the wiki. Emacs is always strong alternative :)
Updated by Robert Sink about 11 years ago
I'll look into this, but I'm just one person. I'd be lucky to come up with a working RDT down the road a wee bit; [if what I'm reading is right I have to start with a fork of ADT 16 [two years ago]]. Please no request for a Replicant Studio or separate Gradle plugin. I am no saviour to the world; just a guy trying to help.
Updated by Paul Kocialkowski about 11 years ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to Issue
It'd be good to do this with Replicant 4.2 source code. IIRC there is a (well-hidden) page on android.com that explains how to rebuild the ADT from source. Please try to find the cleanest possible process for the build.
Updated by Paul Kocialkowski almost 11 years ago
I add that to the list of Tasks.
Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli over 10 years ago
- Category set to 51
- Assignee set to Paul Kocialkowski
- Target version set to 21
Updated by Paul Kocialkowski about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 21 to Any version
Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 9 years ago
- Category changed from 51 to Build system
- Device Not device specific added
Updated by Paul Kocialkowski about 9 years ago
- Subject changed from Replicant "RDT" plugin for Eclipse? to Replicant Development Tools (RDT) package build and release
- Device added
- Device deleted (
Not device specific)
Updated by Paul Kocialkowski about 9 years ago
- Tracker changed from Issue to Feature
Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer almost 8 years ago
ADT is now deprecated for quite some time. Should this issue stay open nonetheless? Is there still an interest to create a RDT package?
I removed it from the Tasks page as I don't think it should still be a primary development focus. It would also only make sense to create a RDT for Replicant 4.2.
Thanks Beuc for creating the instructions at ADTBuild! Would it be sufficient to have the build instructions from Beuc in place for anyone who wants to build the ADT from source? We could link to them on the SDK page.
The development focus should be to package current Android developer tools in GNU/Linux distributions.
Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Target version changed from Any version to Replicant 4.2
Updated by Kurtis Hanna over 5 years ago
- Resolution set to wontfix
This issue has been closed because Replicant 4.2 is no longer supported or maintained.
Updated by Kurtis Hanna over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed