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# Project Status Priority Target version Subject Assignee Updated Category Device Upstream patch status
2159 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version document the Galaxy Tab 2 available bootloaders 03/26/2021 08:10 PM Website and wiki content Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P51xx), Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx), Unknown Actions
2150 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version libsamsung-ipc: improve board drivers print 03/26/2021 07:57 PM Telephony and mobile data Unknown Actions
2120 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Research FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED in frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/pm/ 03/26/2021 07:22 PM Graphics Unknown Actions
2100 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Document EFS v1 and EFS v2 differences 03/26/2021 06:45 PM Telephony and mobile data Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2098 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Support SIM network unlock 07/30/2020 08:29 PM Telephony and mobile data Unknown Actions
2094 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Make xgoldmon work with other devices than the Galaxy Nexus 12/31/2020 03:05 AM Unknown Actions
2081 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Research information and counter measures to Cellbrite or similar devices 03/26/2021 06:25 PM Unknown Actions
2077 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Document Galxy Note II (GT-N7100) JTAG pads 03/26/2021 06:12 PM Website and wiki content Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Galaxy Note 2 (N7100) Actions
2028 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Make a script and/or a howto that explains how to rebuild an EFS.img from the files 03/26/2021 04:56 PM Telephony and mobile data Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250), Galaxy Nexus (I9250), Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), Galaxy Note (N7000), Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Galaxy Note 2 (N7100), Galaxy Note 8.0 (N51xx), Galaxy S (I9000), Galaxy S 2 (I9100), Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305), Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P51xx), Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx), Nexus S (I902x) Actions
2026 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Review the Samsung Galaxy Xcover Pro 03/26/2021 04:52 PM Devices New device Actions
2025 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Enable to recreate the EFS partition completely from scratch 04/20/2020 10:41 PM Telephony and mobile data Unknown Actions
2024 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Find offset and encoding of IMEI in the EFS for libsamsung-ipc 03/26/2021 04:48 PM Telephony and mobile data Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250), Galaxy Nexus (I9250), Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), Galaxy Note (N7000), Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Galaxy Note 2 (N7100), Galaxy Note 8.0 (N51xx), Galaxy S (I9000), Galaxy S 2 (I9100), Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P51xx), Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx), Nexus S (I902x) Actions
1998 Replicant New High Replicant - Any version Document "device encryption" Was: Replicant exposing parts of the system on boot even with encryption 03/24/2021 01:39 AM Security Actions
1901 Replicant New Low Replicant - Any version Add/Fork Prism Break to the replicant wiki 03/24/2021 12:18 AM Actions
1878 Replicant New Immediate Replicant - Any version Make f-droid be FSDG compliant again to be able to include it again in Replicant 03/24/2021 12:09 AM Freedom Actions
1822 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Formalize bounty system 03/23/2021 05:50 PM Actions
1806 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version modem shell enable/disable script: verify with measurements through a BTS that the modem is disabled 03/23/2021 05:30 PM Telephony and mobile data Actions
1788 Replicant New High Replicant - Any version Ensure that emergency calls work properly 03/23/2021 11:52 AM Telephony and mobile data Actions
1629 Replicant In Progress Immediate Replicant - Any version F-Droid does not respect the GNU free system distributions guidelines 03/23/2021 11:09 AM Freedom Actions
1479 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version GSD4t GPS support 03/23/2021 10:46 AM GPS Actions
1473 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version BCM4751 GPS support 03/25/2021 03:32 PM GPS Actions
837 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Replicant Native Development Kit (NDK) build and release 03/23/2021 10:13 AM Build system Actions
1653 Replicant Feedback Low Replicant - Any version Noise Based Auto Profile Switcher Akshit Mahajan 03/23/2021 02:59 PM Audio Actions
2299 Replicant New Low Replicant - Any version Add TODO lists to Replicant Redmine Instance Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 02/02/2022 01:24 PM Infrastructure (web, git) Not device specific Actions
2245 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Separate the gpg keys from the releases Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 04/29/2021 09:45 AM Not device specific Actions
2078 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Add N7100 to [[Exynos4Bootrom]] Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 06:19 PM Website and wiki content Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Galaxy Note 2 (N7100) Actions
2040 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version compare graphics performance between replicant-9 (no 3D acceleration) and replicant >= 10 (3D acceleration) Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/27/2021 03:46 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
1926 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Maxim Power Management ICs: find how much mA it can provide, and check if it's configurable Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 10/24/2021 11:44 AM Wi-Fi Actions
1820 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Do some testing on femtocells Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/23/2021 05:46 PM Website and wiki content Actions
1945 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Evaluate more in depth the android_frameworks_opt_telephony_ril_ofono RIL Fil Bergamo 03/24/2021 12:53 AM Telephony and mobile data Actions
1900 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version supported-devices.php: outdated pictures Fil Bergamo 03/24/2021 12:15 AM Website and wiki content Actions
1515 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Support for more video software-decoding codecs Paul Kocialkowski 03/23/2021 10:52 AM Media encoding/decoding Actions
1497 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Missing audio scenarios for bluetooth Paul Kocialkowski 03/23/2021 10:50 AM Audio Galaxy S 2 (I9100) Actions
1485 Replicant New High Replicant - Any version Samsung-RIL missing features Paul Kocialkowski 03/23/2021 10:47 AM Telephony and mobile data Actions
1215 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version REQUEST_GET_NEIGHBORING_CELL_IDS error: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED Paul Kocialkowski 03/23/2021 10:33 AM Telephony and mobile data Actions
1017 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Sim ToolKit (STK) support is missing Paul Kocialkowski 03/23/2021 03:19 PM Telephony and mobile data Actions
1635 Replicant In Progress Immediate Replicant - Any version F-droid Antifeature:NonFreeAssets wiki page is unclear Wolfgang Wiedmeyer 03/23/2021 11:09 AM Upstream antifeatures and privacy issues Actions
1011 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - Any version USSD codes don't work Wolfgang Wiedmeyer 03/23/2021 10:29 AM Telephony and mobile data Actions
2302 Replicant New Low Replicant - Any version Deprecate the use of "master" over "main" on source code Repositories _I3^ RELATIVISM 01/30/2022 08:05 PM Infrastructure (web, git) Not device specific Actions
2301 Replicant New Low Replicant - Any version Improve theeming on Redmine Instance _I3^ RELATIVISM 01/27/2022 12:44 PM Not device specific Actions
2351 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant infrastructure - Blog migration from Wordpress to CommonMark Title issue in the new blog: the title is "- Replicant" instead of just Replicant or '<page> - Replicant". 05/10/2024 03:26 PM Actions
2350 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant infrastructure - Blog migration from Wordpress to CommonMark Use the same URLs than Wordpress in the new blog. Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 05/08/2024 03:29 PM Actions
2348 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant infrastructure - Blog migration from Wordpress to CommonMark Enable to comment inside the new blog. Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 05/08/2024 03:28 PM Blog Actions
2347 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant infrastructure - Blog migration from Wordpress to CommonMark Import comments inside the new website. Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 05/08/2024 03:28 PM Blog Actions
2032 Upstreaming patches New Low Upstreaming patches - Infrastructure Make thunderbird work with our contact address 04/29/2024 10:01 PM Thunderbird Work not started Actions
2293 Upstreaming patches In Progress Normal Upstreaming patches - Infrastructure Redmine: fix crash when retriving page with no author _I3^ RELATIVISM 04/29/2024 10:02 PM Redmine Work not started Actions
2316 Replicant New Normal Replicant - libsamsung-ipc 1.0 libsamsung-ipc: support cross compilation 04/04/2022 01:00 PM Telephony and mobile data Not device specific Actions
2311 Replicant New Normal Replicant - libsamsung-ipc 1.0 Handle endianness in multi bytes fields in libsamsung-ipc 04/04/2022 12:51 PM Telephony and mobile data Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2222 Replicant New Normal Replicant - libsamsung-ipc 1.0 Better logging system 03/07/2021 11:43 AM Telephony and mobile data Not device specific Actions
2221 Replicant New Normal Replicant - libsamsung-ipc 1.0 Support at least one generic use case 03/07/2021 11:46 AM Telephony and mobile data Unknown Actions
2220 Replicant New Normal Replicant - libsamsung-ipc 1.0 Pass the client struct to all public functions 03/07/2021 11:54 AM Telephony and mobile data Unknown Actions
2219 Replicant New Normal Replicant - libsamsung-ipc 1.0 standardize devices's .poll() 03/29/2021 04:06 PM Telephony and mobile data Unknown Actions
2126 Replicant New Normal Replicant - libsamsung-ipc 1.0 Fix duplicated board_name in libsamsung-ipc 04/04/2022 12:53 PM Telephony and mobile data Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Galaxy Note 2 (N7100), Galaxy Note 8.0 (N51xx), Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
1776 Replicant New Normal Replicant - libsamsung-ipc 1.0 Write tool to strip off privacy sensitive information from "logcat -b radio" Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 04/04/2022 12:54 PM Telephony and mobile data Actions
2296 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - libsamsung-ipc 1.0 Improve package libsamsung-ipc for Parabola _I3^ RELATIVISM 09/23/2022 05:53 PM Telephony and mobile data Not device specific, Unknown Actions
2180 Replicant New Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 cleanup source 03/26/2021 08:31 PM Unknown Actions
2099 Replicant New Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 Separate screen lock and boot passwords 03/26/2021 06:44 PM Security Not device specific Actions
2000 Replicant New Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 Make a debug recovery for Replicant 10 03/24/2021 01:41 AM Actions
1956 Replicant New Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 move system.img and other images in out/target/product/<device> 03/24/2021 01:04 AM Actions
1873 Replicant New Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 Remove UMS partition 03/24/2021 12:01 AM Galaxy S 2 (I9100) Actions
1833 Replicant New Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 Add possibility to update Replicant from within Replicant / OTA / Over The Air 03/23/2021 11:27 PM Base applications Actions
2022 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 Update our git to include forkbomb's u-boot midas updates. Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 05/05/2021 07:56 PM Bootloaders Unknown Actions
1955 Replicant New Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 Use one kernel image accross all midas boards Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/24/2021 01:04 AM Actions
1943 Replicant New Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 Tune media player for software rendering dl lud 03/24/2021 01:36 PM Graphics Actions
2274 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Enable to install Guix on Replicant 11 09/06/2021 01:37 PM Build system Not device specific Actions
2244 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Investigate the tradeoffs of scudo vs gmalloc 04/26/2021 10:07 PM Unknown Actions
2242 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Investigate the option to choose between GPU drivers under the "Developer options" 03/28/2021 01:44 PM Not device specific Actions
2218 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Investigate how to push modem firmware loading + on/off in the kernel 03/26/2021 09:09 PM Telephony and mobile data Unknown Actions
2186 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Add Support for the Samsung XCover 2 - GT-S7710 03/26/2021 08:37 PM Devices Unknown Actions
2052 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Add libsamsung-ipc support in ofono 04/29/2024 09:59 PM oFono Need to send a new serie Actions
2046 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 upstream "power_supply: max77693: Listen for cable events and enable charging" 04/29/2024 09:58 PM Linux No response upstream Actions
2045 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 upstream "mfd: max77693: Add defines for charger current control " 04/29/2024 09:58 PM Linux No response upstream Actions
2326 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Review Linux 6.0 userspace firmware related changes 04/29/2024 09:57 PM Work not started Actions
2267 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Upstream the workaround for the VTU00M 0xf1 FTL metadata corruption bug which affects (at least) the GT-I9300 and GT-N7100 eMMC 04/29/2024 09:56 PM Linux Work not started Actions
2202 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 midas: Make usb host work 04/29/2024 09:57 PM Linux Work not started Actions
2143 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Create and upstream a dts for the I9100G 04/29/2024 09:59 PM Linux Work not started Actions
2073 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 PIT file editor: extend Heimdall with reverse of print-pit or create separate tool 04/29/2024 09:59 PM Heimdall Work not started Actions
2050 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Upstream support for the Midas, Fix the Odroid U-3, and make sure it works in the kernel partition Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 04/29/2024 09:59 PM U-boot Patches review started Actions
2039 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Upstream the "Input: mms114: don't report 0 pressure while sliding" patch Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 04/29/2024 09:58 PM Linux Patches review started Actions
2049 Upstreaming patches New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Upstream "drm/panel: samsung: s6e8aa0: Add backlight control support" Joonas Kylmälä 04/29/2024 09:58 PM Linux Patches review started Actions
2308 Replicant New Low Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Update wiki article information from replicant 10 to 11? _I3^ RELATIVISM 02/08/2022 12:47 AM Not device specific Actions
2322 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Display panel "LDO25" regulator using 2.8v instead of 3.3v 10/08/2022 07:24 PM Graphics Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2321 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 First installation: cannot reboot to normal from recovery 09/05/2022 03:14 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2285 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Recovery: stuck in the recovery after factory reset 11/17/2021 04:46 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2282 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Switch the cache partition to F2FS 10/06/2021 03:49 PM Build system Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2279 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Fix suspend/resume? 09/18/2021 05:50 PM Galaxy S 2 (I9100), Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2252 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Evaluate 05/10/2021 10:26 AM Build system Not device specific Actions
2251 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Ship APK source code 05/12/2021 10:46 PM Build system Not device specific Actions
2243 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Cannot encrypt the phone because it doesn't reconize the battery is fully charged 03/28/2021 01:53 PM Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2241 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Ship a terminal application or document how to use the builtin one 01/01/2023 06:01 PM Not device specific Actions
2240 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Recovery: "Power off" reboots 03/28/2021 01:33 PM Recovery Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2239 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Recovery: "Failed to clear BCB message: failed to find /misc partition" 03/28/2021 01:29 PM Recovery Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2236 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Test automatic suspend and fix it if it's broken 03/25/2021 12:53 PM Unknown Actions
2235 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 fix userdata.img flashing 03/23/2021 11:36 PM Build system Not device specific Actions
2195 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Build the kernel in Replicant 11 sources 03/26/2021 08:49 PM Build system Unknown Actions
2187 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 make adb shell work without sudo 03/26/2021 08:38 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2176 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Check if the cable detection is reliable 03/26/2021 08:28 PM Unknown Actions
2157 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Add charging mode at poweroff when a cable is plugged 03/26/2021 08:08 PM Unknown Actions
2155 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Make sure that we mirrors all repos, even with manual redirects 03/26/2021 08:03 PM Unknown Actions
2154 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Handle suspend/resume (check if it works fine) and decent battery life 03/26/2021 08:03 PM Unknown Actions
(101-200/411) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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