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# Project Status Priority Target version Subject Assignee Updated Category Device Upstream patch status
2342 Upstreaming patches New Normal Add support for cellular data in GloDroid Radio HAL 04/29/2024 10:19 PM Work not started Actions
2343 Upstreaming patches New Normal Add support for multipart SMS in the GloDroid Radio HAL 04/29/2024 10:19 PM Work not started Actions
2344 Upstreaming patches New Normal Add basic support for the Pinephone 1.2 in Guix 04/29/2024 10:19 PM Work not started Actions
2345 Upstreaming patches New Normal Add USBGuard configuration for the Pinephone 1.2 in PostmarketOS. 04/29/2024 10:20 PM Work not started Actions
2346 Upstreaming patches New Normal Port USBGuard to Android 04/29/2024 10:20 PM Work not started Actions
2347 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant infrastructure - Blog migration from Wordpress to CommonMark Import comments inside the new website. Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 05/08/2024 03:28 PM Blog Actions
2348 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant infrastructure - Blog migration from Wordpress to CommonMark Enable to comment inside the new blog. Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 05/08/2024 03:28 PM Blog Actions
2350 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant infrastructure - Blog migration from Wordpress to CommonMark Use the same URLs than Wordpress in the new blog. Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 05/08/2024 03:29 PM Actions
2351 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant infrastructure - Blog migration from Wordpress to CommonMark Title issue in the new blog: the title is "- Replicant" instead of just Replicant or '<page> - Replicant". 05/10/2024 03:26 PM Actions
2352 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 Add letsencrypt certificate in Replicant 6.0 06/18/2024 09:31 PM Not device specific Actions
2353 Replicant New Normal Nonfree software found in vboot 09/23/2024 03:46 PM Freedom Not device specific Actions
(401-411/411) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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