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# Project Status Priority Target version Subject Assignee Updated Category Device Upstream patch status
2352 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 Add letsencrypt certificate in Replicant 6.0 06/18/2024 09:31 PM Not device specific Actions
2351 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant infrastructure - Blog migration from Wordpress to CommonMark Title issue in the new blog: the title is "- Replicant" instead of just Replicant or '<page> - Replicant". 05/10/2024 03:26 PM Actions
2350 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant infrastructure - Blog migration from Wordpress to CommonMark Use the same URLs than Wordpress in the new blog. Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 05/08/2024 03:29 PM Actions
2337 Replicant New Urgent Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Bad system image for n7100 10/28/2023 07:26 PM Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Unknown Actions
2336 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 No cellular network when backup and restore userdata.img 07/19/2023 11:36 AM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2329 Documentation New Normal Outdated build documentation 01/18/2023 07:31 PM Actions
2324 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Recovery image for n7100 missing from 01/18/2023 07:35 PM Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100) Actions
2323 Replicant New High Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Galaxy NOTE 2 N7100 instalation and letter ussage bug 11/07/2022 12:51 AM Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Unknown Actions
2321 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 First installation: cannot reboot to normal from recovery 09/05/2022 03:14 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2318 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Switch to more simple IRC bridge 04/26/2022 11:49 AM Actions
2314 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any Replicant version with an upstream kernel Review AOSP mainline for code reuse and coperation 02/26/2022 11:37 PM Unknown Actions
2308 Replicant New Low Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Update wiki article information from replicant 10 to 11? _I3^ RELATIVISM 02/08/2022 12:47 AM Not device specific Actions
2307 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 ipc-modem is unreliable Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/02/2022 12:55 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2306 Replicant infrastructure Feedback Low Migrate our redmine wiki to Markdown format 02/02/2022 01:46 PM Actions
2305 Replicant infrastructure New Normal can contributors delete master branches in contrib ? 02/02/2022 01:20 PM Actions
2303 Replicant infrastructure New High Get our DNS mirrored by the FSF 01/30/2022 08:13 PM Actions
2301 Replicant New Low Replicant - Any version Improve theeming on Redmine Instance _I3^ RELATIVISM 01/27/2022 12:44 PM Not device specific Actions
2292 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 How to hide the Caller ID? 01/27/2022 01:20 PM Galaxy S 2 (I9100), Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2290 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Investigate Waydroid as upstream 12/11/2021 04:42 PM Not device specific Actions
2285 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Recovery: stuck in the recovery after factory reset 11/17/2021 04:46 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2279 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Fix suspend/resume? 09/18/2021 05:50 PM Galaxy S 2 (I9100), Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2270 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 DNS servers are down 08/23/2021 04:01 PM Not device specific Actions
2268 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Find how to generate git bundles to make Replicant source download faster 08/08/2021 11:27 PM Actions
2264 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Battery consumption issue on N7100 12/27/2021 01:21 PM Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Unknown Actions
2262 Replicant New Normal Investigate if is usable somehow 06/06/2021 06:25 AM Actions
2254 Replicant infrastructure New Normal OpenSMTPd key permission changes 05/24/2021 01:26 PM Actions
2253 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Multiple issues with certificates updates 08/23/2021 05:40 PM Actions
2248 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Enable more easy updating of release keys 05/03/2021 04:05 PM Not device specific Actions
2247 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 Update gen_key_migration_script README to take into account the changes between replicant-6.0-0004-rc5 and replicant-6.0-0004-rc5-transition 05/03/2021 04:16 PM Not device specific Actions
2246 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0004 Test the RC5 on the supported devices 05/03/2021 03:49 PM Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250), Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Galaxy Note 8.0 (N51xx), Galaxy S (I9000), Galaxy S 2 (I9100), Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305), Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P51xx), Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx) Actions
2245 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Separate the gpg keys from the releases Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 04/29/2021 09:45 AM Not device specific Actions
2244 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Investigate the tradeoffs of scudo vs gmalloc 04/26/2021 10:07 PM Unknown Actions
2243 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Cannot encrypt the phone because it doesn't reconize the battery is fully charged 03/28/2021 01:53 PM Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2242 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 Investigate the option to choose between GPU drivers under the "Developer options" 03/28/2021 01:44 PM Not device specific Actions
2241 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Ship a terminal application or document how to use the builtin one 01/01/2023 06:01 PM Not device specific Actions
2236 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Test automatic suspend and fix it if it's broken 03/25/2021 12:53 PM Unknown Actions
2228 Replicant New Normal Categorize bugs in the bug tracker to enable contributors to find things they want to work on 03/07/2021 11:42 AM Unknown Actions
2223 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Lost phone modem connectivity 02/25/2021 07:13 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2216 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Promote an SDK for writing Android applications 03/26/2021 09:05 PM Unknown Actions
2211 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Check reboot driver Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 09:01 PM Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Galaxy Note 2 (N7100), Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2210 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Mastodon instance: Translate Terms of services 08/08/2021 11:25 PM Actions
2209 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Add infos about chromium issues in debian + jami ( in the wiki somewhere 03/26/2021 09:00 PM Unknown Actions
2208 Replicant New Low Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Improve logos/theming on the bottom of mailing list web interface _I3^ RELATIVISM 03/26/2021 08:59 PM Not device specific, Unknown Actions
2206 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any Replicant version with an upstream kernel Note 2 LTE modem on mainline kernel 01/04/2024 12:32 AM New device Actions
2204 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Look at (low level Modem info on the Galaxy S6) 03/26/2021 08:58 PM Unknown Actions
2201 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any Replicant version with an upstream kernel look into 03/26/2021 08:57 PM Unknown Actions
2199 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 repo 2.10 stops working in debian 9.13 (stretch) Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 08:55 PM Unknown Actions
2198 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 GDPR: look at 03/26/2021 08:54 PM Unknown Actions
2191 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 BackupTheDataPartition: warn about 'adb: error: cannot stat 'USERDATA.img': Value too large for defined data type' 03/26/2021 08:46 PM Unknown Actions
2189 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Document patches for the p4note 03/26/2021 08:42 PM Unknown Actions
2187 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 make adb shell work without sudo 03/26/2021 08:38 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2182 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant mirroring system: develop a script that generates redirects 03/26/2021 08:33 PM Actions
2180 Replicant New Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 cleanup source 03/26/2021 08:31 PM Unknown Actions
2176 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Check if the cable detection is reliable 03/26/2021 08:28 PM Unknown Actions
2174 Replicant New Normal Replicant >= 11: look how seedvault can be used 03/26/2021 08:26 PM Unknown Actions
2173 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Setup onion services 03/26/2021 08:24 PM Actions
2172 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any Replicant version with an upstream kernel porting guide/documentation: warn about selinux not handling symlinks 03/26/2021 08:23 PM Unknown Actions
2171 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 OMAP device: very slow llvmpipe 02/27/2021 08:39 AM Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250), Galaxy Nexus (I9250), Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P51xx), Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx) Actions
2158 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Replicant releases: Publish ramdisk.img and zImages as well to enable people to make custom images (for instance with root) more easily 11/05/2020 03:35 PM Unknown Actions
2157 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Add charging mode at poweroff when a cable is plugged 03/26/2021 08:08 PM Unknown Actions
2155 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Make sure that we mirrors all repos, even with manual redirects 03/26/2021 08:03 PM Unknown Actions
2154 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Handle suspend/resume (check if it works fine) and decent battery life 03/26/2021 08:03 PM Unknown Actions
2153 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Enable users to get root directly on the device 05/18/2021 08:35 PM Unknown Actions
2151 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Make adb shell work out of the box 03/26/2021 07:59 PM Unknown Actions
2147 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0002 Enable accelerometers 03/26/2021 07:56 PM Unknown Actions
2145 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Remove phone number lookup again in replicant 10 03/26/2021 07:55 PM Unknown Actions
2144 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Make the vibrator work 03/26/2021 07:55 PM Unknown Actions
2142 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 investigate out/target/product/i9300/recovery.img out/dist/i9300/recovery-i9300.img differences 03/26/2021 07:50 PM Unknown Actions
2141 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Enable reboot to recovery and reboot to bootloader 03/26/2022 11:43 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305), Unknown Actions
2140 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Add server with limited public IRC logs Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 07:38 PM Actions
2139 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0002 Handle redirects for git in a clean way for AOSP 03/26/2021 07:37 PM Actions
2137 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Portable Wi-Fi hotspot 03/26/2021 07:35 PM Unknown Actions
2125 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Report battery % / charging 09/28/2021 01:27 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Unknown Actions
2119 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Add support for the Replicant 11 kernel modem driver in libsamsung-ipc, possibly in a replicant-11 branch Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 07:22 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2118 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Finish cleaning up the Linux modem driver, fix bugs, and import it in the Replicant 11 kernel Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 07:21 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2117 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Add SRS support in Replicant 11 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 07:18 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2116 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Add support for the Replicant 11 kernel in libsamsung-ipc Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 07:18 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2115 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Port libsamsung-ril to Replicant 11 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 07:17 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2114 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Create a recovery Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 09/18/2021 05:46 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2113 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Create installation instructions Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 07:14 PM Unknown Actions
2112 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Find and remove privacy issues Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 08/24/2020 10:35 PM Unknown Actions
2111 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Find the software licenses and remove nonfree software Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 11/21/2021 02:34 AM Not device specific Actions
2110 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Minimal Replicant branding, was: Rebrand as Replicant Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 11/25/2021 01:23 PM Unknown Actions
2108 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Make audio work Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 11/12/2021 11:40 PM Unknown Actions
2107 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0002 Make sensor libraries work Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/29/2021 03:48 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2105 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any Replicant version with an upstream kernel Investigate custom kernels for fixes or improvements on: audio, frequency and voltage scalling, display control and others 03/26/2021 07:00 PM Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Galaxy Note 2 (N7100), Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305) Actions
2096 Replicant New Low Do a security analysis of the factory resets mode and improve it 07/22/2020 11:58 PM Unknown Actions
2095 Replicant New Low Identify unknown data after the PIT in the Galaxy SIII (GT-I9300, GT-I9305) 07/22/2020 11:32 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305), Unknown Actions
2094 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Make xgoldmon work with other devices than the Galaxy Nexus 12/31/2020 03:05 AM Unknown Actions
2090 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Meta bug about discriminations and abuses 12/30/2020 12:42 AM Actions
2089 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Forums require Javascript 03/26/2021 06:29 PM Actions
2085 Replicant New Normal Document full backups and RPMB 03/26/2021 06:27 PM Unknown Actions
2084 Replicant New Normal Document the privacy and security implication of the modem protocol (GPIOs, HSIC link reset) for Replicant 10 03/26/2021 06:27 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Unknown Actions
2083 Replicant New Normal Research factory reset security for Replicant 10 07/11/2020 11:11 PM Unknown Actions
2081 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any version Research information and counter measures to Cellbrite or similar devices 03/26/2021 06:25 PM Unknown Actions
2076 Replicant New Normal Investigate I9300 eMMC toolbox 07/15/2020 06:54 AM Galaxy Note 8.0 (N51xx) Actions
2071 Replicant infrastructure New Normal Document how to publish blog posts Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 05:57 PM Actions
2067 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any Replicant version with an upstream kernel Document the Samsung Galaxy Camera 03/26/2021 05:49 PM New device Actions
2066 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Any Replicant version with an upstream kernel Document the Samsung Galaxy Camera 2 03/26/2021 05:48 PM New device Actions
2064 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 9.0 Make sure it can be fetched using the LineageOS mirror and sync with replicant-10 03/26/2021 06:00 PM Unknown Actions
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