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# Project Status Priority Target version Subject Assignee Updated Category Device Upstream patch status
2306 Replicant infrastructure Feedback Low Migrate our redmine wiki to Markdown format 02/02/2022 01:46 PM Actions
1925 Replicant Feedback Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 On the Galaxy SII, the GPS isn't supposed to work, but OSMAnd is able to get a position in "device only" mode 03/24/2021 12:48 AM Freedom Actions
939 Replicant Feedback Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Phonecall terminates without busy signal 03/23/2021 02:55 PM Telephony and mobile data Actions
1653 Replicant Feedback Low Replicant - Any version Noise Based Auto Profile Switcher Akshit Mahajan 03/23/2021 02:59 PM Audio Actions
1786 Replicant Feedback Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 Review the Chromium Webview build environment Andrés D 03/23/2021 03:05 PM Freedom Actions
1755 Replicant Feedback Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 GT-N7100 sensors don't work CyberLeo Kitsana 03/23/2021 03:00 PM Sensors Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Galaxy Note 2 (N7100) Actions
1817 Replicant Feedback Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 loose root access and developer options Fil Lupin 03/23/2021 05:41 PM Framework Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
1816 Replicant Feedback High Replicant - Replicant 6.0 "Encrypt Phone" crashes and sometimes sends the phone into a boot loop Harry Prevor 03/27/2021 11:13 AM Security Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
1803 Replicant Feedback Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Error-prone and confusing touchscreen interface in recovery Wolfgang Wiedmeyer 03/23/2021 05:28 PM Recovery Actions
1783 Replicant Feedback Urgent Replicant - Replicant 6.0 SIM card not recognized (regression, was working with Replicant 4.2) Wolfgang Wiedmeyer 03/23/2021 03:09 PM SIM card not recognized Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2148 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - Any Replicant version with an upstream kernel Test Trisquel 9 for building Replicant 09/03/2021 10:21 PM Build system Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250), Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 (P51xx), Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P31xx) Actions
1978 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 Backport Replicant 11 integration of F-Droid APK (Was "Find a good way to integrate APK from F-Droid") 03/24/2021 01:46 PM Actions
1949 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 Make web browser and email client support TLS 1.2 03/24/2021 12:58 AM Base applications Galaxy Note 2 (GT-N7100), Galaxy Note 2 (N7100) Actions
1861 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 Recommend to use an FSDG compliant distribution to build Replicant 09/23/2022 09:29 PM Freedom Actions
1629 Replicant In Progress Immediate Replicant - Any version F-Droid does not respect the GNU free system distributions guidelines 03/23/2021 11:09 AM Freedom Actions
2307 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 ipc-modem is unreliable Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/02/2022 12:55 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2022 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - replicant 10.0 Update our git to include forkbomb's u-boot midas updates. Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 05/05/2021 07:56 PM Bootloaders Unknown Actions
1954 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - Replicant 11.0 0001 Add support for the I9300 modem Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 02/03/2022 01:13 PM Telephony and mobile data Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
1958 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 Note II LTE modem (ofono Java RIL) Joey Hewitt 03/24/2021 01:08 AM Telephony and mobile data Actions
1659 Replicant In Progress High The device pages don't warn about proprietary (and likely signed) TrustZone TEE Paul Kocialkowski 03/23/2021 11:15 AM Website and wiki content Actions
1635 Replicant In Progress Immediate Replicant - Any version F-droid Antifeature:NonFreeAssets wiki page is unclear Wolfgang Wiedmeyer 03/23/2021 11:09 AM Upstream antifeatures and privacy issues Actions
1011 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - Any version USSD codes don't work Wolfgang Wiedmeyer 03/23/2021 10:29 AM Telephony and mobile data Actions
2296 Replicant In Progress Normal Replicant - libsamsung-ipc 1.0 Improve package libsamsung-ipc for Parabola _I3^ RELATIVISM 09/23/2022 05:53 PM Telephony and mobile data Not device specific, Unknown Actions
2353 Replicant New Normal Nonfree software found in vboot 09/23/2024 03:46 PM Freedom Not device specific Actions
2352 Replicant New Normal Replicant - Replicant 6.0 0005 Add letsencrypt certificate in Replicant 6.0 06/18/2024 09:31 PM Not device specific Actions
(1-25/411) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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