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# Project Status Priority Target version Subject Assignee Updated Category Device Upstream patch status
2329 Documentation New Normal Outdated build documentation 01/18/2023 07:31 PM Actions
1916 Replicant New Normal Write instructions to migrate from self-build images to releases (Was: Write upgrade instructions from Replicant 6.0 0003 to Replicant 6.0 0004 (incompatible /data partition)) Fil Bergamo 03/24/2021 12:27 AM Website and wiki content Actions
2079 Replicant New Normal Upload GT-I9300 top PCB picture to and add it to [[DevicesPictures]] Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/26/2021 06:20 PM Website and wiki content Galaxy S 3 (I9300) Actions
2325 Replicant New Normal Update 11/07/2022 12:48 AM Website and wiki content Not device specific Actions
1659 Replicant In Progress High The device pages don't warn about proprietary (and likely signed) TrustZone TEE Paul Kocialkowski 03/23/2021 11:15 AM Website and wiki content Actions
2304 Replicant New Normal Review GloDroid on the wiki 01/30/2022 09:22 PM Website and wiki content Not device specific Actions
2083 Replicant New Normal Research factory reset security for Replicant 10 07/11/2020 11:11 PM Unknown Actions
2174 Replicant New Normal Replicant >= 11: look how seedvault can be used 03/26/2021 08:26 PM Unknown Actions
1877 Replicant New Normal redmine: don't require user first and last names 03/24/2021 12:09 AM Infrastructure (web, git) Actions
2091 Replicant New Normal read how-to-lock-the-samsung-download-mode-using-an-undocumented-feature-of-aboot and integrate it in the wiki 03/26/2021 06:30 PM Website and wiki content Unknown Actions
2353 Replicant New Normal Nonfree software found in vboot 09/23/2024 03:46 PM Freedom Not device specific Actions
2070 Replicant New Normal Mention gpg complexity in [[ReleasesKey]] 03/26/2021 05:56 PM Website and wiki content Unknown Actions
1933 Replicant New Normal Make the EFS mount point the same accross all devices 03/24/2021 12:40 AM Installation instructions Actions
1985 Replicant New Normal Make documentation (text, video, presentation, etc) on how to get a Replicant compatible device in a DIY way. 03/24/2021 01:29 AM Website and wiki content Actions
1936 Replicant New Normal Make branch and manifest with changes being reviewed on the mailing list Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli 03/24/2021 12:44 AM Actions
2123 Replicant New Normal link to in the wiki 03/26/2021 07:23 PM Telephony and mobile data Unknown Actions
1924 Replicant New Normal libsamsung-ipc: flight mode: don't enable the modem when in flight mode at boot 03/24/2021 12:34 AM Telephony and mobile data Actions
2262 Replicant New Normal Investigate if is usable somehow 06/06/2021 06:25 AM Actions
2076 Replicant New Normal Investigate I9300 eMMC toolbox 07/15/2020 06:54 AM Galaxy Note 8.0 (N51xx) Actions
1881 Replicant New Normal Install a patchwork instance somewhere to track patches 03/24/2021 12:10 AM Infrastructure (web, git) Actions
2095 Replicant New Low Identify unknown data after the PIT in the Galaxy SIII (GT-I9300, GT-I9305) 07/22/2020 11:32 PM Galaxy S 3 (I9300), Galaxy S 3 4G (I9305), Unknown Actions
1831 Replicant New Normal Fix non-idempotent Wolfgang Wiedmeyer 03/23/2021 05:53 PM Wi-Fi Actions
2227 Replicant New Normal Fix device names in the "Device" field in redmine Issues / bug reports 03/07/2021 11:35 AM Website and wiki content Unknown Actions
2011 Replicant New Normal Find a public version of the MAX77693 datasheet / reference manual 06/02/2021 07:17 PM Actions
2010 Replicant New Normal Find a public version of the DM3730 technical reference manual 03/26/2021 04:33 PM Actions
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