Feature #1784
Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer about 7 years ago
Currently, a "simple script":https://git.replicant.us/replicant/vendor_replicant/tree/build-toolchain script":https://git.replicant.us/replicant/vendor_replicant/blob/replicant-6.0/build-toolchain takes care of building the toolchain. The script needs to be converted to Android Makefiles, so parts of the toolchain can be built e.g. with @make gcc-android@ or the whole toolchain can simply be built by issuing @make toolchain@. A build error happens when the toolchain is built after running @. build/envsetup.sh@ in the same shell. So the toolchain always needs to be built in a newly opened shell where no Android build environment variables are already set. The first step is to identify the environment variable(s) from @envsetup.sh@ that break the toolchain build. Then the toolchain is buildable in the Android build environment and it's possible to write the Makefiles.