


VMSpecifications » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 04/18/2021 10:46 AM) → Revision 5/6 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 04/19/2023 11:13 PM)

h1. Virtual machine specifications 

 The virtual machine runs on top of Xen and has: 
 * About 6G of RAM 
 * 2 virtual core 
 * a 10G rootfs partition 
 * a 300G storage partition for Replicant git repositories 
 * One public IPv4 ( but no public IPv6 

 The FSF sysadmins control a firewall that is outside of the VM. So we need to contact them to open new ports. 

 At least the following ports have been opened: 

 | Port | Transport | Service | software    | 
 | 22     | TCP         | SSH       | OpenSSH     | 
 | 25     | TCP         | SMTP      | OpenSMTPD | 
 | 53     | UDP         | DNS       | Bind 9      | 
 | 80     | TCP         | HTTP      | Apache      | 
 | 143    | TCP         | IMAP      | Dovecot     | 
 | 443    | TCP         | HTTPS     | Apache      | 


 h2. Software: 

 Disribution: Trisquel 
 Boot setup: -Encrypted Encrypted @/@, GRUB decrypts opens the encrypted rootfs and loads the kernel and initramfs from it which then opens the encrypted rootfs again with a key.- The encryption is now handled transparently (outside of the VM? in btrfs?). key.