Wiki » History » Revision 36
Revision 35 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 04/18/2021 10:10 AM) → Revision 36/41 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 04/18/2021 10:14 AM)
h1. Replicant infrastructure Wiki
h2. Current infrastructure
* [[NetworkInfrastructure]]: main description of the infrastructure
h2. Maintenance information
* [[AddingANewDomain]]: How to add a new domain
* [[contactAddress]]: Technical infrastructure behind the contact address
* [[DNS]]: Technical infrastructure behind the DNS
* [[FilteringSpamOnTheMailingList]]: How to filter spam manually on the mailing list
* FSF infrastructure and Replicant infrastructure at the FSF:
** [[FSFVM]]: Documentation for deploying VMs at the FSF
** [[FSFVMRootAccess]]: Root access setup in the Replicant VM and and general requirements for the FSF infrastructure.
** [[GRUBCrypt]]: Upstreaming grub crypt patches to enable other FSDG compliant distributions than Trisquel on the FSF infrastructure
** [[VMSpecifications]]: Software (OS) and virtual hardware (RAM, etc) specfications
* [[gitHosting]]: Infrastructure to host git repositories
** [[GitRedirects]]: How are handled redirects for our server and why we have to handle it
* [[InCaseOfRedmineRgistrationIssues]]: What to do when the registration mail doesn't arrive
* [[IRC]]: How to manage the Replicant IRC channels
* [[MailingListSoftware]]: Software to run mailing lists, bridging them with forums, etc
* [[Mastodon]]: Information about the Replicant Mastodon account.
h2. Research
* [[ConfigurationManagement]]: Research on various configuration management
* [[Forges]]
* [[InfrastructureEfficency]]
* [[MediawikiMigration]]: Documentation on how to migrate from the Redmine wiki to mediawiki.
* [[RSS]]: How to fix the broken RSS link on
h2. License
All the wikis in this Redmine instance are available under the "Creative Commons BY-SA": license.