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Hours: 26.85

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
07/31/2019 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli work Issue #1909: Old French SFR SIM with PIN code setup card not detected 0.10 Actions
07/31/2019 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli work Issue #1909: Old French SFR SIM with PIN code setup card not detected Install Replicant 4.2 0.25 Actions
05/03/2019 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli work Issue #1909: Old French SFR SIM with PIN code setup card not detected I had to dig into tshark. I didn't find a way to filter the information that did what I want on a timely manner. 2.00 Actions
04/13/2019 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli work Issue #1909: Old French SFR SIM with PIN code setup card not detected Most of the time was spent reading an introductory book on the topic that I had lying around 4.00 Actions
02/06/2019 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli work Issue #1909: Old French SFR SIM with PIN code setup card not detected Traces + log analysis, lot of time was waisted trying to setup a phone that doesn't run libsamsung-ipc/libsamsung-ril to make sure that I could use the non-working SIM card for furturer debugging 5.00 Actions
04/26/2019 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli work Issue #1909: Old French SFR SIM with PIN code setup card not detected Tried to find and then build LineageOS 13 as advised by the devs to minimize the diff. At the end I've used the stock images from google. I also packaged in parabola and documented better in simtrace my setup along the way. 5.00 Actions
09/23/2019 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli work Issue #1909: Old French SFR SIM with PIN code setup card not detected Issues building fetching, I had to install a Trisquel 7 lxc, etc 10.00 Actions
04/23/2019 Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli work Issue #1923: Add the Galaxy Note (N7000) to the generic installation instructions and/or document its partitions 0.50 Actions

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