BuildEnvironments » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Beuc Beuc, 07/25/2015 02:35 PM) → Revision 4/11 (Beuc Beuc, 07/26/2015 09:57 AM)
h1. BuildEnvironments h2. Rationale Each revision of Android is meant to be compiled with a specific set of dependencies. No effort is made upstream to support multiple build environments. Building with different environments often yields build errors due to untested dependencies versions. So we document here how to recreate these recommended build environments. h2. Recommended environment history Ubuntu support: <pre> ,2013-10-15 - Lucid (10.04) 2013-10-15,2015-03-16 - Precise (12.04), probably with 4.4 KitKat - 2015-03-16, - Trusty (14.04) </pre> Java support: <pre> ,2014-03-31 - Sun JDK 5/6 2014-03-31, - OpenJDK 7 - </pre> h2. Ubuntu 14.04 with LXC <pre> lxc-create -n android -t download -- -d ubuntu -r trusty -a amd64 lxc-start -n replicant -d lxc-attach -n replicant # clean-up non-free sources sed -i -e 's/ restricted//' -e 's/ multiverse//' /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update </pre> h2. Trisquel 6.0 Toutatis (based on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise) with LXC <pre> wget tar xzf debootstrap_1.0.59ubuntu0.3+7.0trisquel1.tar.gz cp -a debootstrap-1.0.59ubuntu0.3+7.0trisquel1/scripts/{toutatis,trisquel} /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/ cp -a /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-trisquel sed -i -e 's/main restricted universe multiverse/main/' \ -e 's/.*lxcguest/#&/' /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-trisquel lxc-create -n replicant -t trisquel -- -r toutatis -a amd64 --mirror \ --security-mirror </pre> h2. Ubuntu 12.04 Precise with LXC <pre> lxc-create -n replicant -t download -- -d ubuntu -r precise -a amd64 lxc-start -n replicant -d lxc-attach -n replicant # clean-up non-free sources sed -i -e 's/ restricted//' -e 's/ multiverse//' /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update </pre> h2. Trisquel 4.1 Taranis (based on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid) with LXC <pre> wget tar xzf debootstrap_1.0.59ubuntu0.3+7.0trisquel1.tar.gz cp -a debootstrap-1.0.59ubuntu0.3+7.0trisquel1/scripts/{taranis,trisquel} /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/ cp -a /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-trisquel sed -i -e 's/main restricted universe multiverse/main/' \ -e 's/.*lxcguest/#&/' /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-trisquel lxc-create -n replicant -t trisquel -- -r taranis -a amd64 --mirror \ --security-mirror </pre> You'll need git > 1.7.2 for @repo@: <pre> lxc-start -n replicant -d lxc-attach -n replicant cd /usr/src/ apt-get install wget gcc libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat-dev gettext wget tar xf git-2.4.6.tar.gz cd git-2.4.6/ make -j4 # ~2mn make install prefix=/usr/local </pre> h2. Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid with LXC <pre> apt-get install ubuntu-archive-keyring lxc-create -n replicant -t ubuntu -- -r lucid -a amd64 lxc-start -n replicant -d lxc-attach -n replicant # clean-up non-free sources sed -i -e 's/ restricted//' -e 's/ multiverse//' /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update </pre> h2. LXC host environment The simplest way to configure LXC is to combine it with libvirt. Here are instructions tested on a Debian 8 host: <pre> apt-get install lxc debootstrap apt-get install libvirt-bin dnsmasq ebtables service dnsmasq stop update-rc.d dnsmasq remove virsh net-autostart default service libvirtd restart cat > /etc/lxc/default.conf <<'EOF' = veth = up = virbr0 EOF </pre> You now can run the LXC containers instructions above. h2. Non-privileged user setup This can be used in any environment to prepare a non-root user dedicated to builds. <pre> # prepare build user apt-get install openssh-server useradd replicant --shell /bin/bash --create-home mkdir -p -m 700 ~replicant/.ssh cat <<EOF >> ~replicant/.ssh/authorized_keys your public key EOF chown -R replicant: ~replicant </pre>