


Dependencies » History » Revision 18

Revision 17 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 10/03/2018 01:02 AM) → Revision 18/78 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 10/03/2018 01:11 AM)

h1. Dependencies 

 h2. Stub 

 This page is a stub, feel free to improve it 

 h2. Replicant 6.0 

 |_. Dependency |_. Working version |_. Potentially compatible versions |_. Debian 9 |_. Guix    |_. PureOS |_. Parabola |_. Trisquel 7 |_. Trisquel 8 | 
 |_. Android SDK    |_. API Level 23 (Android 6) |_. | OK: android-sdk and android-sdk-platform-23 | Absent (NDK only) as October 2018) | ? | Absent as October 2018 | ? | ? | 
 |_. gcc    |_. 6 |_. ? | 6 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | 
 |_. Java (jdk) |_. 8 |_. 7 | OK: openjdk 8 | ? | ? | openjdk 7, 8, 10| 7, 8 | 8, 9 | 

 h2. AOSP 6.0 

 |_. Dependency |_. Version |_. Providers | 
 | Java | 7.0 | Debian 9 | 
 | GNU/Linux distribution | Ubuntu 14.04 | Trisquel 7.0 | 

 h2. Debian 9 packages versions 


 "Debian 'build' dependencies:": 

 |_. Dependency |_. Version | 
 | gcc | | 
 | binutils | | 
 | llvm-defaults | | 

 "Debian dependencies:": 
 |_. Dependency |_. Version | 
 | gcc-arm-none-eabi | | 
 | cmake | | 
 | python-dev | | 
 | swig | | 
 | ant | | 
 | bc | | 
 | proguard | | 
 | maven-debian-helper | | 
 | libemma-java | | 
 | libasm4-java | | 
 | libguava-java | | 
 | libnb-platform18-java | | 
 | libnb-org-openide-util-java | | 
 | libandroidsdk-ddmlib-java | | 
 | libmaven-source-plugin-java | | 
 | libfreemarker-java | | 
 | libmaven-javadoc-plugin-java | | 
 | ca-cacert | | 
 | curl | | 
 | gawk | | 
 | libgmp3-dev | | 
 | libmpfr-dev | | 
 | libmpc-dev | | 
 | git-core | | 
 | gperf | | 
 | libncurses-dev | | 
 | squashfs-tools | | 
 | pngcrush | | 
 | zip | | 
 | zlib1g-dev | | 
 | lzma | | 
 | libc6-dev-i386 | | 
 | g++-multilib | | 
 | lib32z1-dev | | 
 | lib32readline-dev | | 
 | lib32ncurses5-dev | | 
 | zlib1g-dev:i386 | | 
 | xsltproc | | 
 | python-mako | | 
 | schedtool | | 
 | gradle | | 
 | dirmngr | | 
 | libandroidsdk-sdklib-java | | 
 | eclipse-jdt | | 
 | libgradle-android-plugin-java | | 
 | android-sdk-build-tools | | 
 | android-sdk-platform-23 | | 
 | aapt | | 
 | lzop | | 

 h2. AOSP 6.0 

 |_. Dependency |_. Version |_. Providers | 
 | Java | 7.0 | Debian 9 | 
 | GNU/Linux distribution | Ubuntu 14.04 | Trisquel 7.0 | 

 h2. References 
