DeprecatedPortingToAndroid10 » History » Revision 67
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Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 03/28/2019 03:12 PM
Porting Replicant to Android 9¶
- The Galaxy SIII 4G (i9305) boots (with graphics hacks) under AOSP9, without having to import nonfree libraries. Not much has been validated beside that.
- The kernel used is based on Linux 5.0-rc6 and has ~150 Android specific patches on top and some patches for the Galaxy SIII 4G (i9305) on top
Repositories and changes¶
- git://
- git://
- git://
First get the source code:
$ repo init -u git:// -b android-9.0.0
For Trisquel8 (WIP):
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip bc python-mako
Then see the device/putti/i9305/ for the build instructions.
Task | Time estimation | Comments |
DONE | Only boots with graphics, not much more |
Build it under a FSDG compliant distribution like Trisquel8 | 7h | WIP for AOSP, It's difficult to do precise time estimations as it could work out of the box or require one full time month of work depending on how much issues are encountered |
* port the changes from AOSP9 to LineageOS 16 * cleanup the code * build the kernel from the Android build system * make sure it builds with an FSDG compliant distribution * document the build procedure |
16h | |
find, remove and document proprietary software in LineageOS 16 | 7h | |
find, remove and document privacy issues in LineageOS 16 | 21h | |
port the sensors libraries and other device specific libraries | 35h | |
add support for Audio | 35h | Might be way faster, depending on what Android 9 uses |
add support for the i9300 and factorize the code with i9305 | 8h | |
port the touch keys linux driver | 7h | |
port the flash led linux driver | 7h | |
port libsamsung-ril and libsamsung-ipc to Android 9 | libsamsung-ipc should be trivial, libsamsung-ril probably needs to be adapted to Trebble or the new RIL interfaces | |
* port and cleanup the the i9300 modem linux driver from 4.16 to 5.0 * Make the modem driver and libsamsung-ipc work together |
70h | |
add internal WiFi support and validate the functionality | 6h | |
add external WiFi dongles suppor | 20h | External dongles support might be tricky |
document how much mA the device's USB host can give and in which conditions | Needed to make external WiFi reliable (it's not in Replicant 6.0) | |
Rebrand LineageOS as Replicant | ||
Create a recovery | ||
Create install and upgrade instructions | ||
Reduce the attack surface | ||
add in-system upgrades |
Device | Time estimation | Comments |
Galaxy Note II (N7100) | Similar to the Galaxy SIII (I9300) | |
Galaxy Note 8.0 (N5100) and 8.0 WiFi (N5110) | ||
Galaxy S II (i9100) | linux: devboard dts upstream? unknown status | |
Galaxy Note (N7000) | unknown linux upstream status | |
Galaxy Nexus (I9250) | OMAP4, no dts upsrteam | |
Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (P3100), 7.0 WiFi (P3110), 10.1 (P5100), 10.1 WiFi (P5110) | ||
GTA04 >= A4 | TODO: a RIL needs to be written, userspace GPS support is missing, audio scenarios, etc |
Replicant 6.0 changes¶
Repository path | rebase worked | Changes |
build | No | |
manifest | No | N/A |
bootable/recovery | Yes | * UI changes to improve usability * Branding * Small fix(es) |
external/boringssl | Yes | * Small fix(es) |
external/heimdall | No | |
frameworks/av | Yes | * Software rendering fix(es) |
frameworks/base | Yes | * WiFi fixe(s) for external dongles * Software rendering fix(es) * Privacy fix(es) * Security improvements * Usability improvements |
frameworks/native | No | |
hardware/broadcom/wlan | Yes | * Remove nonfree software |
hardware/libhardware | Yes | * Software rendering fix(es) |
hardware/libhardware_legacy | Yes | * Don't depend on nonfree software |
hardware/ti/omap4 | Yes | * Remove nonfree software * Don't depend on nonfree software * Small fix(es) |
libcore | Yes | * Small fix(es) |
packages/apps/Browser | Yes | * Privacy fix(es) * Branding * Small fix(es) |
packages/apps/LegacyCamera | Yes | * Software rendering fix(es) * Small fix(es) |
packages/apps/RepWifi | Not upstreamed, obsolete | N/A |
packages/apps/ReplicantWallpapers | Not upstreamed | * Branding |
packages/apps/Settings | No | |
packages/apps/SetupWizard | Yes | * Privacy fix(es) * Don't depend on nonfree software * Branding |
packages/apps/ThemeChooser | Yes | * Privacy fix(es) ? * Don't depend on nonfree software ? |
packages/providers/ContactsProvider | Yes | * Small fix(es) |
system/core | Yes | * Branding * various fixes |
vendor/replicant | No | |
vendor/cmsdk | Yes | * Branding |
external/chromium-webview | ? | ? |
external/drm_gralloc | Yes | * Software rendering fix(es) |
external/llvm | Yes | * Software rendering fix(es) |
external/mesa3d | Yes | * Software rendering fix(es) * Performance debugging for software rendering |
external/parameter-framework | Yes | * Small fix(es) |
external/protobuf | N/A | No changes |
prebuilts/ndk | ? | ? |
prebuilts/sdk | ? | ? |
sdk | Yes | * Small fix(es) |
toolchain/src/binutils | Yes | * Small fix(es) |
toolchain/src/gcc | No | |
toolchain/src/jack | Yes | * Small fix(es) |
toolchain/src/jill | Yes | * Small fix(es) |
kernel/samsung/smdk4412 | Yes | * Security fixes * Privacy Fixes (TrustZone) * Don't depend on nonfree software * Remove nonfree software * Small fix(es) |
kernel/samsung/tuna | ||
kernel/samsung/espresso10 | ||
device/samsung/i9100 | No | * Replace nonfree software by free software * free software sensors implementation(s) * free software modem audio implementation(s) * Software rendering fix(es) * Privacy Fixes (TrustZone) * Don't depend on nonfree software * Remove nonfree software * Branding * Small fix(es) |
device/samsung/n7000 | Yes | |
device/samsung/i9300 | No | |
device/samsung/i9305 | No | |
device/samsung/n7100 | Yes | |
device/samsung/n5100 | Yes | |
device/samsung/n5110 | Yes | |
device/samsung/maguro | Yes | |
device/samsung/tuna | Yes | |
device/samsung/espressowifi | Yes | |
device/samsung/espresso3g | Yes | |
device/samsung/galaxys2-common | Yes | |
device/samsung/smdk4412-common | No | |
device/samsung/kona-common | Yes | |
hardware/ril/samsung-ril | Not upstreamed | N/A |
external/libsamsung-ipc | Not upstreamed | N/A |
hardware/tinyalsa-audio | Not upstreamed? | N/A |
Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli almost 6 years ago · 67 revisions