Galaxy Note 2 (N7100)

Device Galaxy Note 2 (N7100)
Manufacturer Samsung
Release date September 2012
Codename n7100
Status Maintained
Maintainer(s) Paul Kocialkowski
Wolfgang Wiedmeyer
Supported models GSM: N7100
Latest images Replicant 4.2 0004

Replicant status

Replicant status for the Galaxy Note 2 (N7100): ReplicantStatus Replicant 6.0

Replicant installation

Replicant installation for the Galaxy Note 2 (N7100): Replicant60GalaxyNote2N7100Installation

Replicant usage

Replicant build

Replicant build for the Galaxy Note 2 (N7100): Replicant60GalaxyNote2N7100Build

Replicant development

Freedom and privacy/security issues

Freedom issues on the Galaxy Note 2 (N7100):

Privacy/security issues on the Galaxy Note 2 (N7100): GalaxyNote2N7100PrivacySecurityIssues