



Google Nexus One

Was to be the next default device to port Replicant to.

bug 11829 need to be solved before continuing

Sim unlocked.
Obtaining full root privilegies is possible using a command but will VOID THE WARRANTY.

This is the phone where Google suggest you to do your development now.

Google ADP1

The current default device to test Replicant.
Sim unlocked, full root privilegies by default.
You can buy it after paying 25$ fee to subscribe to the Android Developer Program.

Google ADP2

Sim unlocked, full root privilegies by default.
You can buy it after paying 25$ fee to subscribe to the Android Developer Program.

HTC Dream

In Europe it is sim unlocked but it LACKS root privilegies.
On some versions you can obtain them with an hack.

HTC Magic

In Europe it is sim unlocked but it LACKS root privilegies.
On some versions you can obtain them with an hack.


Very similar to the htcdream, has a different wifi chip and driver.

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli about 14 years ago ยท 6 revisions

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