



Device Porting Guide

This guide is a step-by-step explanation of the process of porting a new device to Replicant 6.0.


Porting a new device to Replicant is a long task, so make sure you're ready to go through all the steps mentioned below. While it's not technically hard (unless you have to write free software replacements yourself), the process itself takes time as many steps are involved:
  • Checking that your devices meets the required prerequisites
  • Discovering the phone's hardware and the amount of non-free blobs involved
  • Getting Replicant sources, reading all the relevant material about developing on Replicant
  • Adding the device-specific repositories and files
  • Setting up the build environment for the new device
  • Building a recovery image

A general good advice when porting a new device to Replicant is to look at how things are done on other devices and look at the commits that were made, especially in the device-specific repositories that are prefixed with "device_".


Before porting your device to Replicant, you must make sure it complies with the following requirements:
  • The phone is already supported by LineageOS (LOS) 13.0 (or, worst-case scenario, by a non-official LineageOS 13.0 or CyanogenMod 13.0 port)
  • The phone has a GSM modem: Replicant doesn't support CDMA phones (but you can add support for it if you're skilled)
  • There is a way of installing another operating system, either through the bootloader or via recovery (this is likely if there is a LOS port)
  • The kernel is not signed: this means that the bootloader doesn't check the kernel's signature to match with the vendor's key to allow it to run

If your device fails to comply with one of the last two requirements, it won't be possible to port Replicant to it. If one of the first two requirements can't be fulfilled, porting the device to Replicant will be very hard.

You can search the XDA forum for non-official LOS 13 ports. Usually, the developers put a link to the source code of their port in their post. If not, you will have to ask them for the source code.

If your device is supported by a different LineageOS release or an older version of CyanogenMod and there is no non-official LOS 13 port, a port is still possible, but you will have to do the extra work of making your device compatible with LineageOS 13 first. Many parts of this guide will help you for this task, too.

If you don't know whether your device complies or not, you will probably learn it along the way.

Discovering the phone's hardware and associated blobs

Finding the device's codenames

First of all, you'll have to find out the device's codename that was given by its manufacturer. Wikipedia usually has that information on the device's article. For instance, the codename for the European version of the Galaxy Nexus given by Samsung is i9250. This codename will help in the process of getting information about the device.

Then, a second codename (that can turn out the be the same as the previous one) is given to the device at Android-level. If your device is supported by LineageOS, you can find it out from the LineageOS Wiki or on the LineageOS download page. For instance, the Galaxy Nexus codename is: maguro.

Investigating the hardware

It is useful to have a general idea of what kind of hardware is present in the phone. From the Wikipedia and LineageOS pages about the device, it's already possible to know what System on a Chip (SoC) it uses and a couple other details.

To learn more details, you can consider looking for a teardown of the device (for instance on iFixit), that will reveal what chips are used on the device. Looking at the kernel defconfig for the device will also help a lot, you can also try to find the service manual for the device.

You can then compare that to the devices that are already supported in Replicant to get an idea of what will possibly work.

Finding out if the device checks the kernel's signature

One very important step is to find out if the device is Tivoized: that means that even though the manufacturer releases the kernel source code for the device, the bootloader checks the kernel signature and will refuse to start it if it's not properly signed by the manufacturer. In other words, if you build the kernel yourself, the device will refuse to run it since it's not signed by the manufacturer. Since the Linux kernel is released under the GPLv2, there are no specific dispositions to counter Tivoization, and so porting the device to Replicant is pointless as it will require a prebuilt and signed kernel from the manufacturer.

This is not an easy information to find out, but the developers involved in the LineageOS port will probably know that information. It's a good idea to just ask them.

Discovering the way of flashing the device

To install the future Replicant image on the device, you have to find out how the device can be flashed with a new operating system. The LineageOS Wiki has install guides for the supported devices and you'll probably find install guides for non-official LOS ports as well. It is very important to understand the flashing procedure as it will have to be documented on the Replicant wiki.

There are basically two ways of flashing a new operating system:
  1. Through the bootloader: a program has to send the images to the phone in bootloader mode. Make sure that program is free if your device supports flashing via bootloader.
  2. With recovery: a recovery image has to be installed instead of the current kernel so that at next reboot, recovery permits the installation of another operating system. Make sure this doesn't involve rooting the phone using non-free software.

The non-free blobs

The key information to get before starting the port is the list of the non-free components that are required by LineageOS.
The easiest way to do this is to spot the device repository in LineageOS repos and look for the proprietary-files.txt or file on the cm-13.0 branch.
There is usually a link to the device repository from the device's build page in the LineageOS Wiki. There may not be a proprietary-files.txt file, but there should be a file with a similar name that lists the non-free blobs.
Some devices share additional common device repositories with other devices. You can identify these by looking at the lineage.dependencies file. These have their own proprietary-files.txt or files. You will also have to look at these to get a full picture of all the used non-free components.

For instance, the list of non-free components for the Galaxy Nexus is device-proprietary-files.txt
From that list, spot what is related to what hardware component (audio, camera, sensors, gps, modem, etc): That gives an idea of the amount of work required to add support for the phone.

Getting started with Replicant development

In order to prepare everything for the Replicant port:

Cloning the device files

Once your Replicant tree is ready, you can start adding the necessary repos for your device.
That means cloning the necessary repos in the right place. These repos are:
  • A device-specific repo. On LineageOS, it is usually called: android_device_vendor_device.
  • Sometimes one or more common repo(s), usually called: android_device_vendor_devices-common.
    Some devices don't need any common repo, but some do.
  • A kernel repo. On LineageOS, it is usually called: android_kernel_vendor_devices.
    The kernel repo can be shared across a family of devices (for instance, on kernel repo for Samsung Exynos, one for Samsung OMAP, etc).

You can find the device-specific repo from the device's page on the LineageOS Wiki.
Make sure you check out the branches that match the LOS 13.0 version (cm-13.0).

Once you have cloned the device-specific repo for your device and checked out the correct branch, refer to the lineage.dependencies file to find what repos are left to clone.
Clone these repos in the correct locations and remove the prefix (e.g. android_device_samsung_maguro must be cloned in device/samsung/ and renamed to maguro).

If you cloned the kernel source for your device, it is likely that the kernel build is already integrated, so you can skip the next sections below and continue with setting up the build environment.

In case of a missing kernel repository

If the kernel repo is nowhere to be found (make sure you've asked the LineageOS team), you'll need to get the kernel source directly from the vendor, especially if your device is supported by a 3rd party LineageOS fork.
Keep in mind that the Linux kernel is GPLv2, so vendors have the legal obligation to release the modified kernel sources as soon as they sell you the device.
That means the kernel sources will be available online. Here are some websites where such releases are done:

Once you have the kernel sources, read the instructions to find out which defconfig to use.

Since manufacturers usually don't release the git history along with the files, you'll need to recreate a git repo:
  • Clone the mainline kernel in the same version as the Makefile from the sources you just obtained
  • Remove the cloned files except the .git directory
  • Move the manufacturer kernel tree at the place of the files you just removed
  • Add all the files in git (git add -A) and commit (git commit) with a message explaining what you just imported (e.g. "GT-I9000 GB Opensource Update 2")

Now that you have a git repo, you can move it to the Replicant code tree, under the name: kernel/vendor/devices (e.g. kernel/samsung/aries).
Make sure to make the devices name match the devices in android_device_vendor_devices-common if the kernel is shared across these devices or to match the device in android_device_vendor_device.

In case of a prebuilt kernel

Some devices may still use a prebuilt kernel.

For such devices, you will need to remove the prebuilt binaries and the instructions to copy the prebuilt kernel and its modules.

In the device repository (device/vendor/device) and common repository for your device (if any), remove the prebuilt kernel and modules (usually called kernel and module.ko (replace module with the name of a module) or a modules directory).
Remove the instructions to copy these prebuilts on the makefiles. Remove instructions such as:



and anything regarding TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL as well as the instructions to copy the prebuilt modules.

The (or in the common directory for your device) will most likely hold a line like:

TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL := device/samsung/p5/kernel

you must remove this line.

Now that the device repository has no prebuilt instructions, you can add the instructions to build the kernel. In the file, add the following lines:

TARGET_KERNEL_SOURCE := kernel/samsung/p3
TARGET_KERNEL_CONFIG := samsung_p5_defconfig

and make sure to replace the location and defconfig by the correct values for your devices (being the location of the device kernel tree and the appropriate defconfig).

Building the correct kernel image format

There are different types of kernel images:
  • Android image: that is a zImage, without a separate initramfs
  • zImage: that is a zImage, with a built-in initramfs
  • uImage: that is an image for the u-boot bootloader, with a built-in initramfs

You need to find out which type of kernel image your device uses. Asking people who know about that is the best idea.

Android image

This is the easiest case to handle: just make sure the CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE option in the kernel defonfig is left blank or undefined:


zImage with built-in initramfs

Building a zImage with a built-in initramfs requires the following steps:
In the kernel defconfig, define the CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE option this way:


Once this is done, duplicate the defconfig and add the _recovery prefix before the _defconfig ending (e.g. herring_recovery_defconfig), edit that file and replace CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE with:


Back to the device repository, edit the file and add the following line:

TARGET_KERNEL_RECOVERY_CONFIG := samsung_p5_recovery_defconfig

and make sure to replace the defconfig by the appropriate defconfig you just cloned (the one with the _recovery_defconfig ending).

Still in the device repository, create a file containing the following:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)



Edit the file and add the following line:

BOARD_CUSTOM_BOOTIMG_MK := device/vendor/device/

and make sure to replace device/vendor/device/ with the correct path to your device's repository.

uImage with built-in initramfs

Follow the previous instructions (zImage with built-in initramfs) and set the BOARD_USES_UBOOT variable in the file:


Setting up the build environment

Now that the repos are cloned, you need to modify some makefiles to cope with Replicant paths.
In the device repository (device/vendor/device), modify the file called and replace the vendor/cm/ occurrences by vendor/replicant/. Other makefiles may need that as well (in any case, build will fail very early if you missed one). In that same file, change the PRODUCT_NAME variable by replacing the lineage prefix with replicant (e.g. change PRODUCT_NAME := lineage_maguro to PRODUCT_NAME := replicant_maguro).

Now that your device files are ready, you can declare a new build target: these are held in vendor/replicant/targets.
Modify that file and add a line (at the end) with the PRODUCT_NAME you set and the -userdebug suffix (e.g. replicant_maguro-userdebug).

From now on, everything should be ready to start a build. All of the following build commands need to be run in the source tree root folder.

First, the toolchain needs to be built:


If you have executed any of the commands below and you want to run the toolchain build again, you will need to open a new shell.

To check for errors or missed occurrences in your device config, start a terminal in the Replicant tree root and lunch:

. build/
lunch replicant_device-userdebug

Adapt replicant_device-userdebug from what you added to the targets (e.g. replicant_maguro-userdebug).
If an error occurs, it will explicitly report it and you'll need to fix it before doing anything.
If everything works correctly, you should see something like:


This is the output for the Galaxy Note 2 (n7100).

You must repeat these steps everytime before building anything on a freshly-opened terminal.

. build/
lunch replicant_device-userdebug

(Make sure to replace device by your device's product name)

Building a recovery image

Now that everything is set-up, you can build the first image to test on your device: the recovery image.

The build target is recoveryimage, so all you have to do is:

mka -j9 recoveryimage

This should trigger the kernel build and the recovery initramfs build and in the end, produce the out/target/product/device/recovery.img file.
Once your image is built (it takes some time), flash it to the recovery partition of your device (if any). It's a good idea to look at the LineageOS installation guide to find out how to install that recovery image.

There is usually also a key combination to hold to boot directly to recovery: hopefully, your recovery image will start.

Building the system

It is time to build a complete set of Replicant images. This includes the system and kernel images.

Building the kernel

Let's start by building the boot image, that is both the kernel and the Android initramfs. The build target is bootimage:

mka -j9 bootimage

In the end, the out/target/product/device/boot.img file will be produced.

Building the system image

Building the system is the longest task. The build target is systemimage:

mka -j9 systemimage

You might encounter build errors due to the lack of non-free libs. You'll need to find clean workarounds for that. Removing options from can help solve the situation.
For instance, the following error:

make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/i9300/obj/lib/', needed by `out/target/product/i9300/obj/EXECUTABLES/mediaserver_intermediates/LINKED/mediaserver'.  Stop.

Was solved by turning BOARD_USE_SECTVOUT to false:


When all the images are built, you're ready to install your Replicant build to the device. Create a flashable zip:

make -j9 bacon

The final zip is located at out/target/product/device/

There are several ways to install the zip in the recovery:
  • Copying the zip to a microSD card and installing from the microSD card
  • Copying the zip to the internal storage and installing from the internal storage
  • Using adb sideload to sideload the zip from your PC (most convenient way for development)

Make sure to do a factory reset before rebooting.

If everything was correctly setup, this should succeed. The best way to make sure it booted is to run adb devices and see if the device is listed.
That early, it is very likely that graphics will be broken, so don't expect anything to show up on the screen: only adb is a reliable way of knowing whether it worked.

It is possible to access adb logcat without fully booting the device and enabling ADB access in the developer settings. However, changes to the build properties of the device and possibly source code changes are needed.

If you can't manage to access the device with ADB, you will need to figure out how a serial console via UART can be established.

Android development tips

Keep in mind that all the make (and such) commands must be run in a terminal where lunch has been executed before.

Once you have a Replicant image installed on the device, there is no need to rebuild a whole image everytime you make a change (but it's a good idea to do it from time to time): you can instead rebuild only a single module by using (where module is the module's name):

make module

Even better, you can build the module that sits in the current directory by simply using mm. To push the new library to the device, use adb push (you'll need to adb root and adb remount the first time).

Moreover, instead of rebooting, you can kill the Android applications (zygote, surfaceflinger, rild) depending on what you are working on.
For instance for audio:

adb shell killall zygote

For graphics:
adb shell killall surfaceflinger

For the RIL:
adb shell killall rild

Be sure to always look what's going on in logs.
For the main buffer:

adb logcat

For the radio (RIL) buffer:

adb logcat -b radio

See BuildTips for more tips.


Once Replicant booted on the phone, it's time to get graphics working. Several components are involved with graphics on Android:
  • gralloc: the graphical memory allocator, also handles the framebuffer
  • hwcomposer: handles things like overlays and 2D blits to offload OpenGL
  • libEGL: the OpenGL implementation (that's what uses the GPU to accelerate graphics)

Generally speaking, libEGL is non-free while gralloc and hwcomposer might be free software (but they often rely on non-free blobs). On most Replicant-supported phones, we use the default gralloc, the software libEGL (libagl) and no hwcomposer. We modified the gralloc so that is uses RGB565 on framebuffer, which turns out to be faster than any other format we tried.

To have a fluid-enough experience, you need to disable most hardware-accelerated features of Android and enable Software GL.
In (or in the common directory for your device), you may find the following lines:


Set USE_OPENGL_RENDERER to false and remove the other lines. There may be more settings related to GPU-accelerated Graphics. You will need to remove these, too.

Replicant 6.0 has experimental support for a more complete software renderer implementation: llvmpipe from Mesa. To be able to use llvmpipe, add this line to the (or in the common directory for your device):



If there is no audio support with free software on LineageOS, you'll have to find out details about how audio works on your device. There are mainly 3 different cases:
  • Audio is standard ALSA
  • Audio is ALSA with a non-standard interface aside
  • Audio is not ALSA but something else that is not standard

To find out whether your device uses ALSA or not, look if you have the /dev/snd/pcmC0D0c and /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p nodes available. A non-standard interface aside might be indicated by the presence of the /dev/snd/hwC0D0 node.

If your device is standard ALSA, you can use the tinyalsa-audio library (located under hardware/tinyalsa-audio) with a configuration file (an example of such a file is available at device/samsung/galaxys2-common/configs/tinyalsa-audio.xml). You can find the proper controls to set on which scenario by running tinymix (found under external/tinyalsa) with the non-free blob in place in the different scenarios.

If your device involves a non-standard interface or if it completely relies on a non-standard interface, there is no readily available guide to find out how it works, but you can start by looking at the kernel driver and adding debug prints (with printk) and figure out what is going on.

Remember to add the working audio module to the build targets (on the makefiles in the device repo).


In order to support telephony, messaging (SMS) and other network-related features (data as well), you need to make the modem work with Replicant. The modem is often called the radio in Android terminology.

The modem uses a protocol to communicate with the CPU. You need to find out which protocol the modem for your device is using. There are several possible cases:
  • The protocol is AT, which is the only standard protocol, but it is very old: it is mostly plain ASCII and newer modems usually use a binary protocol
  • The protocol is not standard (vendor-specific) but has been implemented in free software already
  • The protocol is not standard and has no known free software implementation

To find out which protocol your phone uses, it is a good idea to look at the radio log buffer in LineageOS and try to find out from the messages (it may be verbose).
The protocol itself is implemented in the RIL (Radio Interface Layer): it is a good idea to take a look at the non-free RIL the device uses (get its path with getprop rild.libpath). If LineageOS developers have implemented a wrapper for the proprietary RIL, you will get the path of the wrapper. Look at the RIL wrapper source code in the device repo to find out the path to the non-free RIL.

If the modem uses the AT protocol, there are many available RIL implementations out there: Android has a reference-ril (hardware/ril/reference-ril) that implements AT and there is the hayes-ril library that makes it easier for you to add support for your device. Though, it is possible that the modem of your device implements undocumented commands, so you'll have to figure these out: the radio log might help a lot if it's verbose, else you'll have to trace the RIL somehow.

If the protocol is not AT, it might still be supported: the FreeSmartphone.Org (FSO) project implements some undocumented protocols. You can also look at oFono.
If your phone was manufactured by Samsung, there is a very good chance that it uses the Samsung-IPC protocol, which is implemented in libsamsung-ipc and Samsung-RIL. You will need to add support for your device in libsamsung-ipc (Samsung-RIL is device-independent: all the abstraction is done by libsamsung-ipc), which may be more or less easy depending on whether your modem type is already supported. In any case, you'll need to trace the RIL to find out. There may also be a separate daemon (often called cbd) that is in charge of the modem bootup (that's the biggest part you need to figure out), so that's the thing to trace.

If the protocol implementation is nowhere to be found, you'll have to write a free implementation yourself if you want to have free software support for the modem. It's a good idea to ask around whether other people from other communities, such as XDA or LineageOS, would be interested in helping you.

After finding a RIL that may work, add it to the build targets (in the device makefiles) and specify the path to the RIL with rild.libpath (it is often already declared in system.prop in the device repo).

Once the RIL is working, you may need the audio module cooperation to have sound during calls. For instance with Samsung-RIL, you need to use an Audio-RIL-Interface that implements the Samsung-RIL-Socket interface.


When adding support for sensors, look at exactly what you will need to replace. There are several possible scenarios:
  • A complete free sensors module is already available for your device on the tree from LineageOS
  • An incomplete free sensors module is there and it requires a non-free library to fully work
  • The sensors module is non-free

Note that sensors may require daemons aside, such as orientationd, geomagneticd, etc. You will most likely need to replace these as well.

If the implementation is incomplete, you will have to write a replacement for the non-free library that is used.

If there is nothing available, you will have to write a sensors module for you device. You can reuse one from another device and add support for your sensors there.
For instance, here is a reference commit of the SMDK4x12 Sensors module that you may reuse.

Remember to add the working sensors module to the build targets (on the makefiles in the device repo) like it is done on the reference commit.

Figuring out the magic in sensors

When there is no free software for your sensors, you have to figure out: how to enable/disable the sensor and set the poll delay (it's often done via sysfs or via ioctl on a dev node). Reading the kernel-side driver of the sensor is a very good idea, you can add debug prints and force values there. You can also find datasheets about your sensor online, which may help you understanding how it works.

The really big part is to figure out how to convert the values that are out of the device (and generally passed through by the kernel driver) into the standard units that the Android framework requires.
An effective way to do this is to print the values passed by the kernel driver and look what the non-free sensors module returns. Better yet, you can also trace the non-free module and see exactly what it does, though that won't give you the details of the maths involved.

To find out the maths, open a spreadsheet software, then add the matching kernel values and the one out of the non-free module and try to find an equation that gives the values in standard units from the one returned by the kernel driver. For instance, you might find something like (this is for the LSM330DLC accelerometer):

f(x)=0,0095768072 * x 

Once you have this, you may want to find out where that value comes from. In that case, we can see that:

0,0095768072 = 9.80665 / 1024

With 9.80665 being the standard gravity on Earth. Hence, we have:
f(x)=x * GRAVITY_EARTH / 1024

We can guess that 1024 is the resolution of the ADC that provides the sensor value.

Once you have this equation figured out, you're ready to implement this in your free sensors module!


When adding support for the camera, you need to look at what is already there in LineageOS:
  • A camera library with full support is there
  • A camera wrapper is there but needs a non-free library
  • A non-free library is used directly

In the first case, you will only have to adjust the preview format to RGB565 and it may also a good idea to lower the preview frame rate. Depending on whether the library already has code to handle RGB565, the difficulty of doing this will change. Here are reference commits that introduce these changes for the Nexus S: camera: RGB565 preview format
We cannot use YUV formats directly because the Android software EGL implementation used in Replicant does not support it.

If there is a wrapper, you'll need to replace it by an actual camera module that works. Depending on your hardware, there may be different cases:
  • The camera is accessed through V4L2, with custom controls and procedure
  • The camera is accessed through a non-standard interface

In both cases, you'll need to add lots of debug prints to the relevant kernel drivers to figure out how it works. It will be easier if it uses V4L2, as you can already find many implementations of V4L2 out there, but it will very likely need a custom procedure and controls. In the case of a non-standard interface, you are on your own, except if you can find an implementation for a similar interface used on an other device.

Here is a reference commit of the SMDK4x12 Camera module that uses the Samsung FIMC engine. While it uses V4L2, it needs a custom procedure and custom controls to work properly.

Beware: some camera drivers require the cooperation of the GPU (that seems to be the case on OMAP4). In that case, even a free camera module implementation cannot work on Replicant. Camera drivers may also need to load a non-free firmware, that cannot be distributed with Replicant: hence, you must make sure that the driver will use the pre-installed version of the firmware (if any), burnt on the camera chip in the case loading the non-free firmware from the system fails.

Dealing with loaded firmwares

It is very likely that your device requires loaded firmwares for some components of the hardware. These are non-free programs that run separately from the CPU, on other chips. Since Replicant respects its users' freedom, no non-free firmwares are shipped with Replicant. It is possible that LineageOS includes shareable non-free firmwares in its tree: you must remove them.

Sometimes, components will crash (and may restart in an endless loop) when attempting to load a firmware that is not shipped with Replicant: you have to spot the code that loads the firmware and make it properly handle the case where the firmware is not available.

Though, you should keep in mind that some users may want to use that firmware, so you have to make the firmware loading possible. There are some exceptions to this however, especially when this involves blocking a free software alternative (this is the case with OMX media decoding). Moreover, firmwares should always be located under /system/vendor/firmware/ so that they are easy to spot and remove when the user decides to get rid of them (after installing them previously).

For instance, the Wi-Fi firmwares path (often declared in the file) have to be changed with the /system/vendor/firmware prefix. The bluetooth firmware path is often declared in the init files (such as init.herring.rc). Make sure to document the new firmwares locations on the wiki: see the Developer guide.

Dealing with the kernel firmwares

The Linux kernel comes with its own share of firmware: you have to get rid of them too. Mostly, this is about removing the firmwares directory and modifying the Makefile to make it avoid firmwares.
Since the procedure is nearly exactly the same on all kernels, here is a reference commit for the changes to add to Makefile: Get rid of proprietary firmwares and related instructions

Software media decoding

Most of the time, there is a chip dedicated to decoding media files (audio and video) and it very often requires a non-free loaded firmware. Moreover, it prevents software-only solutions from working, so you need to get rid of the libraries (even though they may be free software) that handle hardware media decoding. This is implemented in the OMX and lstagefrighthw libraries. You need to spot and remove these products from the build targets of your device (in the device makefiles).

For reference, here is the commit that removes hardware media decoding on Nexus S (crespo): Disable hardware video encoding/decoding


Not every hardware feature can be supported by Replicant: there are some areas where there is simply no free software available. If this is about a critical component (audio, graphics too slow, telephony) and there is no solution in sight, you might as well consider the port a failure. On the other hand, there are lacks we can leave with, for instance 3D, camera or GPS support: don't let that get in the way of releasing images for your device!

Pushing your work to Replicant repositories

Once your device works, or during the development process (it is recommended to do it as soon as it appears that the port will be successful), you have to push all your work to Replicant repositories.
You need to ask for commit access to our repositories to be allowed to push your work. This means creating the repositories for your device, pushing your work to these and to the other repositories you modified and adding the new repositories to the manifest.

The Developer guide hold all the rules for naming repositories: make sure to act accordingly with these requirements!

The manifest holds the list of the repositories we use in each Replicant version. Its syntax is xml, so it's easy to add your new repositories.

Adding documentation about your device

Once your device is usable, you have to create documentation on the Replicant wiki to let others know about relevant material concerning the device, especially build and installation instructions. This is absolutely required before we can publish any image for your device!

The process is described in the Developer guide.

Updated by dl lud over 5 years ago · 18 revisions

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