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Paul Kocialkowski, 03/15/2013 11:48 AM

Replicant Status

Supported devices

You can find more infos about supported devices on their dedicated pages:

Replicant Status

Replicant 4.0

Hardware support

Device Nexus S Galaxy S Galaxy S2 Galaxy Nexus
2D graphics Working Working Working, fast Working, fast
3D graphics Missing, only very basic Missing, only very basic Missing, only very basic Missing, only very basic
Sound Working Working Working, except bluetooth Working
Telephony Working Working Working Working
Data (3G) Working Working Working Working
WiFi Working, with non-free firmwares Working, with non-free firmwares Working, with non-free firmwares Working, with non-free firmwares
Bluetooth Working, with non-free firmwares Working, with non-free firmwares Working, with non-free firmwares Working, with non-free firmwares
GPS Missing Missing Missing Missing
Sensors Working (light, proximity, accelerometer, gyroscope) Working (light, proximity, accelerometer, magnetic field) Working (light, proximity, accelerometer, gyroscope) Working
Missing (magnetic field, orientation) Missing (orientation) Missing (magnetic field, orientation)
Camera Working Working Working Missing

Software features

Device Nexus S Galaxy S Galaxy S2 Galaxy Nexus
Music Working Working Working Working
Gallery Working Working Working Working
Video playback Working Working Working Working
Photo capture Working Working Working Missing
Video recording Missing Missing Missing Missing

Replicant 2.3

Device Nexus One Nexus S Galaxy S GTA04
2D graphics Working, accelerated Working, fast Working, fast Working, fast
3D graphics Missing, only very basic Missing, only very basic Missing, only very basic Missing, only very basic
Sound Working, with a non-free firmware Working Working Working
Telephony Working, depends on sound Working Working WIP
Data (3G) Should work Working Working Missing
WiFi Working, with a non-free firmware Working, with a non-free firmware Working, with a non-free firmware Missing
Bluetooth Working, with a non-free firmware Working, with a non-free firmware Working, with a non-free firmware Missing
GPS Working, but no AGPS Missing Missing Missing
Accelerometer Working Working Working Missing
Compass Inaccurate Missing Missing Missing
Camera Missing Working, unstable and b&w only Missing N/A

Replicant 2.2

Device HTC Dream HTC Magic Nexus One
2D graphics Working, accelerated Working, accelerated Working, accelerated
3D graphics Missing, only very basic Missing, only very basic Missing, only very basic
Sound Working Working Working, with a non-free firmware
Telephony Working Working, needs testing Working, depends on sound
Data (3G) Broken Broken Broken
WiFi Working, with a non-free firmware Working, with a non-free firmware Working, with a non-free firmware
Bluetooth Working, with a non-free firmware Working, with a non-free firmware Working, with a non-free firmware
GPS Working, but no AGPS Working, but no AGPS Working, but no AGPS
Accelerometer Missing Missing Working
Compass Missing Missing Inaccurate
Camera Missing Missing Missing

Hardware freedom compliance

Device HTC Dream/HTC Magic Nexus One Nexus S Galaxy S Galaxy S2 GTA04 Galaxy Nexus
Bootloader Non-free Non-free Non-free, partially signed Non-free, partially signed? Non-free, perhaps signed Free Non-free, partially signed
Modem firmware Non-free Non-free Non-free Non-free Non-free Non-free Non-free
Modem controls Sound, GPS, CPU RAM, NAND Sound, GPS, CPU RAM, NAND shared memory shared memory Perhaps GPS and shared memory A non-working GPS without antenna None,but the Ducatti microcontrollers uses shared memory(don't load the firmware of the ducati!!!)

Updated by Paul Kocialkowski almost 12 years ago · 70 revisions

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