
Device Dream/Magic
Manufacturer Google/HTC
Release date October 2008
Codename dream_sapphire
Status Unmaintained
Supported models ADP1, G1, Dream, Magic 32B
Latest images Replicant 2.2 0009

Replicant status

Replicant status for the Dream/Magic: ReplicantStatus Replicant 2.2

Status of efforts to replace proprietary libraries, binaries and firmwares: NexusOneProprietary: HTCDreamHTCMagicProprietary

Replicant installation

Replicant installation for the Dream/Magic: DreamMagicInstallation

Replicant build

Replicant build for the Dream/Magic: HTCMagicBuild

Freedom and privacy/security issues

Freedom issues on the Dream/Magic:

Privacy/security issues on the Dream/Magic: DreamMagicPrivacySecurityIssues