

F-Droid will be removed in Replicant 4.0 0004 because it contains many applications that are not FSDG compliant.

Fixing F-droid

As Replicant cannot guarantee to have enough time to dedicate to create an alternate repository, it was decided to do the following.

The only maintenance burden here would be to work with upstream to make sure that the packages are tagged correctly in f-droid data.

In the meantime...

Without an upstream project, each Replicant user would need do the work of reviewing each application she want to use.

As this is very time consuming and would lead to a lot of work duplication, it's best for Replicant to provide some space to share the result of the reviews.

At the same time the reviews would also be tremendously useful to help fixing f-droid data.

FSDG compliant

Application and version Download link Review
RepWiFi FSDG compliant

Not compliant

Application upstream anti-features Issues Upstream status
Yalp * NonFreeNet Yalp is a package manager that is setup to download applications from a repository that is not FSDG compliant * There is no automatic way to deduce that it's not FSDG compliant
* NonFreeNet is only about non-Free network service and not the license of the packages in the repository