



Galaxy Note II (GT-N7100)

Device Galaxy Note II (GT-N7100)
Manufacturer Samsung
Release date September 2012
Codename n7100
Status Maintained
Variants GSM: GT-N7100
Latest images Replicant 6.0 0003

Replicant status

Replicant status for the Galaxy Note II (GT-N7100): ReplicantStatus Replicant 6.0

Replicant installation

To install Replicant on the the Galaxy Note II (GT-N7100), see the RecoveryInstallationWithHeimdall and MinorVersionUpgrade wiki pages.

Replicant usage

Replicant build

Replicant build for the Galaxy Note II (GT-N7100): GalaxyNote2N7100Build

Replicant development


Hardware table

Component Name Source Status
SoC Samsung Exynos 4412 Quad wikipedia Linux kernel support

TODO: complete this hardware table

Software Configuration

Component Name data Status
Bootloader interface ? ? supported by heimdall


WARNING some content may not be the same on your device

PIT Linux name block device mount point partition type Description size or size@location for 16G eMMC
BOOTLOADER mmcblk0boot0, not visible on Replicant 6.0 The bootloader 867.0KiB@0
TZSW The signed TrustZone OS
Not visible
in the PIT
mmcblk0boot1, not visible on Replicant 6.0 empty Unused?
PIT No partition on
Replicant 6.0
on mmcblk0 (use
print-pit to
find the location)
None The PIT partition table
MD5HDR No partition on
Replicant 6.0
on mmcblk0 (use
print-pit to
find the location)
None Used during boot to validate partitions?
BOTA0 mmcblk0p1 None empty2 ? [1]
BOTA1 mmcblk0p2 [1]
EFS mmcblk0p3 /efs ext4 modem data partition (content)
m9kefs1 mmcblk0p4 None empty2 ?
m9kefs2 mmcblk0p5
m9kefs3 mmcblk0p6
PARAM mmcblk0p7 None Bootloader settings? [3]
BOOT mmcblk0p8 None bootimage (mkbootimg) boot.img partition
RECOVERY mmcblk0p9 None bootimage (mkbootimg) recovery partition
RADIO mmcblk0p10 None modem OS partition
TOMBSTONES mmcblk0p11 None Probably used to save crashes
CACHE mmcblk0p12 /cache ext4 cache partition
SYSTEM mmcblk0p13 /system ext4 system partition
HIDDEN mmcblk0p14 /preload ext4 S Note, video and audio files
OTA mmcblk0p15 None empty2 probably only used during OTA updates?
USERDATA mmcblk0p16 /data ext4 data partition

1 Foi the MiB see

2 hexdump -C only gives zeros

3 It's probably the same content than with the GT-I9300 (bootloader settings, etc). See GalaxySIIIGTI9300 for more information.

Freedom and privacy/security issues

Freedom issues on the Galaxy Note II (GT-N7100):

Privacy/security issues on the Galaxy Note II (GT-N7100): GalaxyNote2N7100PrivacySecurityIssues


Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli over 2 years ago · 59 revisions

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