



GalaxyNote2N7105 » History » Revision 10

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Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 02/22/2020 11:35 AM
fix some more variant names

Galaxy Note II 4G (GT-N7105)

Device Galaxy Note II 4G (GT-N7105)
Manufacturer Samsung
Release date None as this model is not supported yet
Codename n7105
Status The GT-N7105 is not supported yet
Supported models
Latest images

Replicant status

While that device is Very similar to the Galaxy Note II (GT-N7100), some peripherals are wired differently on the two boards, and the two boards have different cellular modems.

Replicant 6.0

To get partially supported by Replicant 6.0 we can either:
  • validate that the device boots with the GT-N7100 images. The downside is that the images would have support for libsamsung-ipc that could probably be disabled after boot, but it would make the installation instructions more complicated than they should be.
  • Building images for it without libsamsung-ipc. That would be better. Ideally we could also look if the ofono ril has some support for its modem and the one for the Galaxy SIII 4G (I9305).

For Replicant 9

As it uses the same dts as the GT-N7100, it might just be possible to make an image without modem support for it, however the GT-N7100 also need to be added in Replicant 9, which requires to port (and upstream!) some display drivers.

Replicant installation

  • TODO: Verify if we can install Replicant it

Replicant usage

Replicant build


Replicant development

  • See the the UART page for the information on how to get a very early boot console.


Hardware table

Component Name Source Status
SoC Samsung Exynos 4412 Quad wikipedia Linux kernel support

TODO: complete this hardware table

Software Configuration

Component Name data Status
Bootloader interface ? ? supported by heimdall
  • GalaxyNote2N7105Pit: Galaxy Note II (GT-N7105) PIT (a partition table)
  • system fstab: TODO
  • recovery fstab: TODO



Freedom and privacy/security issues

Freedom issues on the Galaxy Note II 4G (N7105):

Privacy/security issues on the Galaxy Note II 5G (N7105): GalaxyNote2N7105PrivacySecurityIssues

Updated by Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli almost 5 years ago · 10 revisions

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