Galaxy Note 8.0 (N51xx) Installation¶
Warning: installing an operating system, such as Replicant, may void your device's warranty and will erase the data stored on the device.
In order to install Replicant on your device, it is assumed that you have a computer running a GNU/Linux operating system and everything necessary available to connect your device to the computer through USB. Moreover, it is assumed that anyone performing the installation knows how to use a terminal and has basic knowledge about command line commands.
Downloading the files¶
The first step in the installation process is to download and set up the files that will be used to install Replicant to the device. The files must be downloaded on your computer first.
1. Find out what the latest image is: check out the Last image
part of the general table on GalaxyNote80N51xx
2. Download all the files listed for the device (including the checksum and the signatures) on ReplicantImages for the latest image
2. Make sure you have added the Replicant release key to your GPG keyring
3. Check the signature of the files:
gpg --armor --verify path/to/ path/to/
gpg --armor --verify path/to/ path/to/
gpg --armor --verify path/to/recovery-n5100.img.asc path/to/recovery-n5100.img
gpg --armor --verify path/to/recovery-n5110.img.asc path/to/recovery-n5110.img
4. Make sure the check succeeds, do not install anything if it doesn't!
5. Check the checksum of the files:
sha256sum -c n5100.sha256
sha256sum -c n5110.sha256
6. Make sure the check succeeds, do not install anything if it doesn't!
Installing heimdall¶
The heimdall tool is required to flash the recovery image to the device.
Instructions to install heimdall: ToolsInstallation
Copying the files to the device¶
There are two means of pushing the system zip to the device:- Using the storage of the device
- Using the ADB tool to perform sideload
Using the storage of the device¶
You can either complete this step by using the device's internal storage or by using an external microSD card.
Using the internal storage¶
1. Make sure the device is started up and has an Android system running
2. Connect the USB cable to both the computer and the device
3. Enable USB mass storage on the device
4. Mount the mass storage on the computer
5. Copy the
file at the origin of the mass storage
6. Safely unmount the mass storage on the computer
7. Disable USB mass storage on the device
Using a microSD card¶
1. Connect the microSD card to the computer (e.g. using an USB card reader)
2. Mount the microSD card on the computer
3. Copy the
file at the origin of the microSD card
4. Safely unmount the microSD card on the computer
5. Disconnect the microSD card from the computer
6. Insert the microSD card in the device (make sure it is turned off before inserting the card)
Installing ADB¶
Instructions to install ADB: ToolsInstallation
Preparing the device¶
The next step in the installation process is to prepare the device for heimdall mode.
1. Make sure the device is completely turned off and the USB cable is disconnected from the device
2. Start the device by holding the following key combination: Volume down, Select, Power
3. Hold the key combination until the device shows a Warning message
4. Confirm that you want to download a custom OS (using volume up)
5. Make sure the device is in Downloading mode
4. Connect the USB cable to both the computer and the device
Installing the images¶
Now that both the computer and the device are set up, it is time to actually install the images to the device.
1. Install the recovery image to the device:
heimdall flash --BOOT path/to/recovery-n5100.img --RECOVERY path/to/recovery-n5100.img
heimdall flash --BOOT path/to/recovery-n5110.img --RECOVERY path/to/recovery-n5110.img
2. Make sure the device reboots to recovery
Data wipe¶
A data wipe is necessary if you switch from the factory image or a different Android distribution to Replicant. You also need to do a data wipe when upgrading to a new major release (e.g. from Replicant 4.2 to Replicant 6.0). Only when updating to a new minor release (e.g. from Replicant 6.0 0001 to Replicant 6.0 0002), a data wipe is usually not required.
3. Select Factory reset
4. Select Wipe data (keep media)
5. Confirm the data wipe by selecting Yes
6. Press the back key (if necessary) to get back to the general menu
7. Select Apply update
Using the storage of the device¶
Using the internal storage¶
8. Select Choose from emulated
9. Select the system zip: or
Note: if your device was running Android 4.2 and later, it may be located in the 0 directory
10. Confirm the installation
Using a microSD card¶
8. Select Choose from sdcard1
9. Select the system zip: or
Note: if your device was running Android 4.2 and later, it may be located in the 0 directory
10. Confirm the installation
Using ADB sideload¶
8. Select Apply from ADB
9. Back to the host computer, load the system zip with sideload:
adb sideload path/to/
adb sideload path/to/
10. Make sure the file is being transfered
Completing the installation¶
11. Press the back key (if necessary) to get back to the general menu
If you did the data wipe after step 2, you will need to do a factory reset as well:
12. Select Factory reset
13. Select Full factory reset
14. Confirm the factory reset by selecting Yes
15. Press the back key (if necessary) to get back to the general menu
16. Select Reboot system now to reboot the device
Your device should now be running Replicant!
Updated by Wolfgang Wiedmeyer over 7 years ago · 2 revisions