


GalaxyNoteGTN7000 » History » Revision 23

Revision 22 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 03/07/2020 05:02 PM) → Revision 23/28 (Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli, 05/18/2020 12:13 AM)

h1. Galaxy Note (GT-N7000) 


 |/9. !galaxynote.png! | *Device* | Galaxy Note (GT-N7000) | 
 | *Manufacturer* | Samsung | 
 | *Release date* | October 2011 | 
 | *Codename* | @n7000@ | 
 | *Status* | Maintained | 
 | *Variants* | GSM: GT-N7000 | 
 | *Latest images* | [[ReplicantImages#Replicant-60-0003-images|Replicant 6.0 0003]] | 

 h2. Replicant status 

 Replicant status for the Galaxy Note (GT-N7000): [[ReplicantStatus#Replicant-60|ReplicantStatus Replicant 6.0]] 

 h2. Replicant installation 

 To install Replicant on the the Galaxy Note (GT-N7000), see the [[RecoveryInstallationWithHeimdall]] and [[MinorVersionUpgrade]] wiki pages. 

 h2. Replicant usage 

 * Galaxy Note (GT-N7000) compass calibration: [[GalaxyNoteN7000CompassCalibration]] 

 h2. Replicant build 

 Replicant build for the Galaxy Note (N7000): [[GalaxyNoteN7000Build]] 

 h2. Replicant development 

 * Galaxy Note (GT-N7000) UART: [[GalaxyNoteN7000UART]] 

 h2. Freedom and privacy/security issues 

 * Proprietary hardware 
 * Proprietary firmwares, some of which have to be loaded by the system:    [[GalaxyNoteN7000LoadedFirmwares]] 
 * Proprietary modem system 
 * Proprietary bootrom 
 * Proprietary and signed bootloader: [[GalaxyNoteN7000Bootloader]] 

 Privacy/security issues on the Galaxy Note (GT-N7000): [[GalaxyNoteN7000PrivacySecurityIssues]] 

 h2. Research 

 h3. Hardware table 

 |_. Component |_. Name |_. Source |_. Status | 
 | SoC | Samsung Exynos 4210 | Linux kernel | Linux kernel support | 
 | GPU | Mali 400 | | Linux kernel support, proprietary userspace| 
 | Audio Codec | Yamaha MC1N2 | Linux kernel | Linux kernel support (ALSA), free userspace: Yamaha-MC1N2-Audio/Tinyalsa-Audio | 
 | Modem | XMM6260 | Linux kernel | Free userspace implementation: [[Samsung-RIL]]/[[libsamsung-ipc]] | 
 | Wi-Fi | BCM4330 | Linux kernel | Linux kernel support, proprietary loaded firmware | 
 | Bluetooth | BCM4330 | Linux kernel | Linux kernel support, proprietary loaded firmware | 
 | NFC | PN544 | Linux kernel | Linux kernel support | 
 | GPS | BCM4751 | CyanogenMod blob | Proprietary userspace, no free implementation: [[BCM4751]] | 
 | Accelerometer | K3DH | Linux kernel | Linux kernel support, free userspace | 
 | Compass | AKM8975 | Kernel sources | Linux kernel support, free userspace | 
 | Camera | M5MO/S5K5BAFX | Linux kernel | Linux kernel support, free userspace | 

 h3. Software Configuration 

 * [[GalaxyNoteN7000Pit]]: Galaxy Note (GT-N7000) PIT (a partition table) 

 h4. Partitions 

 WARNING some content may not be the same on your device 

 |_. PIT |_. Linux name |_. mount point |_. partition type |_. block device |_. Description | 
 | KERNEL | EFS | /efs/ | ext4 | mmcblk0p1 |    modem data partition ([[GT-N7000EFSContent|content]]) | 
 |\2. KERNEL | None | zImage | mmcblk0p5 | boot partition, See [[IsorecRecoveryIssue]] for more details | 
 |\2. | RECOVERY | RECOVERY | None | zImage | mmcblk0p6 | recovery partition, See [[IsorecRecoveryIssue]] for more details |